Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 373 Whoever Has The Money Can Do It! Protoss! (2 More)

"This is outrageous, do so many people think I cheated them?"

"I probably cheated 100,000 or 80,000 people. Looking at the posture, it seems like I cheated tens of millions of people."

Chen Mo looked at the War Zone channel and immediately complained.

But fortunately there is nothing else in Star Soul World, there are still many people who know how to do it!

I looked at the goods on my trading platform, and it was not affected in any way.

Still selling great!

When these are sold, and with the cash in hand, he can easily "invite" others out of the Temple area.

At that time, the entire Star District will be his back garden.

An entire star sector provides resources, coupled with his knowledge of planet transformation, that potential.

Chen Mo gets excited just thinking about it.

And with so many planets, his neural network can cover the entire star region.

In this case, the computing power will explode directly.

The ability of the biological master brain will be much stronger than it is now!

Gather news about Seat 9 and Eater of Dimensions?


"The cursing at night is nothing but scolding, there are still a lot of people who want to take refuge in me.

"No matter how bad my reputation is, it is only limited to legal and reasonable competition. In terms of business and cooperation, my reputation is actually very good. Even the few local tyrants who often blackmail me can't find a point to blackmail me. .

"Coupled with Liu Ru's publicity, I am already quite famous in the circle of many Star Soul Lords." 943

"If I go to the new theater, I will be able to get a lot of support instead."

"I just hope that the Palatine civilization will be tougher, and don't be like the Temple of Heaven, always thinking about running away."

"The star gods in that area should also be very rich. I don't know if they are interested in my 'green titan 4.0°' and knowledge?"

Chen Mo thought.

With the skyrocketing strength, Chen Mo's confidence also skyrocketed.

At first, he just thought about searching for newcomers.

Now directly aim at the fourth-level civilization and the star god!

Whoever has the money can do it.

This is the positive energy state of mind that should have.

So far, Chen Mo is not too worried about the pressure from the internal organization and the outside of the Star Soul World.

On the contrary, he was more worried about the enemy's escape and the movement on the Dimension Devourer's side.

"Many people are discussing whether I will be summoned by MPs."

"Speaking of it is also..."

Chen Mo is also a little curious. With his current strength, the one who is optimistic about him should come out and show his face, right?

Why has there been no movement?

However, the rewards that should be given are not small.

This made Chen Mo quite satisfied.

After all, no one wants someone to tell them what to do.

"There is also the God of Wisdom, who shows no sign of running away at all, and even looted some star gods, and even caught someone by him?"

Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised.

This courageous man is not ordinary.

It seems that the completely liberated Neisser's core has brought him unparalleled confidence.

Full of guts!

Dare to fight against the entire Star Soul world with the power of one person.

Chen Mo has every reason to believe that the engine of this dimensional spaceship—the Nesser core must be quite powerful.

This also shows that the goddess of luck, Fimilis, is not lying.

Therefore, Chen Mo is determined to obtain this "divine" creation.

Chen Mo is in the theater channel, collecting information.

Here, the ring vibrated slightly, and the portal shone brightly.

Oran actually came back.

high speed.

Chen Mo hurriedly asked: "How is it? Lilith and the others shouldn't have encountered any accidents, right?"

"Master, the Lilith scholar has not encountered any problems, but is just obsessed with some ancient ruins inside."

"She asked me to tell you: this is probably not a broken small world, the area is quite huge, but it is full of traces of war.

"She also said... so far, it is known that this broken world was originally ruled by a civilization called 'Kota', and this civilization seems to be very strong."

"I don't know who discovered this world fragment in the first place."

Kota Civilization!

The Protoss that Goddess of Luck spoke of was blown into the sky by her!

Chen Mo was shocked.

At this point, the words about the goddess of luck can basically be believed and completely true.

If there is any discovery (daci) in it, it will be very amazing.

And...this is also the hometown of Lady Luck, right?

For a while, the worry about Lady Luck was much smaller.

With this, I am not afraid that the other party will not come to the door!

"The wreckage of the universe after the war, and because it is the control area of ​​the fourth-level civilization, it has persisted until now and has not died out!"

The more Chen Mo thought about it, the more surprised he became.

I don't know how long it has been.

Could it be that... this world and that universe have some areas that are very close together?

Otherwise, they will flee here.

The so-called broken world is not related to the universe where the lucky girl Kanbaru is originally located?

If so, the more you explore these areas, the sooner the Dimension Devourer will arrive.

"Even, the other party may have already started to act, but at my level, I still can't get in touch.

Chen Mo analyzed carefully.

Before, he had been thinking that if he rose quickly, he would find a way to fight against the Dimension Devourer instead of running away.

Now is the opportunity.

If they could inherit the mantle of the so-called protoss 'Kota', maybe the situation would be greatly improved.

You know, this civilization is united with 9 other civilizations, but it has resisted the Devourer of Dimensions for more than a thousand years.

In other words, they are not powerless to fight back, and even have a lot of ways to hurt the Dimension Devourer.

Moreover, even if this long-term goal is not mentioned, in the short term, this is also a good way for Chen Mo to expand himself rapidly.

Climbing technology really depends on digging graves!

"However, there are many survivors like Lady Luck."

"They will definitely pay attention to the news of various broken worlds."

"This dilapidated world still has traces of war. It is hard to imagine how fierce the battle was at the beginning. It should be that the basic structure of the entire universe has been damaged..."

Chen Mo carefully looked at the news that Oran brought back, as well as a large number of scenes in the broken world.

There are ruins and ruins, countless huge ancient creations.

It was very shocking.

The fourth-level civilization is the most powerful existence in his opinion, and it is almost omnipotent.

However, the reality picture told him that this kind of civilization will eventually perish one day, and even almost everything will be destroyed.

The last time, when Chen Mo was so shocked, he still knew that knowledge was a kind of bait. The cold horror of the universe also gave him an intuitive feeling for the first time.

This time it's Dimension Eater.

He was somewhat able to understand Femiris' fear.

No wonder fighting against this option was hardly an option anymore for her.

She just wanted to fix the dimensional spaceship and run away immediately.

"Will this broken world be accidentally discovered by other people?"

With a thought, Chen Mo spoke.

It is obviously not suitable for Lilia to study this place slowly. .

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