Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 362 Star God Fried Fish! Unexpected Information! (1 More)

At this stage, in the Temple of Heaven war zone.

Apart from Chen Mo, the strongest is only at the level of Li Po.

That is, the star soul powerhouse.

Of course, even if more than a dozen people are promoted to Star God suddenly, they are completely incomparable with Chen Mo.

As for newcomers, let alone, many people are still struggling in the stage of how to condense their star souls, and there are only a small number of star soul masters who have already condensed their star souls.

Even Wang Yifeng and others, who have the full support of the consortium and are not bad in their own talents, are only ministers of the star soul.

At least 2 levels behind Chen Mo!


In the next period of time, Chen Mo will be the strongest combat force.

And kind of overwhelming.

This situation will continue until the end of the Battle of the Temple of Heaven without the intervention of the Federation.

Generally speaking, federation will not be in a region, configured to this situation.

Instead, distribute combat power evenly, try to form an advantage over the enemy, but not waste combat power.

But the appearance of Chen Mo, like a rapidly expanding monster, has completely broken the "game" rules designed by the Federation.

Or in a perfectly reasonable way.

There is a shark in the pond, how to fish?

Now, Chen Mo is this giant shark!

If the news that Chen Mo is a star god spreads, it will definitely shock everyone.

Of course, it is estimated that they will not be hit too much.

Because the gap is too big.

When there is only a little difference between a person and you, you will envy and hate.

But if it exceeds too much, it is even hard to hold a candle to, then there are only two feelings left: ignorance or envy.

In the same war zone, Chen Mo's name was bombarded every day on the war zone channel.

So all that can be left is envy.

It is completely impossible for newcomers in the same period to catch up with Chen Mo.

Because reaching the Star God Realm, Chen Mo is about to start developing his power.

At the same time, disseminate the knowledge system built by itself.

Maybe....he will also get a title that matches his own strength and characteristics.

And this name will accompany him for the rest of his life.

For example, the 99th Queen of Ice, the 3rd Space Master, etc...

"Star God 々"!"

"Even if it is placed in the entire cold and dark universe, it can be regarded as a strong party."

"Coupled with more and more gods under my command, as well as a steady stream of creeps that are spreading to countless planets as the foundation..."

"Today, I should be regarded as officially stepping out of Novice Village."

"Truly set foot on the stage provided by Star Soul World."

"Even if I participate in the Great Crusade now and fight against void monsters and other races, I will not be afraid.

Chen Mo whispered to himself.

Compared with other star gods, his current disadvantages are that his territory is not big enough, he doesn't have enough knowledge in his hands, and he doesn't have enough top combat power.

As for the legion accumulated by the veteran star gods, as well as the resources, compared with Chen Mo, there is no advantage at all.

Just like Tianshen Temple this time, if life is regarded as a resource, Chen Mo is infinite here.

"My real advantage is that I don't need too many resources, unlimited violence, and infection evolution. 117

"Stronger and stronger!"

"However, the rest of the Star Gods are not my enemies, but partners. The competition between me and them lies in how to get more attention from the laws of the world than them, gain greater influence in the Star Soul world, and win the support of the Federation. .”

Chen Mo thought carefully.

These are the pros and cons of internal analysis.

To the outside world..." On the side of the Temple of Heaven, only the God of Wisdom is left alone."

"However, he probably won't run away. According to Fimilis, after the God of Wisdom unlocks the core knowledge of Nesser at this time, his confidence will skyrocket. If he doesn't touch him, he will definitely not leave, and the remaining He definitely wants to take away some of the gods and resources."

"When Nesser's core is obtained, the real enemy is the other fourth-level civilizations, as well as the Dimension Devourer that Fimilis talked about!"

"Hey... But I am alone, and I am definitely far behind level 4 civilization."

Chen Mo shook his head and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But the real situation, he did not dare to say.

I can only silently open the property panel again, the [Time] column on the top: 901.

No change yet.

But Chen Mo knows that once there is a change, there may be dozens, or even hundreds of changes.

I just wish it was a little stronger!

But as long as the Nesser core is in hand, this is the engine of the dimensional spaceship. It can move in any 3-dimensional universe and has unlimited energy.

With this, infection control can be achieved,

Then it can be regarded as the most basic guarantee.

"When I infect and control Nesser's core, I can immediately participate in the Great Crusade, and then grow rapidly. At the same time, relying on this fame, I can develop the Great Star Soul Lord and newcomers in the Star Soul World!"

In Chen Mo's heart, he already has a simple plan for the future.

It can even be said to be a goal!

That is another level 4 civilization, Patilla.

The conflict between this civilization and the Star Soul world has a long history, especially in a broken world, the two sides have fought a brutal war for more than 100 years.

After Chen Mo participated in the Great Crusade, his first goal was to capture the outpost outside the Broken World.

Get a firm foothold, then keep killing the Patillas, analyze their genes, and slowly accumulate restraint methods.

Of course, if it fails.

Then Chen Mo will not give up, but continue to send legions to repeatedly consume.

As long as he succeeds once, obtaining the corpse of a Patilla star is the beginning of victory for him.

Of course, before implementing all these plans, Chen Mo still had to finish the finishing work.

Destroy the God of Wisdom and capture Nesser's core!

Continuous devouring evolution, group is king!

Not only Chen Mo, but what the entire Star Soul world should do, and what is most encouraged to do, is to continue to grow (Liao Nuo Zhao) strength, expand, expand, and expand!

During this period of time, Chen Mo has also collected a lot of information through the internal channels of Star Soul World.

Unfortunately, nothing has been analyzed yet.

However...and from the dragon god who killed him and his minions, Chen Mo unexpectedly discovered a lot of information about the world of star souls.

From the perspective of external forces, the information obtained from the Star Soul World has not been modified in any way.

To some extent, it is even more precious.

After adding Dragon God's intelligence and massive big data analysis, Chen Mo came to a horrifying conclusion:

The higher-ups of the Star Soul World are indeed secretly acting one after another.

Their activity level has increased by 50% compared with the average level of 100 years ago.

The current price rise of high-energy crystals is not without reason!

The increased enemies are mainly the Temple of Heaven and a few 2-3 level civilizations. .

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