Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 357 Dragon God? Just A Big Lizard! Full Body Bastion, Unfold! (2 More)

"What are you doing here?"

"I have full command of this battle!"

Dragon God was already ecstatic.

But after seeing the other half of the gods that appeared, his face immediately turned cold.


The next moment, the terrifying space rift was torn open.

An extremely huge dragon emerged from it.

When he got angry, the dragon god came directly to the body.

At this moment, the space above his claws cracked, and he really wanted to go down with his claws and catch the god who came to follow the follower to death.

Director group garbage is really annoying,

Seeing the size of the situation, they all ran to pick up the bargain!

However, looking at the God of Light and the Goddess of Luck, he didn't dare to do it in the end.

"Hmph! Booty me 7!"

He emphasized again.

Originally, he was just here for revenge, but when the matter developed to this point, the benefits were already great.

Not to mention anything else, just how the other party imitated Neisser's core is a natural benefit.

If he can figure out this secret, he can make a fortune wherever he goes in the future!

It doesn't matter, it can pull up a much larger cosmic life army than it is now.

As for the subsequent siege of the Tianshen Temple by the Star Soul World, hehe.... These idiots deserve it!

Anyway, after packing up Chen Mo today and looting the loot, he left immediately!

The longer you stay in this area, the more dangerous it becomes.

It's a pity that the bunch of trash behind him didn't understand this, and they were still thinking about grabbing the spoils from him.

"Everyone has it, attack!"

He ordered directly.

The elite army of the Temple of Heaven was ordered to charge immediately, and the overwhelming warships also began to unfold.

There were huge arms that began to be mounted.

Of course, these are atmosphere groups.

The gods themselves don't care too much, what they pay attention to is the rest of the gods who are also gods!

The crowd formed a group of ten people, and started to kill the huge and terrifying giant monster from different directions.

"Let's do it."

Chen Mo didn't stop Ashe, let her give the order.

The next moment, the entire area began to grow gravitational cores one by one.

There are also countless gravitational cores that have been manufactured in advance, and they are sent to a distance of 100,000 kilometers around.

Numerous ghost cannons are also in place.

As long as there are rifts that want to open, they will swarm up, making the rifts distorted and unable to pass through.

The entire area is prohibited from teleportation!

The gods either flew out, or tried to resist the attack, and then tore open the space with all their strength.

Is there such an opportunity?


Right now!

But none of the gods flinched.

Some gods were even so excited that they had already reached the edge of the dark sky.

The giant sword artifact in his hand burst out with terrifying energy,

He only needs one sword, and he is sure to defeat the black light curtain in front of him!

However, the gods that appeared on the other side of the light curtain surprised him suddenly.

Get back quickly!

"It's you! Sun God々||!"

"You.... unexpectedly joined Chen Mo!!"

The god holding the giant sword looked terrified.

Through the mother star of the sun god, they naturally have a way to know that the sun god is not dead.

But the opponent was almost intact, and then stood opposite him, which is completely unimaginable.

It is too difficult to make a god surrender.

Thinking of the possible abilities behind it, the god couldn't help but feel terrified.

He felt that it was a good idea to come to attack this time and say that he had to.

However, the closer you get to the fortress, the more stable the space is, and it's too late to escape now.


The sun god looked cold.

"He actually called out the great divine will!"

"Die to me!"

The Sun God didn't hesitate at all, and rushed out directly, fighting fiercely with the opponent.

Terrifying rays of light burst out, as if nuclear explosions were constantly happening!

For a time, many gods were a little confused.

What the hell is...who is attacking whom?

"court death!"

There are more gods rushing up to besiege the sun god, 3 vs 1!

Soon, the sun god was overwhelmed.

But the opponent has no fear.

After all, if you don't die, who would be afraid?

On the contrary, because of letting go of everything and fighting without fear, the sun god has a faint tendency to break through!

"I am the sun!"

He snorted coldly, his whole body shone with light, and the surrounding space was filled with blazing flames.

That's it?

A huge shadow approached.

With a pinch of the sharp claws, the sun field opened by the sun god was directly shattered, and his own arm was also instantly shattered.

As a high-level god, the dragon god is also a life in the universe, far more powerful than ordinary gods!

"I'm just trying to get your attention."

"You lizard."

Sun God sneered.

Around, gods like him, there are 7 more!

"Giant lizard?"

Dragon God was taken aback for a moment.

He is a majestic and powerful god, and even a powerful cosmic life. When did he get in touch with the lizard?

But at this moment, he didn't have time to pay attention to this weak god who offended him.

Because, I suddenly felt a terrifying force, which was rapidly forming, as if it had been prepared long ago!

He was startled and hurriedly dodged away.


A terrifying beam of light spewed out from the thick tentacles of the Bastion without warning.

The light beam did not dissipate, and quickly condensed into a giant sword.

With a light sweep of the giant sword, the two gods who were unable to dodge in time directly collided with the edge of the sword, and a terrifying explosion sounded instantly, and the powerful energy directly smashed the two gods into powder

The giant sword is too big, even if it is the edge of the sword, it looks like a mountain when it is pressed down!

Mana Judgment, Holy Calendar Opened!

The mana heart and Neisser core of the entire Bastion burst out with full energy.

And with the emergence of the magic power ruling, a suitable environment appeared, and a large number of evil spirits could be bred.

Ghost Cannon, fully activated!

The next moment, the Bastion brandishing ten huge swords, surrounded by endless black twisted evil spirits, appeared in front of everyone.

This is the complete fortress, the complete calendar area!

One sword is enough to kill (okay) a junior god!

Of course, the Bastion is not only capable of such clumsy attacks.

The more terrifying materialistic attack can make the gods feel like returning to the original dark forest!

々Be careful——!!"

Before the Dragon God had time to panic, he quickly opened his mouth to remind.

However, it was too late.

Compared with the tentacles of the Bastion that are longer than the planet, the moving speed of the general gods is simply tortoise speed.

There are a large number of cosmic beings, who dodge in no hurry, and are caught by a huge tentacle, and countless suckers on the tentacle squirm.

These material extraction devices can easily dry up a satellite.

At this moment, gently inhale these huge cosmic beings.

Visible to the naked eye, large pieces of flesh and blood disappeared immediately, and then, the metal-hard skull, like flowing water, was attracted and swallowed.

For a time, many gods were terrified.

This...what the hell is a monster!.

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