Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 355 Dragon God Goes To Battle! ! Heavenly Temple Legion! (2 More)

The God of Light and the Goddess of Luck are both old-fashioned gods in the Temple of Heaven.

Both of them are also main fighters.

And has its own small faction.

They have made considerable contributions to the external expansion of the Temple of Heaven.

Especially the God of Light, he strongly advocates external expansion, and he also collects information on many other civilizations.

Lady Luck, on the other hand, has made ignorant contributions in reforming the interior and allocating resources.

Many marginalized races have come to today step by step thanks to her support.

But this time, many gods were quite dissatisfied with the behavior of the two.

"Goddess of Luck, didn't you say that we will give support immediately after we are ready, and then lead everyone to the battle?"

A god with flaming horns on his head said, "But...we've been waiting here for almost a day!"

"And you don't have an explanation for "440" either!"

His home planet is already very close to the area where the slave owners appeared last time.

So this god is in a hurry!

If they don't unite again, let alone fighting, the first thing he has to consider is to preserve his own strength and move to the home planet to escape!

"The God of Light is the same. It's not your turn to send people to garrison our area. If you have that time, please bring your elite troops and attack more!"

There are also gods who speak and express their dissatisfaction with the God of Light.

According to his previous temper, the God of Light must have resented him directly.

But this time, make it a little bigger!

To be honest, he was very worried. The next direction of the gods directly determined the outcome of his betrayal.

Therefore, he sat there leisurely and did not answer the conversation.

Just wait for Lady Luck to quibble first.

This, he also knows now, turned out to be a terrifying and mysterious ancient god!

People like this are all there at this moment, but they are secretly standing on the same front as him.

I don't know... what condition Chen Mo offered her.

In short, no matter what, the heart is not in the Temple of Heaven, and failure is inevitable.

"Asgard, don't be impulsive, the goddess of luck has her own considerations, and luck is not so effective when you say it.

The elf goddess spoke to persuade her.

With her beautiful face, she is incompatible with the appearance of other gods.

Clearly, she was in the minority, firmly on the side of Lady Luck.

As for Lady Luck's plans, I have already vaguely communicated with her, so naturally she won't say anything.


"I'm impulsive?"

The flame above the head of the god known as Asgard burned more and more fiercely.

"If it weren't for your incompetence in command, would the Temple of Heaven be reduced to this point?"

"I don't know what you are afraid of. Let's go together. There are so many gods. Even if the other party has a billion trillion legion, we will clear it!"

"Then what star-class warship, can it stop me?"

"In my opinion, there is no need to shrink back. Aren't you just afraid of those slave owners who will find stronger slave owners and escalate the war?

Let me tell you, their strong men are not idle!

The information I got shows that they suffered heavy losses in a recent battle, and dozens of powerful star gods even fought together!"

At this time, the dragon god also spoke.

"We don't panic at all, no one cares about us, you don't understand the actions of Star Soul World at all!"

"As long as we don't completely defeat the slave owners in this area, the war will not escalate. The slave owners have their so-called honor. This kind of stupid behavior makes them always send out opponents who they think are evenly matched in an area."

His words boomed.

Many gods' eyes lit up.

As an unwelcome cosmic being, the Dragon God could not get along here at first, but now that the Heavenly God Temple is in the situation, he can speak freely and move around.

We are also invited to come and work together!

But there is also something that makes him very dissatisfied, that is, these gods, as always, shrink back.

If they were all as brave as their cosmic beings, they would have smashed through the Star Soul world front and crushed that Chen Mo into powder!

"Dragon God, since you are so confident, do you dare to fight?"

The God of Wisdom glanced at Lady Luck and said.

Now, his research is nearing completion.

It's true!

"Why don't you dare, the God of Light is so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, then let me come and give me the command!"

The dragon god is domineering.

Of course, he also has his own little calculations in mind, and this wave doesn't even need to be really successful.

With the full support of the Temple of Heaven, his believers can all be armed [strength soars!

This is not the territory of China, it doesn't matter if it is broken.

Anyway, do it!

As for the danger, huh... It's not like he hasn't fought Chen Mo before... 0

Naturally know the opponent's means.

Speaking of this, who knows the slave owners best, he is naturally a cosmic being with a lot of news and wandering around the major galaxies and forces!

"Give me 50 gods, and on the first day, I will destroy Chen Mo's starship."

"The next day, directly destroy the opponent's theater."

"There is nothing I can do in the future. My purpose is to kill Chen Mo. The rest has nothing to do with me. I will leave with the loot. I will have 70% of the loot alone. How about it?

The dragon god opened its mouth wide.


The God of Wisdom made a decision directly.

At this time, he could also see that the powerhouses in the Temple of Heaven were all shy, and they might have their own plans in private.

Of course, he has too.

So I didn't bother to say anything, let the Dragon God take those gods who still wanted to fight, go up and touch them, it won't matter if you win, and it doesn't matter if you lose, he will just appear on the stage at that time, and the world will turn around!

By the way, integrate the scattered temples of gods one by one.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being excited.

"Okay! Let's all sign the contract! In the name of the Dragon God, I will make Chen Mo pay the price!"

Dragon God spoke immediately.

"it is good!"



For a time, many gods responded.

It didn't take long for the Dragon God to count the army of hundreds of millions.

This is the elite of the Temple of Heaven!

Plus his own 100,000 cosmic beings, and 1.71 million servants.

Looking at the past, it is boundless and powerful!

On Chen Mo's side, as the dragon god led the legion to set off, he got the information immediately.

Because there is no support from the God of Light and the Goddess of Luck, the Dragon God's army has been reduced to 60 gods compared to the original 100 gods.

But also extremely scary.


Chen Mo couldn't help but rubbed his hands excitedly.

"So many gods!"

Ashe's eyes widened, her heart beating faster.

As for the Star Soul World, many Star Soul Masters who sent spies and elite infiltration teams also realized that something was wrong.

Large swaths of areas, began to lose intelligence.

There is an invisible force that is advancing rapidly.

The target is the Fortress that has just completed the leap and is about to attack a planet!.

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