Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 375 The Federal Propaganda Department Needs Talents Like You! Lady Luck Strikes! (2 More)

Of course, in addition to looting, internal income is also very important.

Chen Mo is also counting on making a fortune internally.

"By the way, did the star god ask about the 'sacred planet' upgrade system?"

Chen Mo suddenly remembered this.

But before he could ask, Oran had already thought about it in advance.

"Master, in the adventure team organized by Lilia, several star gods have asked about the 'sacred' system, especially after I showed the ability to transform the environment

Oran thought of this episode and felt a little proud.

Not only did she not embarrass the master when she went out this time, but she also showed the master's knowledge well.

All in all, very attractive!

But the strange thing is that these star gods all feel more cautious.

It seems.... In their eyes, the master seems to be quite difficult

Oran didn't know it when he was "877", but at this time Chen Mo was in the Star Soul World, that was a big picture, a super profiteer who put a long line to catch big fish!

Especially after Wang Yifeng and others released the story that they were tricked several times in a row.

Throughout the Internet, the matter about Chen Mo's fancy money making has become completely popular.

Everyone knows that doing business with Chen Mo is fine, but trying to take advantage is very difficult!

At least so far, no one seems to have succeeded.

This information made Liu Ru, who was browsing related materials, feel terrified.

It seems.... I took advantage of it myself?

"It's fine if they are interested. I don't expect them to come now. After all, they are star gods. They have a big family and a great career, which is not bad. However, the master of the star soul should not be able to bear it. Many of them are from the star soul world. cornerstone."

"The number of Star Soul Masters, the resources provided to the Star Soul World, account for 80% of the total resources!"

"In the future, if you have the opportunity, you should promote it more! Force is secondary, and we should show our ability to transform the planet through radiation energy and Tiberium ore."

Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Through this matter, he can know that among the star gods, he is indeed quite famous, and the rest of the star gods will want to know him.

Of course, this wasn't the peak of Chen Mo's fame.

The most powerful positive publicity has yet to come.

After the Battle of the Temple of Heaven is over, Chen Mo's popularity will be pushed to the highest peak in this stage.

After all, the Federation will not issue an announcement until the Battle of the Temple of Heaven is completely over in one day.

But this moment is almost here!

Chen Mo's 10 billion army has arrived at the core area of ​​the Tianshen Temple theater.

Step by step, the huge war machines in the Tianshen Temple theater have been completely integrated, and the rest are super elites!

There are also ten gods who are integrated by the God of Wisdom. They are average in strength, but with the help of Nesser's core, they possess terrifying power!

Especially the God of Wisdom, with his first attack, he severely damaged an army of Chen Mo.

Let his tens of millions of Leviathans be wiped out.

Compared with the previous few days, Chen Mo's profit today is very small.

It can even be said that there is a slight loss.

Because this is fighting against the God of Wisdom, and Chen Mo has already occupied all the areas that can be occupied by the Temple of Heaven.

The final decisive battle has officially broken out!

The infinite energy made the God of Wisdom unscrupulous, directly resisting Requiem!

No harm!

This scene spread, and the morale of the entire Temple of Heaven was greatly boosted.

The battle continues.

Scenes of astonishing scenes also spread to the entire theater of the Temple of Heaven.

At this time, only Chen Mo's live broadcast of the combat communication on the theater channel.

Because, basically, everyone was forced to buy the planet by Chen Mo. At this moment, it's all bullshit, and if they want to do something, they can only stare blankly.

Just watch this Chen Mo performance.

"Ahh! Hurry up and end it, the ink stains a woolen thread!"

"That's right, I have to let the Temple of Heavenly God get ready before going up, isn't there something wrong?"

"Hmph! What else can it be, let's show off."

" will be funny to be counter-killed by then."

"I'm so irritated! Let me play all kinds of skills, and now I can only watch movies!"

"The federation is not fair, why should these things have to be sold to Chen Mo, buy and sell by force, shameless! I just quit! Fuck!"

"Don't get excited upstairs, no one is forcing you, if you don't want to do it, you can go home quickly.

"Everyone, don't join Chen Mo's system. This guy is really good at eating alone. Whoever follows him will be unlucky for life!"

"Follow Chen Mo, go hungry for nine meals in three days."

"Don't jump to conclusions, do you really think Chen Mo will win?"

"The other party is the god of wisdom. The other party won't be so stupid that he doesn't have any hole cards, so he dares to stay?"

Someone carefully analyzed... 0

This point makes many people agree.

"Indeed, if Chen Mo is not true, he may not win."

"We sold the planet to him, didn't we avoid the risk? When the planet is destroyed by the terrible weapon of the God of Wisdom, the loss will not be mine."

"The Federal Department of Propaganda needs talents like you. If you have a happy funeral, that's right!"

"Don't worry! The super weapon in the hands of the God of Wisdom is definitely not an ordinary artifact. There is no high-level god who can resist Requiem. I guess, this may be a legendary super artifact!"

"That is, the conceptual weapon used by members of parliament!"

"What conceptual weapon? That's what other civilizations say. We call it authority!"

"Hiss! I understand when you say that, is it so scary?"

"It's definitely not powerful, but I guess it's about the same. It's much stronger than ordinary weapons. At least it's impossible for Chen Mo to do whatever he wants with that star-level battleship!

"This battle is very interesting!"

Everyone was excited and impatient!

I didn't expect such a big reversal at the last moment.

This battle won't be boring anymore.

Everyone is watching and waiting for the final result.

As a result, at this moment, an astonishing piece of news spread like an explosion.

Lady Luck has appeared!

After the opponent hibernates for a period of time, he directly strikes like a thunderbolt!

In a flash, Femilis took away Nesser's 5.1 core authority.

The next moment, the gods connected to Neisser's core energy network screamed in pain.

They can't break free at all.

Gaining energy is not free, and now Nesser's core is fully activated, directly bursting them!

One by one, they exploded to death!

And the strongest God of Wisdom among them, although he reacted the fastest, he never expected that he would fail in this situation!

At the last moment, it was still hard to shake the Requiem, the high-level god stage, invincible!

Even, he is about to advance to great power!

However, the next moment, the straight ball hit the abyss.

Fimilis backhanded and severely injured the God of Wisdom!

This scene shocked everyone!

It is also a situation that neither Tianshen Temple nor Star Soul World expected.

The chess pieces on the table are so strong!

Even jumped up and beat the chess player!.

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