Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 367 Advanced Creation Reward: Ring World! Remnants Of Space War! (2 More)

"Master, our legion is ready.

Oran spoke.

At this time, she was close to the strength of a high-level god, with a confident smile on her face!

At this moment, she can't wait to go out to fight.

I am extremely looking forward to the God of Wisdom seeing her expression.

There is also the mother star of the golden race!

How much suffering did the snake people suffer at the beginning?

Fortunately, the great divine will accommodated him, and Oran felt that bowing his head and admitting defeat was definitely the most correct decision in his life.

"Let's go, in addition to the god of wisdom, we must also beware of the goddess of luck."

Chen Mo ordered.


Oran got the order and turned around excitedly.

Today, she is the bell ringer of the Temple of Heaven, sending it on its way!

Almost all the combat forces are attacking.

Chen Mo is not worried about safety at all.

At this moment, he is already a person who has received the attention of the three world laws, and his own strength has reached the star god stage. Even if it is a fourth-level civilization, he has the protection of the star soul world.


Turning his gaze, Chen Mo waited for the time for good news, ready to take a closer look at the spoils.

The first is the federation's attention rewards.

The Federation's special attention rewards must be extraordinary!

This is extremely difficult to obtain, but this is the third time Chen Mo has obtained it.

For him, it is difficult, but every battle, there is a chance to get it!

"Check knowledge!"

Chen Mo connects to the trading platform.


This time it was beyond Chen Mo's expectation.

It's one of three options.

And rare, mechanical creations appeared again!

The other two high-level knowledge are all about the use of the star soul and strengthening the spaceship.

Chen Mo is not attracted by this mechanical creation!

For Chen Mo, mechanical creation means infection control.

The knowledge analyzed in it will not overlap with the mainstream of the Star Soul world, and it is easy to play a different advantage!

For a moment, Chen Mo carefully looked at the information of this mechanical creation.


[Origin]: One of the trophies obtained in the Great Expedition, the winner is the 9th seat, the Fire Knight.

In the ruins of an ancient three-dimensional universe that is about to disappear, an extremely ancient ring-shaped man-made ring was discovered, and there was an unfinished ring-shaped creation in the ring.

The creation is named 'Halo', and after the research of the scholars of the big library, 90% of it has been manufactured, and the remaining part is mainly the intelligent core part and the energy-rigid device that manages the ring.

[Description]: This is a creation that does not belong to this universe. It should come from a universe that is very conducive to the development of materialism. After testing, the deviation value of the cosmological constant is -1, which greatly suppresses the power of idealism, and The speed of light is further reduced by one tenth.

I don't know if this is due to the war...or is it caused by the rising chaos in the universe?

In short, it is hard to imagine that a powerful civilization can be born in such a universe.

This civilization has amazing attainments on the road of materialism, but it is definitely not a wise choice to use a large number of intelligent creatures, and we must remain vigilant against the creation of this civilization.

[Ability]: Kill the halo. To the range of half a light-year around, a continuous energy pulse is emitted, and this pulse can directly kill lower-level creatures.

[Remarks]: It may be possible to create a large number of such halos to form a halo array, thereby creating a mass extinction time that affects the entire river system, but it is very troublesome and not efficient enough, hehe...Materialism, after all, still has a limit .


A broken universe? Cosmological constants have been modified?

There is such a saying?!

Chen Mo couldn't help being taken aback, this knowledge was more important to Chen Mo than the trophy itself.

Is this a war that affects the entire universe...

He can already imagine part of the fighting methods of the Dimension Devourer.

This... I wonder if it is their masterpiece?

At the same time, Chen Mo also thought that the broken world he entrusted Lilia to explore before [could it also be a broken universe?

Of course, this requires great luck.

But the civilizations that can persist to the end in a broken universe are quite terrifying, and their creations should be quite powerful.

At least level 3 peak civilization, maybe even level 4 civilization.

As for the discovery of this creation, the ninth seat... Chen Mo glanced at the title.

At this time, facing this legendary title again [he felt much calmer.

But still dare not say it silently in my heart.

Speaking of which, Chen Mo remembered the last time "Blessing of the Star Soul World", this extremely powerful intermediate knowledge was also obtained from him.

Continue to view information~

"Emit energy pulses"~?"

Chen Mo looked down at [Ability], he couldn't help being taken aback, and then smiled.

What a pleasant surprise!

If you are sleepy, come to the pillow!

His brand new battleship, 'Evolution' needs this ability!

He has been able to infect with energy.

But it doesn't feel efficient enough.

But the halo can emit pulses, rarely all the planets within half a light-year!

This is simply a weapon tailor-made for him.

He really needs this kind of large-scale attack method!

As for the point that it can only be effective for the 8th order or lower, Chen Mo directly ignored it.

What he wants is not the power of the halo, but a way to sell the energy and spread it so far!

With this halo effect, it is simply against the sky!"

"You can also form a halo array! For me, it's not a problem to build more!"

"It is indeed a mechanical creation at the bottom of the box in the Star Soul World! But even this kind of thing is called inefficient by the councilors... Tsk tsk."

Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh.

It is a pity that he has not yet contacted any member of parliament.

I don't know what their methods are.

"This mechanical (Qian Li's) creation is much more valuable than general high-level knowledge, especially for me, general high-level knowledge is far inferior to such a materialistic civilization creation!"

Chen Mo was very emotional.

Speaking of which, the last time he obtained a similar creation was a rusted laser cannon.

Relying on that, his high-energy mushroom weapon advanced by leaps and bounds and achieved excellent results.

And this time, I hope to get the same effect!

"I choose this ancient civilization creation as a reward!"

Chen Mo relaxed without the slightest hesitation.

Next, in the outer space of Holy Terra, the space was torn apart, and a huge artificial planet appeared in the form of a ring!



Ten times bigger than Holy Terra!

This is built up, and the cost is quite terrifying.

"Can you sell me the ancient device that made this ring?"

Chen Mo asked the federal personnel. .

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