Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 356: The Gods Gather! War! Chen Mo's Trap (1 More)

"Mobile immediately!"

"Ready to send resources, Resource Fortress!"

Ashe reacted quickly and immediately issued an order.

But it was stopped by Chen Mo.

"No hurry, let them all come out and talk."

"We have the Dark Sky, which is a nearly invincible defense.

The opportunity that Chen Mo had been waiting for finally appeared, and he must maximize his benefits.

Now is not the time yet.

On Lady Luck's side, there are still backhands.

Especially the God of Light, who usually acts recklessly, with him taking the lead in acting, it seems that the Dragon God seems to have the upper hand here.

Then he pretended to come over to pick up a bargain.

It will definitely drive the rest of the gods to come together!

Are 60 gods too many?


But what Chen Mo wants is everything!

After listening to Chen Mo's amazing plan.

Ashe couldn't help but widen her eyes, a little worried.

"There are so many gods, if they attack together, even if the damage is not as powerful as the fortress, it is enough to break through our defense. After all, the fortress is too big, and the gods only need a small gap to break in."

As strong as the Bastion, even the Holy Terra that can create cannon fodder infinitely, there is no second.

If it is destroyed, 30 is really hurting.

This is the real highest combat power, and it is also an entire mobile base.

Without the Fortress, all follow-up battle plans will be invalidated.

It has to be said that the Dragon God's judgment is still very accurate. As long as the Fortress is defeated, the Star Soul World will have absolutely no threatening combat power in a short period of time.

Chen Mo nodded and agreed: "Indeed."

"However, I'm not arrogant enough to fight alone. This time, as long as all the gods come, I don't need to covertly spread the infection in the area they originally suppressed and purified. It only takes a few minutes to spread to the entire planet."

"By the time the gods react, the entire control area of ​​the Temple of Heaven is already under my control."

"Moreover, the God of Light and the Goddess of Luck will also recruit people. They may not help, but just watching them is enough to make many gods dare not do anything."

"What's more, they can bear to collect some spoils?"

You must know that the most precious wealth of the gods is often placed in their own space equipment.

Every god is comparable to a mobile treasure house.

Catch one and post it.

If one is killed, the golden mountain and silver mountain that will burst out can make people feel refreshed!

"At that time, two of their high-level gods will make trouble, and we can easily separate and kill the rest of the gods!"

spirit to eternity

But that's only in theory.

In the actual process, they are always killed for various reasons.

And Chen Mo has been continuously polishing after such a long time. The evolved Bastion is a living super universe life form.

It is really suitable for dealing with gods.

Speaking of which... from the very beginning, Chen Mo hoped to use this weapon against Dragon God.

The dragon god is a life in the universe, and it is also huge in size.

However...compared with the Bastion, his proud figure and the energy contained in it are not worth mentioning.

The Bastion sent his descendants on the road, and after a few months, it just happened to send the Dragon God on the road.

The family must be tidy!

"Besides, on our side, there are actually quite a few gods, and soon there will even be an intermediate god!"

Chen Mo counted his strength and couldn't help being satisfied.

He currently has a low-level god in his hand, plus the sun god and the plague god who surrendered!

It is naturally too difficult for them to fight against the Legion of Gods, but it is more than enough to cooperate with the backhand Bastion!

"Olan is so powerful, I never thought that now, I would have the opportunity to advance to the middle-level god, and I really want to become so powerful.

Ashe naturally understood who the mid-level god Chen Mo was talking about.

Very envious!

It's a pity that although her talent is strong, it can't compare with Lan.

I just hope that in the future, the gap will not be too large.

If in case the master has more and more useful and powerful helpers.

Then she has the right hand and right arm, is it okay?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Master~ We can't be strong forever."

"But the master can. Maybe in the future, the master will meet more and more powerful loyal helpers."

Saying that, Ashe couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Chen Mo:...

Can something that has not happened yet be so resentful?

"Don't worry, I'll make the best use of everyone here."

"Besides, Holy Terra has developed so far, where have you not shed your sweat?"

"You, along with the Erin sisters, and many more of the rest of the mermaids, have played a huge role.

"There is no need to worry about this kind of thing. The way of evolution is endless. You will follow me and continue to grow. It is easy to break through the shackles of race!"

"Believe me, in a short time, when all the knowledge is sorted out, your whole family can go one step further."

Chen Mo said confidently.

After all, no matter which race it is, the foundation is the mushroom race.

Creep spreads, mushrooms grow, make up everything.

The foundation keeps improving, as the other races of the ship, it is difficult not to keep rising!

"I will definitely work hard!"

"I want to follow the glory of the master and walk all over the universe!"

Ashe smiled and narrowed her eyes.

It was a little cute.

If the rest of the people saw it, they would definitely be shocked, as they did not have the majestic and mature side of the Queen at all.

"I will also become a high-level god one day!"

"Just like the source, even surpassing her!"

Unusual, Ai 720 patted his chest and bragged.

The master gave her a strong confidence.

In Chen Mo's words, she is extremely trustworthy, if she says yes, then she can!

"you can."

Chen Mo said with a smile.

Who would deny that their assistant is strong and capable?

As the two talked, the front line of the Fortress, the situation of the battle has changed.

The terrifying Requiem was launched.

A black beam of light swept past, and where it passed, there were pieces of warships and the Temple of Heaven Legion in disorder.

Floating in space, out of business.

This blow was extremely terrifying.

It is indeed a super weapon in the Star Soul world.

With just one blow, more than one million legion elites were killed.

However... this blow did not hit any of the gods.

Gods are not huge planets, they move extremely fast, except for light speed weapons, it is almost impossible to hit them remotely.

For a while, the tense Heavenly Temple Legion, despite the huge loss, relaxed instead.

As the Bastion enters the charging state.

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, the hunter knocked out the only shotgun bullet.

All the gods sneered.

They, the regiment, are the force of this attack!

But at this moment,

Another large space crack opened.

More gods in the Temple of Heaven are coming!.

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