Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 366 Void Demon! Level 4 Civilization Patella! Famous (1 More)

As the wave of infection spreads.

In the battle zone of the Temple of Heaven, everyone felt that something was wrong.

Li Po had finished crying. At this moment, he seized the time to see if he could recover a little loss.

As for the information of the rest of the staff, he pretended not to have seen it!

Because there is no doubt that those who are still contacting him at this moment can basically be sure that they are cordially greeting his whole family.


Because Li Po wooed them and told them that there was a big deal.

Everyone believed it!

As a result, the real situation is that everyone's investment and the various weapons prepared by everyone have basically been in vain!

In order to wait for the opportunity that Li Po said, many people have even been suffering.

No shot!

This directly led to a large number of people, and the record was almost at the bottom!

Yes, it's not as good as some greedy, brainless newcomers who pick up garbage without brains!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L K L L!"

"Are you so miserable? I have been holding back, thinking of a big wave, and spent money to buy Chen Mo's planet information. This wave didn't make any money, and I lost hundreds of millions!"

"Ahh! Li Po is such an idiot! Take your life!"

"I can't beat Chen Mo, but I'm still afraid of you? Shit, if it wasn't for you, I would lose 30 so badly!"

For a while, the group organized by Li Po was full of curses.

Some people thought they were unlucky and quit the group immediately.

However, this news also leaked out, and for a while, the so-called foresight of Li Po became a joke.

Even, a stalk was formed, called: "Ji Kui Tian Pavilion

Everyone sent a sentence to those who looked down upon, "I wish you to be as strong as Li Po!"

"Damn it! Brothers, there are indications that Chen Mo is invincible!"

"What the hell, it's comparable to the strength of a star god, it's just killing people!"

"Tianjin Temple battle zone, where is there no space, stars, and Chen Mo's teeth?"

"Boss Chen Mo is already number one in the Tianshen Temple battle zone, let alone here, you can go to the Internet and look around, you have already become famous far and wide!"

"?? Why hasn't the federal announcement been issued yet? Is there still a need to fight this? Let the battle in this theater end quickly!"

"Yeah, it's fine for us to play with you here. If you are not careful, you will be charged a wave of IQ tax. You really can't afford it, Mr. Chen Mo!"

"Others are big bosses, bragging and it's over. Chen Mo is a big boss, that's a real deal!"

"Sharpen the knife to the pig and sheep~"

"Hey... Chen Mo is already famous in the entire Star Soul world. I really think that back then, I was able to face him head-on. I didn't expect the gap to be so wide."

"Hehe, look at what was said above, back then, when I was still a sperm, I was also the number one champion like Chen Mo!"

"Heroes don't mention the courage of the past, Chen Mo is awesome!"


On the War Zone Channel, except for the tragic and satirical remarks of Li Po, Chen Mo was mostly discussed because of it.

Everyone agrees that Chen Mo is the strongest talent in the history of Star Soul World.

It is very possible to advance to the Star God at the fastest speed!

Star God, that is the upper level of the Star Soul World!

That is eligible to participate in parliamentary deliberations, and even see the existence of members.

It can be said that whether it is influence or personal signature, they are completely different from Star Soul powerhouses.

It is a qualitative change!

What really represents a person is an army and a civilization.

They are also the real power of the star soul world known as slave masters!

"Looking at it this way, it is reasonable for Mr. Chen Mo to be favored by some of his superiors and to be rewarded with a proof of conquest.

"I always feel that Mr. Chen Mo is like the son of the world. His luck is unbelievable, and his strength grows like a cheater."

"It's not surprising. For me, this is the speed of opening and hanging."

"Tianjin Temple! Hundreds of gods were directly crushed by a newcomer! Damn, I feel too outrageous!"

"For Mr. Chen Mo, gods may not be regarded as powerful units, they are just big ants.

"Boss Chen Mo hurry up and participate in the Great Expedition! Frying fish here will make everyone feel uncomfortable!"

"Conquer the broken world, and the other fourth-level civilizations are tough? Think too much, the fourth-level civilizations are like our Star Soul world, with star gods, such as ants!

Even the top 100 members of parliament, they also have, and even have, super artifacts!"

"At present, the Patilla civilization, which is competing with us for the broken world, has powerful weapons. It can ignore the influence of the Star Soul world and resist Requiem. Even the Star God has already killed 2 people there!

They even killed a lot of void demons!"

"Damn it? Tell me more, sir!"

"Impossible, the star god is eternal, not to mention the devil, the main body is not in this dimension [how did he get killed?"

It is actually a powerful concept weapon, killing all traces, if the body is erased, I am afraid that the Star Soul World will not be able to protect you!"

"Um... so strong, it feels like I'm listening to a fairy tale. It's better for me to continue playing in the ordinary battlefield, so as not to be stared to death by some big boss."

"me too!"

"Me too!"

Many star soul masters have similar thoughts.

Not everyone wants to challenge higher difficulty.

Generally speaking, after reaching the star soul realm, the main focus is stability.

To fight against other powerful civilizations, there will naturally be fighting madmen and desperadoes.

The strength of the big financial groups and members of parliament is also the main force!

Of course, the more powerful the enemy is defeated, the more rewards the federation and world laws will give!

This means that if you want to rise quickly, fight, plunder, destroy other civilizations, and expand the influence of the Star Soul World Law, it is the fastest way!

Therefore, there are still a lot of people who participate in this bloody battle every year.

The War Zone Channel  …

Everyone chatted about their next plans.

Because of Chen Mo's record, the Yin family had to choose the next development direction in advance.

"I really don't want to be in the same area with Chen Mo anymore, it's better to block his dealings with me.

"I'm 160 too!"

"I did the math just now, I was tricked by Chen Mo, and the total amount is at least 300 million. God, with so much money, I will be promoted directly to the star soul powerhouse. Even if I don't advance, I will cultivate a talented The legion you fought is almost enough!"

"Everyone, don't panic, Xing Shendu is an old fritter, not to mention Xingsoul experts, they are all masters. I think Chen Mo's bad reputation will spread, and no one will fall for him anymore!"

"Ugh...but I think many people are joining Chen Mo's 'sacred planet' upgrade system!"

"If things go on like this, Chen Mo will no longer be an ordinary Star God, and his influence will become more and more terrifying!"

"I can only say that Chen Mo is awesome, he can always offer reasons that others cannot refuse."

"Otherwise, how do you think the goddess Luo Bing, the snake-human queen of the Temple of Heaven, and the current goddess of fortune have all fallen?"

"Do you know? Liu Ru, the most famous beauty in our theater, has also joined Chen Mo's 'sacred' plan. She also shared a lot of what she saw and heard at Chen Mo's place on the Internet.

"Crying with envy."


Many star soul masters sighed.

There are also people who are moved in their hearts, if they can't beat them, they join in!

Especially after learning that Liu Ru also joined.

Many star soul masters said on the surface that they were resolute not to be fooled, but secretly, they sounded it.

Many people contacted Liu Ru through relationships and asked about the terms Chen Mo offered. .

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