Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 359 Joint Attack! Get Rich For Two! (2 More)


"Get out..."


Before the dragon myth was finished, there was a brand new condensed magic power ruling, which had already slammed into the planet fiercely.

next moment,

The entire planet exploded directly.

Hit with all your strength, starburst!

"Do not!!"

The Dragon God couldn't believe it. This blow directly caused him to be severely injured. He was proud of the scales that can absorb energy, and their resistance to this kind of attack is actually limited!

What's even more frightening is that with such a ferocious attack, the opponent doesn't need to breathe at all.


another blow,

This time, his incomparably powerful shield was torn apart.

A dragon claw was cut off.

What's more frightening is that the opponent's attack seems to be extremely restrained to him.

I don't know why, but according to his judgment, the damage should not be so exaggerated!

The few attacks just now were nothing more than blasting the elementary gods!

He grew more and more frightened.

Facing the unknown, even high-level gods would feel guilty.

Dragon God didn't know that Chen Mo had already collected a lot of his genes in order to deal with him.

Therefore, he is extremely restrained.

Not to mention, the follow-up Dragon God also sent 2 artifacts, one is a dragon scale and the other is a dragon claw.

His original intention was to be used by minions to increase their power, and at the same time as a token.

Unexpectedly, these things fell into the hands of Chen Mo, which in turn became a deadly weapon to analyze him and constantly restrain him!

This is the benefit of devouring evolution.

Either defeat Chen Mo the first time you meet, or run away quickly.

Because the more contact you have, the higher the probability that Chen Mo will evolve corresponding restraints!

Until a crushing situation is formed!

"Do it.

Chen Mo spoke to Lady Luck.

In this battle, if there is any variable to be honest, it is the goddess of luck. The opponent can choose to save the dragon god, or help him suppress the other gods.

Of course, you can also run away cleanly and snatch the God of Wisdom away.

But what made Chen Mo happy was that the other party cooperated very well.

The next moment, seeing the goddess of luck making a move, the God of Light didn't care at all.

For a moment, the roles reversed.

It was originally the gods besieging the fortress, but now it has been replaced by the gods plus the fortress, besieging the dragon god.

Of course, the Goddess of Luck and the God of Light came over later, and the gods who wanted to take advantage of it all cried.

They had just stood by and watched, nothing happened, and they could even run away immediately when they heard the movement here.

But greedy!

No one knew that it would be so dangerous if the three high-level gods came together!

In the blink of an eye, the two gods jumped back!

"Woooo...don't hit, it's going to kill you!"

"Let's unite and fight against the evil god together!!"

"Don't run! Fuck!!"

The gods shouted, but seeing the hundreds of millions of legions rushing aggressively, everyone said it well, and the next moment, they all scattered and ran away.

However, there is no way to tear the portal, how to run?

The gods have never encountered such a situation!

"I will never surrender!"


The dragon god roared and opened his mouth, and the terrifying speed of light burst out from it, and his terrifying dragon claws that could poison matter into atoms also emitted bright light.

With a desperate blow, staring at the attack of Lady Luck, he directly tore open the dark sky of the Bastion.

Even, a huge tentacle was broken.

13 More giant tentacles, one was abolished!

However, what made him desperate was that when the dark sky was torn open, instead of a fragile scene of flesh and blood flying all over the place, what he was facing was still an endless legion!

The breath from the portal made flames burst out of his sharp claws.


He retreated quickly, behind that, there was a force that terrified him.

It's Star Soul World!

How to fight this!

The opponent's back is in the Star Soul World, and he can't hit him, and he can't run away!

Star Soul World, Battle Zone Channel.

At this point, the inside is already boiling.

The fighting movement on Chen Mo's side was really too loud.

Planet Explosion!

The gods show their artifacts!

Breath of the Dragon God!

No matter which one it is, it is a big movement.

So everyone noticed.

"I wipe it! Chen Mo boss is doing it!!!"

"The idiot upstairs, it's Tianshen Temple who made the move. I wonder if Mr. Chen Mo can hold it?"

"I hope I can hold on, haha! My legion is already on the verge of a planet of the Jinren race!"

"Cool! Me too!"

"Hey~ My luck is not as good as yours. My legion has just set off, but my number is ten times that of yours. I have also purchased a landing spaceship in advance.

"Log in? What era is this? If you still play this set, my Requiem has been fully charged!"

"Crying with envy, you guys are so smart, you all prepared in secret, and I'm the only one who co-authored it, so I really just eat melons?"

…0 for flowers…………

"Don't worry, I'm just like you."

"Me too, I'm an idiot."

"I'm a huge asshole!"



For a time, the entire theater channel was so harmonious for the first time.

Unanimously support Chen Mo.

Some people even sent out more than a dozen blessings in a row, hoping that the Federation would make a move and bring in the super genius Chen Mo.

The reason was that someone had the foresight and took advantage of Chen Mo to hold back such a terrifying main force of the Temple of Heaven, and launched a massive attack.

And those who didn't take any action acted immediately, hoping that Chen Mo could attract more firepower for a while.

"Damn it! Brothers, have you found out that someone is selling coordinates on the War Zone channel!"

"All kinds of confidential planetary information in the Temple of Heaven!"

"Very detailed!"

"Hiss!! Is that Li Po boss??"

"It's possible, the other party has a response from the Temple of Heaven."

"Each planet's defense, race, strength, quantity, and even the output of the planet, whether there are relics, relics and special minerals, are all marked!"

"Buy it fast!!"

All of a sudden, many star soul masters who had already rectified the legion and were in a hurry, immediately started to attack.

This information is very expensive!

But worth it.

Because each one is only sold once.

This has been notarized by the trading channel, and it can be regarded as a special kind of national time knowledge.

can be trusted.

This information about the Temple of Heaven will not be fake!

"I'm not selling this!"

"If I want this information, I don't need to recruit people on a large scale and occupy as many planets as possible!"

Li Po couldn't sit still anymore and came out to speak.

If he has the opportunity to pretend, he will never refuse.

But the problem is, he didn't do it!

For a while, everyone on the War Zone Channel became curious.

Except Li Po.

Who else would spread the word?


Star Soul Lords may be just surprised by this scene, and then excited.

After all, those who have bought the information can now directly attack the desired planet!

There are coordinates and enemy information!

Very convenient!

But this year's newcomers, that is, the planet masters, can't hold back anymore.

This scene...has a feeling of acquaintance.

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