Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 370 Psionic Spaceship! Mysterious Broken World! (1 More)

"Fortunately, the market of Star Soul World is broad enough.

Chen Mo opened the trading platform and looked at the various minerals and assets worth hundreds of billions that he listed, feeling a burst of gratitude.

Ordinary people really can't eat so many resources.

Even if it is a consortium, it is not so easy for you to let it spend hundreds of billions in one go.

Chen Mo wondered, would a big consortium like the Gray Steel Consortium consume so much at one time in the same place?

Fortunately, on the trading platform, Chen Mo's trading partner is the entire Star Soul World.

What's more, if something like an artifact is not sold for tens of billions, it will be a blood loss.

However, apart from most of them, there are also a small number of artifacts, which were selected by Chen Mo.

Especially the weapons of Dragon God and several other intermediate gods.

As for the God of Light, the other party has defected to him, and according to the prior discussion, Chen Mo will not take "683" his artifact, after all, he is serving him!

The artifact of the Dragon God is a dragon ball.

It has the function of viewing the entire star area and greatly increasing its own energy.

Chen Mo gave this weapon to Oran, Queen of the Snake People.

After discovering this artifact of a high-level god, Oran blushed with excitement.

As a god, who wouldn't love such a powerful artifact?

What's more, if the dragon family is shrunk down, it will be a beautiful gem!

As a woman, who wouldn't like such a shiny creation?

For a while, Oran was a little dizzy.

I just feel that I am a second child, and I have no regrets.

The omnipotent master almost satisfied all her wishes.

The only wish she has left now is to satisfy her master.

Compared to the excited Oran.

Chen Mo is much calmer.

Although this harvest is his biggest one, it can be regarded as planning for a long time. He has roughly calculated how much he will gain. Compared with the certain harvest, the occasional windfall surprises him even more.

After processing the artifact, Chen Mo looked at the ring in front of him again.

There are 5 pieces.

This is the ring of an intermediate god.

As for the junior gods, Chen Mo had already asked Ashe to take people out of the inventory.

The middle-level gods of the Temple of Heaven occupy the core and fertile areas all the year round, and the wealth they have collected is not a small amount.

What's more, since they are intermediate, they have naturally traveled to many areas, and some have even come into contact with other fourth-level civilizations.

So their ring, Chen Mo, is something to look forward to.

5 rings, equivalent to 5 treasure chests!

The most exciting thing about opening a treasure chest is the moment when the golden light shines.

"Give me out!"

Chen Mo whispered, forcibly infected and controlled 5 rings, and then checked the items inside.

5 consecutive withdrawals!

In one of the rings, Chen Mo really got something!

Before he had time to take a closer look at the other four rings, this one directly caught his eye.


What an amazing ship!

The spaceship is small, but its shape is extremely peculiar. Its all-metal triangular cone-shaped shell, at first glance, is not a creation of low-level civilization.

【Psychic spaceship】

[Origin]: The loot of the Temple of Heaven, obtained from the space ring after killing the God of Starlight.

[Status]: Energy 45% overall integrity 90%.

[Equipment]: Xiao Guangteng Hyperlight Engine, Fusion Cannon, Communication Crystal, Black Hole Launcher (only some weapon parts left)

[Description]: The main weapon part of the spaceship has been dismantled, but it still has strong combat power. The knowledge contained in it is in the hands of a 1-2 level civilization, which is tantamount to a miracle.

[Remark 1]: It can be known from the database that this equipment was given to the God of Starlight by the Patilla civilization. There seems to be some special agreement between them. The time of the last call was detected to be 23 Star Soul World time ago.

[Remark 2]: There is a high probability that the Patella civilization has noticed the situation here, and they can remotely control the battleship or locate it.

"Good stuff, you can launch Beware of black holes!"

"However, it is a pity that some of the core parts of the weapon have been dismantled and encrypted."

Chen Mo couldn't help studying it carefully.

As for the Patilla civilization?

Chen Mo is going to trouble them soon!

Being discovered by them in advance, and positioning, this little danger is simply not worth mentioning!

Chen Mo feels that it is also time to get in touch with the Patilla civilization, learn about their equipment in advance, and next time we meet, he will give the first, fatal blow!

So with a thought, he manipulated the creeper without hesitation, and controlled the infection of the entire spaceship.

Just looking at the space inside the spaceship, it can be seen that this spaceship is not low in technology. In such a small place, even a spaceship that can only accommodate a dozen crew members, unexpectedly has a powerful combat power that spans space and destroys planets. ..0

This is also consistent with what he speculated. At the fourth level of civilization, the size of the spaceship is no longer the decisive factor. Even a spaceship with only a dozen people is enough to destroy the world.

Infection Control Success!

Chen Mo has obtained a lot of information about the Patilla civilization, and has a clear judgment on their various technical indicators.

Entering these data into the biological master brain will be of great help to him in subsequent battles with the opponent!

The only pity is that there is no other party's genes in it.

Otherwise, Chen Mo would be able to strip off the other party's underpants before making contact!


The space in this ring is wrong!

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly noticed that the space for storing spaceships is a bit big!

"It's empty, but it has gravity. Although it's very weak, it's not so much a man-made space as it is..."

Chen Mo's gaze swept to a space barrier in the distance.

The barrier trembled, and the outside was dark, but there was still space.

"Small World Ruins!"

Chen Mo was shocked.

Inside this ring, there is actually another world!

Broken world!

This is the second ring Chen Mo got.

The last one was given to Lilia, and the other party has organized manpower to investigate, and Chen Mo has obtained a lot of data.

Comparing the data of the two spaces, they are somewhat similar.

Could it be that these two seemingly completely different rings actually have the same dilapidated small world inside?

Of course, judging from the current situation of 5.4, it is already difficult for Chen Mo to define this as a small world.

Because if it was really small, Lilia would have come here from the other end, following the energy fluctuations.

"Two's definitely not a coincidence."

"Could it be that the two jointly explored?"

Chen Mo immediately asked the God of Plague.

It turned out not to be.

This makes Chen Mo even more strange, maybe it has something to do with Patilla civilization?

"There must be treasures inside the small world!"

"Perhaps the Patilla civilization has also intervened, we have to hurry up and explore!"

Oran said in surprise.

She feels this will be a big gain!

Chen Mo nodded.

Things have developed to the present, this space must not be simple.

At least such a large area is of great exploration value.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo picked up his watch and started to contact Lilia. .

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