Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 361 Evolution! Bring New Life! The Power Of The Star God! No One Can Stop It! (2 More)

"Star God!"

"The third follow-up is here!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth.

The next moment, he raised his head and saw the stars in the distance suddenly shining violently.

Terrifying flames soared into the sky, and the most pointed one flew out, turned into a ball, crossed the atmosphere, and fell into Chen Mo's hands.

Chen Mo can't do it yet by rubbing out the stars, but using his huge consciousness to interfere with reality, it's easy to take out a ray of flame from the stars!

"Is this the power of the Star God?"

Chen Mo looked at the flame in his hand, and with a thought, the flame twisted and turned into a fire dragon.

The fire dragon circled twice, because there were too many unreasonable things, and it would eventually conflict with the law and turn into ashes.

But with the power of the star soul, Chen Mo's ability to use consciousness to interfere with reality and create things out of thin air is even more terrifying.

[Congratulations to Star God Chen Mo! Your racial legion has dealt unprecedented damage to the Temple of Heaven, and at the same time has severely damaged the life of the universe of extra forces! You have received special attention from the Union!】

[Congratulations to Star God Chen Mo! You won the first place in the Battle of the Heavenly God Temple! Your contribution far exceeds that of ordinary Star Soul Lords, and even, it has been unable to pass the usual count. When the battle is completely settled, you will get a major reward! Please feel free to Follow the Federal Notice!]

【You won a 30% wider living space for the Star Soul World, as well as a large number of planetary resources, and you have gained the attention of the world law!】

[Hint 1: You have followed the World Law 3 times, and now you can use the function! The knowledge "Blessing of the Star Soul World" is required. 】

[Hint 2: Your powerful offensive has dealt severe damage to the Temple of Heaven, and the remnants of this force are extremely hostile to you, please proceed carefully! 】

[Tip 3: There are strong energy reactions and space fluctuations in the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, please walk carefully! 】

[Hint 4: It is detected that some star areas controlled by the Temple of Heaven have been detected, and you have occupied more than 80% of the planets. You can choose to sell them in batches, or choose to operate the entire star area, but you need to buy the planets of the rest of the personnel. The other party cannot object, and the price is determined by the Federation. Accounting!】

【Hint 5:...】

Chen Mo glanced at the densely packed announcements while feeling his own strength.

Before I finished watching, the battle reports came one after another.

Various harvests.

The planet continues to be occupied.

The frenzy of infection has completely broken out, sweeping the entire star area!

So much good news!

Chen Mo himself was overwhelmed.

This time, it really won!

In fact, not only Chen Mo, but everyone in the entire theater was paralyzed.

However, some people just read the notifications and watch Chen Mo's various messages swiping the screen, and they feel numb.

Some people lost their minds.

After all, after spending so much money and excitedly pulling up a huge army, by the time they arrived at the planet, it had already been occupied by Chen Mo or it was only the last step.

once like this,

twice so,

Ten times, still the same!

Let alone a human being, even a god would be numb!

At this moment, Li Po, who has not yet reached the star god realm, is crying.

Holy Terra.

Chen Mo glanced at the federal notice for a while, and couldn't be distracted.

Because, his strength is still growing rapidly.

"Invasion Planet Will!"

With a thought, by infecting the individuals on the planet, the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds on the home planet of the Jin race.

The billowing dark clouds gathered together formed a big face.

Looking down at the earth from the sky.

"Evolve! Bring new life!"

"Surrender to the power within yourself!"

"Feel carefully! Don't suppress your genes!"

The giant face gave a low drink.

The next moment, the whisper spread, like a benevolent warning from a certain god.

For a moment, mushrooms grew all over the countless rank 9 powerhouses staring at the giant face.

The rest of the weak, needless to say, turned into creeps on the spot!

Under the giant whispering face, tentacles and spores spread rapidly in all directions!

Chen Mo has greatly strengthened the degree of infection through his strong will and the knowledge of 'Star Soul Invasion'.

The will of the entire planet retreated steadily under his powerful invasion.

Soon, he took the dominant position, and was able to issue "revelation" like a god.

In a whisper,

There was an infection frenzy across the planet.

This is Chen Mo using the power of the star god to personally end and control a planet.

The method adopted not only has the knowledge of the star soul world, but also infects and invades from the material level!

Do both!


"What a powerful force."

After a long time, Chen Mo opened his eyes.

This kind of feeling of causing a natural disaster on a planet hundreds of light years away with will is really cool!

This power is because it is powerful!

Especially when combined with his mushroom race, he is almost invincible.

In an instant, the resistance of the Golden Terran mother planet was destroyed from the two levels of consciousness and matter.

You know, this is one of the most skilled and powerful races in the Temple of Heaven.

Facing Chen Mo who has just become a star god, there is no power to resist!

"I'm already a star god, so I should be able to obtain more advanced knowledge of 'Star Soul Invasion'.

"If it were my consciousness, I could directly infect and control others..."

At this time, although Chen Mo is strong, but looking at the home planet of the Golden Human Race that took 10 minutes to defeat, he feels that there is still room for improvement!

This wave of defeating the Jinren brought a huge amount of consciousness to Chen Mo.

He felt a lot stronger again!

"Every time a planet is devoured, the strength will skyrocket, and it is indeed the most fertile area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven.

"It's really cool!"

Chen Mo was all smiles.

With a thought in his heart, he opened the properties panel.

Lord of the Planet: Chen Mo

Star Soul Level: Gold (Star God)

Planet number: 23788

Civilization level: Level 3.2 (with a large number of god-level combat power)

Civilization Tendencies: Genes, Technology, Swarm Creatures, Infected Parasites, Psionics

Planet Contribution: 381.4 billion

Planet Ranking: No. 1 in the Battle of the Temple of Heaven (Real-time)

Planet information: high-energy planet (garden world), which has received special attention from the mother world, and has energy connections. 777 Important equipment: Fortress (mothership), permanent mother star channel, portal, planetary defense system, biological mastermind, dark sky, conqueror Certificate, evolution number (under construction)

Colonial planets: 230 in total. Including ocean planet (top agricultural planet), Tiberium mining area (top mining planet, battleship), golden human family home planet....

Special resources: top fishery, titanium ore, magic crystal, uranium ore, Tiberium ore, manganese ore, planet upgrade knowledge

Enslaved Races: Mermaids, Snake People, Sun Clan, Part Elf, Part Fairy

Existing resources: 105 billion cash, 5,000 tons of magic crystals, 5 tons of Tiberium ore, 200 kg of manganese ore...

Other information: no

"Star God-level strength, plus the first place in the battle of Tianshen Temple, directly from the millionth place, soaring to the first place!"

"There are more than two hundred planets waiting to be destroyed."

"With my current strength, I will integrate all the resources in the control area of ​​​​the Temple of Heaven, and then force them to buy enough to expel the rest of the star-soul experts..."

"At that time, it will be enough for me to hit level 4 civilization!"

Chen Mo took a deep breath.

There was a confident look on his face.

It can only be said that the entire Tianshen Temple theater is now in his hands.

Star Soul World, I believe it was also harvested by his information.

Now, he is number one in strength.

The rest of the area is also under his infection.

Who could stop him from wanting it all?.

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