Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 371 Oran Makes A Move! Blessings Of The Law Of The World! (2 More)


The watch beeps.

But it didn't connect.

With the powerful power of the Star Soul World, it is almost impossible for this to happen.

The only possibility is that the opponent also ended up in person, in that broken world.

"Master, I will go there to have a look in person, and with my current strength, I can go deep and explore it.

Oran spoke immediately.

Compared with eager to destroy the Temple of Heaven with his own hands, he is more concerned about working for Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded and said: "If Lilia is in danger or something, don't be in a hurry to save her. We take our own safety as our top priority. If you encounter the Palatine civilization, you must pay special attention to it. There is a loss.

Chen Mo warned carefully.

This is the first time he has arranged for his subordinates to attack alone and cooperate with other forces.

Lilia belongs to the Great Library of the Star Soul World, so it can be said that it is extremely powerful, but he will not deliberately make any losses in order to help the other party.

"and also..."

Chen Mo thought for a while, then said with a smile, "If Da Shuku is interested in our artifacts, 30 or some Star Soul powerhouses from the exploration team need them, you can also sell our knowledge system or artifacts, if they want If you are interested, you can contact me through Luo Bing, or directly request to visit Holy Terra!"

"Good master~"

Oran said respectfully.

In her heart, she couldn't help but be full of anticipation for this journey. If she does well, not only can she expand the master's power, but she can also be regarded as the master's external expansion project!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling a little worried, dealing with people from the Star Soul World, she couldn't embarrass her master.


However, Oran will not refuse the challenge. Before, he carried the entire race on his back, but now he is for the master and keeps forging ahead.

At the same time, she also hopes that this trip will find an opportunity to completely enter the high-level gods.

If she reaches that stage and cooperates with the artifact in her hand, she will be able to handle more things for the master!

After opening the portal and letting Oran go to Lilia's planet, Chen Mo picked up the watch again and opened the trading platform.

After this period of brewing.

Now his fame spread far and wide!

It can be seen from the massive number of friend applications that the popularity can be said to be explosive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most popular Star God!

Of course, the name of his star god has not been officially announced yet, and many of them are speculations.

But next, the knowledge he wants to sell has already been traded with him by various people, and the strength of his star god will naturally spread.

No need to advertise.

At this time, the ability of his name is traffic.

This only made his items sell extremely fast, b, the number of people joining the 'Chen Support Group' also began to skyrocket!

For each additional person who uses the knowledge of the 'sacred system' to upgrade the planet, Chen Mo's mushroom race gene can infiltrate one more Star Soul Master's world, and even penetrate into his race.

If all this is known, it will definitely cause an uproar.

But Chen Mo has done all of this very well.

Everything is done according to the contract, he just creates this kind of opportunity to infiltrate at any time, but he doesn't take that step substantially.

Because for now, there are no visible benefits.


Of course, with those who are completely attached to him, they naturally have no scruples.

At Luo Bing, many angels were actually mixed with mushroom genes.

But if Chen Mo didn't say anything, the other party naturally didn't know.

This situation may even continue forever.

Think about it, there is a race that is constantly proliferating in the dark, but they do not interfere with reality and do not affect parasitic races.

Is it similar to the charizard in the garage?

There's a dragon in the garage, breathing fire, but there's no way to detect its presence.

You can say it exists, or you can think it doesn't exist!

Part of the race cultivated by Chen Mo is in this state at this moment.

And this amazing secret is destined to be hidden for a long time before Chen Mo becomes a councilor.


After dealing with the federal rewards and reputation benefits, Chen Mo's heart moved, and he looked at the planet below him.

For a moment, a giant face appeared in the sky above the entire holy Terra, looking down at the earth.

At the same time, the eternal passage in the distance continued to expand, and the world of Star Soul at the other end became extremely clear!

This is the last reward for Chen Mo, and also the heaviest one.

Follow the rules of the world!

After obtaining the knowledge of 'Blessing of the Star Soul World', one can use the laws of the world to pay attention to strengthen any physical substance.

The essence is that the law of the Star Soul World looks at that item, allowing it to be sublimated, bringing with it the breath of the Star Soul World, and becoming something similar to an 'artifact'.

And those who can do this are almost all star gods.

And those who get the chance are almost all the elite among the star gods.

Can get the envy of countless people.

And Chen Mo is already the second time.

After using the blessing, the target of the blessing will become extremely powerful, similar to an artificial god, and has a natural, powerful spiritual power. It is very deterrent to void monsters and other fourth-level civilizations.

Of course, doing so isn't without its downsides.

The more blessings from the Star Soul World, the deeper the bond between 823 and the Star Soul World.

For example, the sacred Terra under Chen Mo's feet can almost be called "Little Star Soul World" now.

This also means that once the Star Soul World is destroyed, Chen Mo will definitely be hit hard immediately.

Bound items are also immediately incapacitated.

Especially in the case of knowing the existence of the Dimension Devourer, if the war goes against the grain and the councilors run away with the Star Soul World, he who has no authority may not be able to board the ship.

And the weapons that depend on the Star Soul World will lose their effect in an instant.

"Star Soul World..."

"It's stronger than what I felt last time."

"I don't know if it's because I've received more attention and my feelings have become clearer, or it's really the case. If this is the case, then the power of the Star Soul World is still expanding rapidly, which is a good thing.

"As for me being tied to this warship, it would be a completely different feeling if I gained the authority to even fire the guns or even sail the ship myself."

Chen Mo thought.

At this moment, he is equivalent to a small soldier on the battleship of the Star Soul World. If he dies, he can decide to shoot a naval gun there. Naturally, he is dissatisfied and worried about the battleship.

But... what if I sit on the bridge by myself?

I'm afraid that the more soldiers the better! .

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