Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 364 Super Divine Tool! Concept Weapon! The Trump Card Of The God Of Wisdom! (1 More)

Temple of Heaven, the core area.

on a huge planet.

The God of Wisdom sat on the throne itself, his face extremely gloomy.

As a god in the name of wisdom, he has not shown such an expression for a long time.

This time, the entire Temple of Heaven was in turmoil.

The area that can be controlled is even smaller than the area originally created by the Temple of Heaven.

However, as the strongest god in the Temple of Heaven, he is not without backup.

On the contrary, he has not left until now because, according to the known information, he feels that he can wait and see.

At the same time, more news continued to come from all directions.

There are 10 more gods, fortunately they did not die.

They all looked at the God of Wisdom in panic.

"Okay... so scary!"

A god trembled and said: "In my perception area, there are infections everywhere, endless parasitic spores, my planet is finished!"

"Most of the gods have also been killed, and a small number have surrendered."

"The Star Soul World didn't send out any new power, it just relied on this Chen Mo..."

"It's a good thing we didn't go, one thought is the difference between life and death!"

"Even the dragon god is dead! It's terrible, this is a high-level god! The stars are broken, like the end of the world!"

The rest of the gods also opened their mouths to confirm.

Fortunately, they all trust the God of Wisdom, or have a very cautious character.

That's how I survived.

Of course, even the most cautious gods did not expect such a result.

In their minds, there may be battles, there may be traps, but there will be absolutely no group destruction.

You know, there are nearly 100 gods!

Among them, there are 3 high-level gods.

As a dragon god with a sharp knife, needless to say, the life of the universe alone makes him feel extremely oppressive, extremely powerful!

The Goddess of Luck and the God of Light are the leaders of factions, and their prestige and strength are among the top three in the entire Temple of Heaven!

But... two gods were backstabbed, and the rest were killed indiscriminately.

How did Chen Mo do it?

How could his strength be so terrifying?

Thinking of the last dragon god's wailing that shook the entire star area, and the scene where the Requiem Song erased all fluctuations in consciousness, all the gods trembled in their hearts.

All evidence of existence has been erased.

This is more cruel than destroying corpses and destroying traces!

So... how does it affect the world?

Chen Mo's move made them terrified!

Among them, many people have secretly prepared cards, the backhand of resurrection.

But no one can guarantee that if they fall into Chen Mo's hands, they will be able to escape unscathed.

Substitute it in, assuming...

All the gods realize that if you are an enemy of Chen Mo, you will die!

In short, if you don't leave and get caught by Chen Mo, you will be in big trouble!

After all, the other party's ability to infect and control other races is too abnormal, even to infect the planet from a distance.

It is not impossible to be found out by the other party through the connection with the parent star.

You must leave immediately! And cut off the connection with the home planet, and at the same time, non-spiritual individuals are no longer reliable!

This is the voice of all gods.

"Amony, Pio, Carey...Are you scared?"

The God of Wisdom looked at his confidants.

There was a trace of patient anger and sarcasm in the voice.

The spirits of several gods were excited, and they felt that they couldn't hold on to their faces.

"We are all mid-level gods, and we have divine weapons in our bodies. We are not afraid of a mere slave owner. It's just that the opponent is coming aggressively this time. We should avoid the enemy's edge and draw it slowly!"

"I was just thinking about how to avoid being infected by the other party!"

"Of course I'm afraid that the opponent can kill high-level gods!"

Some people justified it a little bit, while others directly admitted it.

"Okay, stop pretending!"

"I'm telling you the truth, don't talk about you, I'm afraid!"

The God of Wisdom chuckled, leaned back, and sank into the seat relaxedly. His appearance and his words seemed completely different.

He is fearless!

"If I'm not mistaken, Chen Mo's terrifying combat power comes from that strange star-class battleship. This kind of cumbersome monster is also liked by materialistic scum and idiots. I didn't expect it. The slave owner We also play this hand."

"But... this huge ship is just a tool. It may look like it's alive, but I can assure you that that thing is just a tool, a piece of equipment

It's just a super artifact!"

"A super artifact can naturally kill a god."

"It's no surprise that Dragon God was killed by this weapon.

"Super artifact?!"

All the other gods were shocked.

They naturally knew this word, but they all thought that it was just a theoretical weapon, and no one could make it.

Because, this is a power that surpasses ordinary artifacts and possesses some kind of authority.

In some respects, it is already comparable to the law, or it is a great god!

It's just...a slave owner, his strength is not the strongest, why can he control such an artifact?

Even high-level gods are extremely difficult to control.


For a while, many gods frowned and began to think in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, the God of Wisdom continued: "It is rumored that in some broken worlds, or in the ruins of the level 4 civilization, there is such a terrible weapon? Super artifact, the supreme weapon of level 4 civilization Only God can create weapons.

…0 for flowers………

Level 4 civilization, Supreme God...

As soon as these words came out, all the gods were frightened.

Such a civilization can launch the most powerful war machine, which can easily devour stars, and even use black holes as weapons.

The strongest weapon among them can wipe out and destroy galaxies.

There are even rumors that they can directly adjust the laws, modify the speed of light, and even immediately erase all information of a certain person!

Comparable to those ancient evil gods in the void!

"Concept weapon..."

"If you know their knowledge, or information, you will be targeted..."

For a time, many gods became even more frightened.

"Hehe...a super divine tool, it is rumored to use concepts to a certain way, it is almost invincible."

The God of Wisdom glanced at the gods, smiled faintly, and continued:


"Whether it's an evil god or a peak creation of a four-star civilization, these are the most powerful existences in the universe, but this is an ordinary battlefield, the so-called whetstone in the Star Soul world.

"Compared to these, Chen Mo is very ordinary! It is impossible for him to control a real super artifact.

I guess, his weapon should have no liberation seal, or... a part of a powerful creation, or a counterfeit.

"And it should be related to a powerful evil god, the kind that is proficient in infection. Look at the distorted tentacles and the speed of flesh and blood regeneration. Obviously, it is very different from materialist civilization. It is not like idealism, even Psionic strength, or power of faith, is very low.

"I used special means to observe the entire battle process of this star-class warship."

"The attack method used above is somewhat similar to the magic energy attack. After all, it is in the same line as the magic energy cannon. The powerful power is indeed beyond the reach of high-level gods.

"However, if the opponent has corresponding defensive means or equivalent weapons, the opponent's own strength is weak, and the shortcomings of forcibly manipulating powerful weapons will be exposed.

According to his hole cards, the God of Wisdom easily thought of a possibility.

This made him extremely excited.

Sure enough, patience will pay off!

The wealth of the gods, I would like to thank Chen Mo for his hard work.

"That is to say, even if it is a super artifact imitation, it is enough to pose a fatal threat to us!"

"Besides, the opponent has at least ten gods under him!"

"Defensive means? How is it possible? Our Heavenly God Temple has already played all its cards. Even if it is your so-called plan, if there are not enough gods, can you still use it?"

The rest of the gods refuted.

"Oh, is it so?"

The God of Wisdom said, a smile formed on the corner of his mouth. .

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