Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 363: Great Harvest! Catastrophe Is Coming! Lord Of War! (2 More)

This made Chen Mo have no doubts that the higher-ups must have noticed something.

Even, if there is other information, it is the current situation to believe in other level 4 civilizations.

The intensity of the war is intensifying.

Before the real disaster came, everyone was desperately looting and storing food for the winter.

It's just.... I don't know the higher-ups, do you know the true strength of the Dimension Devourer?

Or is it just treated as another cosmic invasion?

But no matter what, Chen Mo believes that a war that sweeps the entire universe and is launched by major four-level civilizations to integrate resources is about to happen.

For most civilizations, this is far more terrifying than the Devourer of Dimensions far away in the sky!

Even the Star Soul World has to bear the pressure.

Can a dozen or so level 4 civilizations cooperate in friendly cooperation?

Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible!

What's more, which civilization that can reach this step is not full of confidence and has many means?

Not to mention other civilizations, Chen Mo knows very well about the Star Soul world, and it is absolutely impossible for other civilizations to take command.

Unless it is crushed with a power far exceeding that of the Star Soul World.

And that is what Chen Mo doesn't want to see.

So, face this war that can be met.

No solution!

Chen Mo shook his head, stopped thinking about this matter, and arranged a large number of computing power of biological master 460 to continue analyzing possible intelligence.

Chen Mo turned his attention to the federal proclamation, and a long list of various reminders.

This wave of swallowing operations can make him a lot of money.

According to the preliminary assessment alone, the number of living planets obtained is as high as 340, and the number is still increasing.

The addition of consciousness on these planets directly caused the number of individuals in his legion to skyrocket to a level of one trillion.

In addition, there are as many as 300 pieces of Tiberium ore that have been mined and processed.

Almost double Chen Mo's reserves.

Mana crystals are calculated in terms of tons and thousands of tons.

After all, every god is a big moving mine.

During their long life cycle, they have worked tirelessly to collect a lot of good things from planet to planet.

Especially various precious high-energy minerals.

Most of them are consumed by them and their civilization, but they can't keep them alive and accumulate a lot!

I have to say that this is the first time for Chen Mo to feel that the enemy has too many high-energy minerals.

It caused him to be dazzled, and after looking at a few space equipment, he directly gave up his plan to personally participate in the inventory.

After all, no matter how much money is piled up like a mountain, it will look numb!

In addition to high-energy minerals.

By killing the Dragon God, Chen Mo also gained a chance to evolve, as well as a lot of unique knowledge about life in the universe.

This can be regarded as making up for one of his shortcoming in knowledge.

Cosmic life is a powerful but inconspicuous force, because the number is too rare, and there is very little systematic knowledge spread.

Not to mention anything else, just a corpse is enough to make people rush to buy it.

Knowledge, high-energy minerals, artifacts, corpses, planets, and the large sums of money harvested by selling information about the Temple of Heaven.

It can be called a super unprecedented harvest!

Moreover, after almost completely defeating the Temple of Heaven and occupying so many planets, Chen Mo has already ranked second in the Temple of Heaven Battle Ranking.

Comparing the points of the second place, a full 3 orders of magnitude has been achieved!

Yes, directly 3 more zeros!

The other party didn't even have a fraction of his own.

This ranking, the terrifying results, brought Chen Mo great fame. At this moment, Chen Mo has just become a Star God, but he is already quite famous in the Star Soul World.

In the battle zone of Xinren and Tianshen Temple, no one knows, no one knows.

A real big name!

You know, the world of Star Soul is too big, how many strong people, how many geniuses, how many adventures are there?

If you want to achieve this popularity through a battle, even the congressmen couldn't do it at the beginning!

But Chen Mo did it.

He only passed the rookie trial, and he became famous in the rookie area, and then he immediately emerged in the first battle, and after the whole battle, he had already ranked first in the entire battle area before he was completely finished. (daec) The fame of Chen Mo spread quickly through the shocked Star Soul Masters.

Even, the outrageous speed of the battle of the Temple of Heaven has been listed in the World Battle Report of Star Soul.

Yes, this is a battle report that is only issued once a week.

It is something worth mentioning in the entire Star Soul world, so it will be reported on it.

And Chen Mo's name was mentioned above.

It's hard not to be famous!

For a time, Chen Mo's name was remembered by most people, from the worker in the Star Soul World to the top councilor.

Everyone knows that this year's rookie king is incredible!

The magical race he cultivated, with the "Holy Terra" as the main planet, crushed the Temple of Heaven all the way, occupied more than 200 living planets in one day, killed and surrendered the gods, nearly a hundred!

Faced with such an exaggerated and frightening record, many people questioned it.

But more, they were speechless for a long time.

There were also members of parliament who smiled slightly and said the word 'interesting'.

However, after seeing that Chen Mo had been awarded a certificate of conquest, he couldn't help feeling envious and jealous.

As for most of the forces and consortia, they were ordered to face Chen Mo and try their best to make friends.

All the discounts that can be given will be given.

After all, everyone focuses on cooperation, a rising star, who would not want to make friends?

Of course, there are also people who are ashamed of Chen Mo's actions.

I feel that this guy has offended too many people, and he is too good at harvesting his own people in different ways.

"This war is an extremely huge stage. In the battle of gods just now, I think the force field has reached a new height again. Amidst the blood and fire, there are also new edge skins that stand out."

Chen Mo looked at the harvest and couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

No matter how much equipment is exploded, it is not as refreshing as this real strength improvement.

This time, he got 10 warlords at once.

With the addition of the previous two brothers, Mao Mao, now there are 12 war lords.

Each of them has the strength comparable to that of a god.

As long as they keep winning, they will become stronger and stronger!

The stronger you are, the more you can win.

Believe in yourself, nothing is impossible!

As for Chen Mo himself, because he was promoted to Star God, he can designate more favored ones. He is already the star soul of more than 300 living planets. In theory, it is not a problem to create more than 300 children of destiny!

However... in line with the principle of concentrating our efforts on doing great things.

Chen Mo gave all the attention from his "planetary will" to the mermaid queen Ashe, the two sisters Irene, and the snake-human queen Oran.

This made Ashe among them immediately advance to the level of an intermediate god, and Oran was already brewing a breakthrough, so he directly touched the level of a high-level god!

The two sisters are also amazingly talented, and they have been promoted to intermediate gods. .

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