Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 358: The Prey Enters The Cage, Just Open It Up! Magic Can Judge! (1 More)

"Evil... evil god!!"

The Dragon God's eyes fell on the Bastion waving its tentacles.

The eyes are terrified.

At this time, the eyes on the Bastion also opened.

tens of thousands of eyes

These are all technologies from Dragon God.

It also made Dragon God feel a vaguely familiar yet strange sense of fear.

Countless wriggling tentacles, huge suction cups, and... are obviously abilities from the rest of the gods, but there is no trace of splicing.


The Bastion, which was completely stretched out, looked like a terrifying monster, and a large amount of "darkness" continued to permeate, and soon, it covered the light of the stars.


This is the first feeling of Dragon God.


This is the feeling of Dragon God after careful observation.

Then, he was shocked and horrified.

" could a terrifying creature of this level submit to you!"

"No! This is actually the race you cultivated!"

"Artificial Evil God!!"

As a high-level god, Dragon God has amazing powers of observation and is not as frightened as other gods, so he noticed that a large number of creatures, like green-skinned orcs, grew directly from the huge tentacles of the evil god.

Like... conceived from flesh and blood, one body 620?

So he immediately had a new guess.

The answer is pretty close to being correct.

Unfortunately, there is no reward.

Instead, it made him even more flustered.

Because, as the god who claims to know the slave owners best among the gods, it is not bragging.

He has come into contact with many gods who were driven away by the slave owners, and has also absorbed many of them who fled.

Coupled with the secret use of minions to collect information, he is very clear about the growth cycle of newcomers in the Star Soul world.

Generally speaking, within a year, those who can condense the star soul are geniuses.

Within ten years, the one who can condense the star soul is a genius master.

But... 2 months, that's too much!

In just two months, they have raised terrifying monsters that can fight against high-level gods!

What is this concept??

He couldn't make a comparison.

The first time he heard about the advancement speed of the slave owners in the Star Soul World, he thought it was too exaggerated.

As for Chen Mo, this is no longer an exaggeration.

"No... Absolutely impossible!"

he muttered to himself.

Long Kanbaru didn't even know about Chen Mo, and even, because of the information from the gods, he was a little bit timid.

But after (daej) figured it out, he found that it was only big enough to compete against most mid-level gods.

And it is very difficult to fight against one.

Unexpectedly, right now, it is enough to instantly kill a junior divine eye!!

"This is exaggerated! It must be a trap!!"

The more Dragon God thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

If the other party can be so terrifying for two months, then it has little to do with the world itself, right?

Didn't he live on a dog for tens of millions of years?

He traversed the sea of ​​stars, rising from his mother planet Jitian, until now, with tens of billions of believers, and among countless life forms in the universe, his name has been spread, what kind of terrifying life form "he has never seen before.

Well, before today, he thought so.

If someone tells him that a slave owner can start from scratch and produce a super terrifying cosmic life in 2 months. This life holds a magic weapon and continuously hatches to produce all kinds of terrible creatures, like an infinite nest of flesh and blood, Also has almost unlimited energy.

His backhand is about to give the opponent a big punch!

But he never dreamed, what the hell, this stuff really exists!

right now in front of him,

In front of him, the bodies of the two primary gods were almost destroyed!

And he himself was almost injured.

Not only him, but all the gods in the Temple of Heaven who were present were also shocked.

"Sure enough... this is a trap."

"And I, unexpectedly, will become a prey one day."

"What's even more frightening is that I didn't expect the deadliest part of this trap to come from behind."

Dragon God looked around.

at this time,

The number of gods gathering around him has decreased a lot.

As for the other two places, the gods who are slowly moving away from here are particularly dazzling.

Although these two gods were besieged by groups of monsters, they did not suffer any attacks.

Among them, the goddess of luck is even more smiling, admiring her beautiful fingernails.

For a moment, his heart sank to the bottom.

"Misunderstanding! Everything is a misunderstanding!"

"I was just bewitched by the Temple of Heaven!"

"Powerful slave owners, you don't want to suffer losses because of this, right? I'm going to lead my men away from the entire star area. The Temple of Heaven is too useless. I will give you all the control area here!

We don't know each other, there's no need to continue fighting, make friends, and we can avoid losses!"

Dragon God's reaction is also extremely fast.

Ask him to sacrifice his life?

That is impossible!

It is even more impossible to sell it!

Taking advantage of not causing any damage to Star Soul World, he was going to flee immediately.

If it doesn't work, sell these gods.

"It doesn't matter if you misunderstand or not, don't leave when you come!"

"Goddess of Luck, God of Light, what are you doing in a daze, why don't you make a move!"

Ashe said loudly.

These two still want to watch a play?

How can this be!


"You group of insects! It's a great blessing to have you here!"

Co-authoring is the god of wisdom, who is a fool, and is played around by you!

For a moment, the gods who didn't know what was going on were all scared to pee.

After looking at Illuminati and Luck, each retorts.

The gods in their small circle even made martial arts cards.

The next moment, the whole scene was in chaos.

"Don't worry!"

"Everyone, don't panic! Don't get me wrong!"

Seeing this scene, Dragon God's face turned green.

However, he is an outsider, and when he was single-minded, he was still able to control the Temple of Heaven. Now, it is true that no one listens to him at all, and some people try to make peace.

Someone tried to kneel and beg to join Lady Luck.

Some people don't say anything, just go straight to it!

This is a temple of heaven!

Seeing this scene, Dragon God despaired, his side was originally the strongest, but in a few words it fell apart!

"Either turn into fuel in the mouth of the fortress, or join the glorious evolution!"

"You have no third choice!"

After Ashe finished speaking, she directly signaled the gods on her side to do it.

In an instant, the scene became even more chaotic.

And the most terrifying war machine, the Bastion, also started immediately.

The target he wants to kill is Dragon God!

As for the other gods, they were all Timotou who were killed along the way!


Magic Judgment!

A one-time artifact formed by advanced knowledge, the power is amazing!


This time, the Dragon God couldn't avoid it, so he could only fight hard.

The terrifying impact caused the entire Mana Judgment to shatter directly, and the terrifying energy spread to the surroundings, and the life in the universe it touched exploded into blood mist one after another.

But Dragon God was blown away and crushed into the planet behind him.

The next moment, the planet shook violently, and a mushroom cloud that spread to the entire planet rose. .

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