Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 368 The 9Th Seat, Fire Knight! Infection Control, Evolved! (1 More)

Although Chen Mo was already mentally prepared.

But it was a pity to hear that the federal staff refused without hesitation.

The huge building that made the ring belt currently belongs to the 9th member of parliament!

It is obviously impossible to ask the other party for something.

Even, Chen Mo didn't want to ask at all.

It doesn't matter if you don't have it, although it's a bit troublesome, he can still do it!

Direct infection control, then continuous manufacturing.

Chen Mo has been looking forward to this super weapon for a long time.

Pure energy damage, does not destroy the planet, does not destroy consciousness, truly efficient and environmentally friendly!

But... what is this congressman collecting this device for?

Could it be that there is a special room on it?

By the way, he mentioned artificial intelligence in the description before, but this machine does not.

That is to say, there is artificial intelligence and valuable knowledge in the building that creates the halo?

Tsk tsk... In other words, this is the creation that the other party has acquired not long ago. Currently, seat 9 is exploring a certain relic in the outer universe?

Will he meet the Eater of Dimensions?

Chen Mo kept an eye out and prepared for the next period of time to carefully search for information about No. 9.

"Master~ This weapon of yours is so big!"

Oran was also surprised.

Seeing the smile on Chen Mo's face, she couldn't help being excited.

Because it means, the item, looks to please the owner.

"Not only big, but also fierce!"

Chen Mo smiled, and showed Oran the attribute data in hand.

813 looked at the message, and on Oran's exquisite face, his small mouth opened slightly, and then he smiled happily: "Congratulations, master, the master will soon completely dominate the Temple of Heaven!"

"Not only that, we can use the Temple of Heaven as the foundation and continue to expand outward. If we install this weapon on the 'Evolution', we will have an evolutionary field?"

"The scope of this field is so wide that it is almost comparable to the disturbance of consciousness!"

"If we reduce the transmission power and let the energy spread farther, can we continue to double the range?"

This weapon looks great.

Even Oran, who has always been cautious, couldn't help thinking optimistically.

"Ha ha....…"

Chen Mo laughed.

It's no coincidence that Oran's thoughts are similar to his!

The most important value of this weapon itself is not its power, but its ability to spread energy to such a far area!

[Ding! A mechanical creation 'Halo' suitable for infection control is detected. After infection control, there is a 98% probability of obtaining a new evolution opportunity! 】

【Is it a parasitic infection?】


Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all.

The next moment, a Leviathan fell on the mechanical belt, and for a while, the creep began to spread, penetrating into this man-made object (dadd) that was about ten times larger than the planet.

This can be regarded as the pinnacle of mechanical creation.

There are even different man-made environments.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, severe cold, severe heat, waters, deserts and other areas, have everything you expect.

With Chen Mo's thought, a large number of engineers also started to log in.

Collecting artificial environment technology in this area may also be helpful for his 'planet upgrade' technology!

In short, choosing this reward is really worth it!

At the same time, Chen Mo also started to get excited.

After suffering for such a long time, not only did he become a star god, but he also obtained such a big killer. With the "evolution number" in the future, his expansion path will be much faster than it is now.

The route of the large army to attack the planet is about to be pushed out of the stage of history.

In the future, his infection will be the evolution number jump, and then it will be over directly!

Faster than Requiem Extinction Order!

The ninth seat believes that the development of mechanical creations to this stage is simply a miracle and very inefficient.

This point, Chen Mo also can't say well.

After all, he is a member of parliament, and his vision is always not too bad.

But there is one thing that Chen Mo can be sure of, that is: this mechanical creation is in his hands, that is +1000% efficiency!

This is the bare minimum.

It has nothing to do with inefficiency, backwardness, etc.

This is a truly powerful consciousness harvesting machine!

"When I have enough resources, I can also form a halo array, no, maybe I don't need this, but integrate the infection into consciousness to form a consciousness array.

"Based on the planet, construct the brains of each planet, spread awareness of the entire star area, and even most of the universe."

"Wouldn't I be the same as the evil god at that time, and even, I don't need to go through other dimensions to directly infect and control the entire universe?"

For a moment, Chen Mo was slightly stunned by his crazy idea.

In his self-talk, the work of infecting and controlling the halo has almost been completed.

A huge wave of infection has covered the entire surface of the halo.

It is currently penetrating into every corner.

This is more accurate than any scanning method, and the real control!

"This is the embodiment of the highest 'parasitic' ability."

"With the help of energy growth and infection, even if it is such a huge and complex artificial object, the mushroom can be fully grown in only ten minutes.

"In theory, this is already my creation."

"Afterwards, just use mushrooms to grow an identical one."

Chen Mo couldn't help sighing, thinking back then, he had to spend a lot of effort and wait patiently to expand a continent.

But now the infection controls a creation suspected of level 4 civilization, at a speed visible to the naked eye!

However, the ring belt is under infection control, but the star-class warships that can use the technology on it have not yet been built.

The transformation of an entire planet, especially the area full of Tiberium ore radiation, is quite time-consuming and resource-consuming.

However, the big killer has been prepared in advance, which also improves the basis for the subsequent manufacturing of the Evolution, which can greatly speed up the speed!

[Ding! Detected the host infection control 'halo', according to the system deduction, use the 'star soul' to cooperate, consume a lot of resources, you can start evolution, you can choose 'metal', 'high energy', 'gravity' genes. The deduction evolution success rate is 99.9%, please choose 1 gene as the main evolution type. 】

At this moment, the entire halo has been activated.

This is the first time it has been activated!

Creep absorbs the energy of the surrounding stars, injects power into it, and installs a magic heart to replace the unfinished energy engine system.

As for intelligent control, Chen Mo, who has a biological brain, does not need artificial intelligence at all.

This kind of thing, according to Chen Mo's technology tree and materialist point of view, is just a kind of energy life that exists in special high-energy environments (circuits, optical brains) and other environments similar to evil spirits.

Chen Mo can control the machines, but really can't peek into their consciousness.

So he doesn't develop any AI creations either.

"This evolution will consume a lot of Tiberium ore, and there are many evolution potions. The value of the evolution potion alone is more than 100 million. At the same time, I need my star soul to provide power

Chen Mo glanced at the halo and spoke calmly.

Of course, such a horrible resource consumption.

For Chen Mo, it is not worth mentioning.

If it were other newcomers, a project worth hundreds of millions would definitely be a big project.

But here at Chen Mo, in a word, someone prepares immediately!

Chen Mo's search for resources at this time is no longer limited to a single planet or a mining area.

His source of resources comes from the sacred system, trading platform, and more than 300 living planets!


Chen Mo activated Star Soul violently, confirming a suitable reality.

This evolution will follow the predetermined route and make him stronger!.

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