Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 360 Chen Mo Is A Good Person, He Does Not Bully The Poor! Star God! ! (1 More)

"Brother Chen Mo, he really, I cried to death, he doesn't cheat the poor!"

Some newcomers who have been tricked several times were moved to tears.

"I think so too!"

"I agree!"

"I'm in tears, Mr. Chen Mo is so kind, I finally know that we have no money."

"As long as I lie flat enough, even if it is as strong as Chen Mo, don't even try to use me.

For a while, many newcomers also fell short.

They all spoke.

"Haha! I just want to see rivers of blood flow!"

"It's all sold out, Mr. Chen Mo is awesome, all these information add up to tens of billions?"

"Everyone, hurry up! Coordinates, information, legion, everything is there, what are you afraid of!"


There are also many newcomers who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

They encouraged everyone to leave quickly.

For a time, the entire theater channel was full of restlessness.

Of course, Star Soul Lords, many "633" have only heard of Chen Mo's name, and don't know his tricks.

So most still disdain.


"Chen Mo sells this knowledge, makes sense, after all, he can't occupy it all by himself!"

"Yeah, I can make another fortune in the end, a win-win situation."

"It's a win-win situation. We won the planet, and Chen Mo took some information fees. These newcomers are surprised. I'm afraid they don't know how big a star region is?"

"Haha, newcomers, it's normal, I always like mythical masters, no matter how awesome Chen Mo is, it's impossible to attack so many planets at the same time."

"Hey~ I've arrived near the planet, ready to attack!"

"Damn it!! Boss Li Po's people have arrived!"

"Also... there are Chen Li, Lu An and other well-known star soul powerhouses!"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I was short-footed! "

The Lord of Star Soul suddenly became angry.

If others attack again, then he will lose his points, and this is Li Po, he can't afford it!

"Haha, brother, let's go one step faster."

Li Po smiled triumphantly.

"I'm sorry."

Chen Li also smiled.

Randomly cut out a line of words on the theater channel.

He usually seldom speaks, but today, he has to pretend that he is so hot!

Thanks to Li Po, they had this opportunity.

It's simply picking up planets for nothing, it's exciting to think about it!

"A friendly reminder, the other dozen or so rich planets are also ours, so you don't have to run away.

Lu An laughed loudly, and made another stab at the already ugly Star Soul Lord.

It's fun to watch people eat!

"Quickly, say thank you, Boss Li Po~"

"Hey, I don't need this one, you should hurry up, or else the crystal ball will be occupied. 17

Li Po suppressed his smile, waved his hand, and sent the Star Soul Master away like a boss.

What's the point of embarrassing these little rookies!

Seeing this scene, Lu An immediately admired him and praised:

"Brother Li Po is worthy of being a boss. Unlike us, they all have evil tastes. It's no wonder we can't get such an opportunity."

"Brother, let's all work together, I just have better luck, Chen Mo wants to send a planet, I have to accept it!"

"Let's not be careless, hurry up, otherwise it will be a shame if we haven't won the top ten!"

As Li Po said, he looked at the two of them and laughed.

Just like that, the three of them flattered each other while looking at Chen Mo's battle zone.

And the entire theater channel, knowing the news about Li Po, can only be envious!

Get the news in advance!

Prepare in advance!

Now there is Chen Mo's intelligence as support.

In this wave, no one doubted at all that Li Po was going to make a lot of money.

"Betrayers, you will not end well!!"

"Chen Mo will kill you, it's too late to repent!"

The Dragon God once again resisted the blow from the Fortress, but his back was rubbed secretly by the God of Light, blasting a bloody hole.

He growled in pain.

Heart terrified.

But he forcibly calmed down and persuaded the other party!


If the God of Light is still hesitant, then the old fritter, Lady Luck, has no hesitation.

On the contrary, she stands firm!

With her cooperation, Dragon God was severely wounded soon.

The moves of the fortress are the strongest attacks [The city dragon god was also flanked by two high-level gods.

Even if he is a life in the universe, he can't bear it!

"No one can deny the divine will!"

"Join the glorious evolution!"

As the Dragon God was severely injured, the gods who were fleeing everywhere were unable to resist for a while.

Bastion waving tentacles, day knife day children.

On this day, there were more gods and spirits who fell than thousands of years combined!

"Either kneel down, offer your allegiance, offer your heart!"

"Either turn into food!"

This naked threat resounds throughout the combat area... 0

Chen Mo's legion didn't hold back. Once any god doesn't move and doesn't take out his heart, he will be targeted by the legion. The real damage is enough to make them destroy any god!

Chen Mo glanced at the corpses of gods and gods, preventing the destruction of some legions.

With the ability of mushrooms to devour and evolve, at this time, even a dead god can get the chance to evolve!

These god corpses are extremely precious treasures!

The gods are the pinnacle of a planet's evolution, far surpassing the Son of Destiny.

From their bodies, there must be opportunities for evolution.

And a lot!

Especially the Dragon God, with such a huge body, even if it is directly infected and controlled to make it "live", it is still a terrifying battleship.

What's more, Chen Mo has been coveting the other party's dragon scales that can absorb energy, for a long time!

But before collecting the bodies, the Bastion had to play the Requiem one more time.

Because the god is so powerful, even if it is death, his consciousness will be disturbed, and it will remain around, like radiation, permeating every object, and even Fang Zai dare not go there.

Like a wave, it fluctuates to an extremely distant star area.

If the gods themselves have arrangements, or good luck.

Then under the influence of their consciousness fluctuations, they can be resurrected and returned!

Chen Mo must thoroughly cleanse the consciousness fluctuations in this area.

In order to prevent the possibility of the gods being resurrected and returning again.

Even if you kill others once, you can kill them again.

But it's not necessary.

0.9 Holy Terra, after realizing the complete demise of the Dragon God.

Chen Mo turned his gaze to the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

at this time,

There are waves of infections on almost all the planets of the Temple of Heaven, and they have begun to set off.

After several days of setting up, the harvest time has finally arrived!

More and more planets are completely occupied by Chen Mo, and he becomes the "star soul" of one planet after another

Feel the power surging in the body,

Chen Mo slowly opened his arms.


Suddenly, he seemed to see the world of Star Soul.

It is the law of the world!

Because of this astonishing record, the laws of the world came down.

Chen Mo once again gained the incomparable attention of the law of the world!

With this exciting one, Chen Mo has also been promoted to the Star God Realm!

At this moment, on the terminal watch, a large list of reward information from the Federation has been ignored by him!.

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