Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 374 The Collapsed Universe, Dimensionality Reduction! Evolution Is Ready! (1 More)


Oran respectfully said:

"Lilia has actually found evidence of the entry of other gods, but she believes that this is only a small probability event, and the discoverer will generally not make a public announcement."

"They will basically use this as a secret base, or ~ secret exploration stronghold. 17

"However, this probability is constantly increasing, because according to her calculations, this universe is overlapping with ours, and the overlap is like an ice cube falling into the water, melting at an accelerated rate and constantly disintegrating.

As time goes by, the speed will get faster and faster!

Because of the Great War, the speed of light in this broken universe is only about half of our universe.

Therefore, life forms that are too energetic can not be accommodated. The upper limit is close to the high-level gods, and there will be many restrictions. "

"That is to say, those who can explore normally in it are all middle and low-level gods."

"That's pretty good, the situation just happens to be in our favor. I hope the rest of the gods don't destroy too many ruins.

Chen Mo couldn't help saying.

Star gods are generally stronger than gods in terms of combat effectiveness. Chen Mo is not afraid of other civilizations when fighting alone. There are dozens of gods available under his command.

Among them, Oran is even closer to the strength of a high-level god, which just meets the upper limit of this broken universe.

In the future, no matter how many people come, he will just catch them, which is equivalent to giving him the opportunity to evolve for nothing.

Even though it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain evolution opportunities now, as long as a god is defeated and subdued, the benefits given by the other party are more than that of subduing a planet.

After defeating the Temple of Heaven this time, Chen Mo's most intuitive feeling is that the gods are really rich!

Each of them eats a lot of fat, and their planets have a large population, and many of them still maintain a backward social form, so the level of species is quite rich.

For Chen Mo, each of these planets is a very precious gene pool.

The only question is, can this space produce something good while it can still be maintained?

This is what Chen Mo cares most about.

If this is not beneficial, the rest of the gods who stray into it will only make a small profit.

The big head still has to see if it can dig out some useful ancient technology.

"Master, this space is disappearing rapidly, but it is not melting, but disintegrating. According to Lilia, the surfaces inside are all being dismantled into points and lines.

In short, even if the gods are deep inside and disintegrated, they can only be turned into energy and thrown into our universe. "

"It's very dangerous inside, the owner is not allowed to go in, we will explore it with all our strength!"

Alan saw that Chen Mo seemed to be very interested in it, and watched the pictures repeatedly, so he couldn't help saying immediately.

"It is the collapse of dimensions, falling from three dimensions to two dimensions."

Chen Mo couldn't help but look solemn.

Oran couldn't explain the reason behind it, but when he heard it, he roughly understood the situation of this broken universe.

"I don't know if the attack method of the Dimension Devourer is similar...or if it is a natural phenomenon."

Chen Mo thought carefully.

"According to Fimilis, the Devourers of Dimensions have already defeated the Kota civilization, and their strength should be further expanded. If they haven't devoured a universe, they will be stronger

At this time, they should be stronger than before. "

"And Femiris has been fleeing, her strength has not risen but declined, and it is obviously unreliable to infer the strength of the Devourer of Dimensions based on the enemy in her description."

If this is the case, then exploring the universe has another meaning.

As for the purpose of the Devourer of Dimensions...that is very puzzling.


Generally speaking, after a civilization is invincible, it will lack the motivation to expand outward.

Chen Mo has seen many such cases.

What underpins the Devourer of Dimensions wars one universe after another?

"Anyway, the scene of defeating the universe is right in front of me, so I have no reason to preserve the rest of the civilizations. Gathering their genes and leaving them a place in the civilization database would be very good. The rest, everything All have to serve against the Devourer alone.

Integrate resources and climb up inside the Star Soul world, while the opponent keeps defeating other civilizations. "

"Anyway, I want to have a touch with the Devourer of Dimensions!"

Chen Mo said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Chen Mo stopped thinking about this matter, and put aside the matter of the Dimension Devourer. Thinking about it more will not do any good except for being positioned.

Next, he will go all out to develop his power and strengthen the five.

"I want lots and lots of legions."

"The average combat power has been raised to at least Tier 9, even...God level!"

You know, the Kota tribe is the god-level of the whole people, otherwise they would not be called the gods, and they all failed like this. You can know how terrifying those monsters are.

…0 for flowers…………

Therefore, it is the most basic requirement to bring the average grade to level 9.

If not, I'm afraid even the moves of crowd tactics will be useless.

Of course, the other party spans so many universes, the number is probably... not necessarily less than him!

Therefore, quantity and quality cannot be relaxed!

"Master, I also want to work hard. I hope to become a great god in the future and share my worries for my master!"

Oran spoke.

A determined expression on his face.

The enemies the master faced were formidable and terrifying, but precisely because of this, she was even more certain that the master was the savior, and even her savior!

All this made her very excited.

The original choice was incomparably correct.


Otherwise, he is still muddled at this moment, like a frog sitting in a well watching the sky.

Of course, she is not just talking empty words. The exploration team has already set off at the source and has achieved preliminary results.

With this knowledge, she believed she could at least touch the fringes of great divine power.

Going forward, you have to rely on your own talent!

And for this, she is very confident!

The most talented queen in the history of the snake people, she believes that she can.

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

Olan is indeed amazingly talented, and maintaining this state will help her continue to improve.

Chen Mo believes that the effect of the other party on him will become greater and greater.

"Then you go, responsible for contacting Lilia, and the source, you also pay attention to Hakka.

"I want to gather the knowledge from these two places to cultivate more powerful gods."

"Obey, my master~"

Oran nodded.

Chen Mo set his sights on the 'Evolution'

At this time, the evolution number already has some characteristics of a living body.

The shape of the huge magic eye shoots out terrifying energy all the time.

The entire planet is wrapped in flesh and blood, leaving the front part.

"Now everything is ready, only one engine is missing."

"One is enough to drive this terrifying flesh and blood machine with huge energy consumption."

With the Nesser core, Chen Mo is enough to add a halo to it, and increase the power of radiation infection to at least 1 light-year.

As for the maximum power, it depends on Nesser's core.

All in all, it's worth looking forward to!

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