Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 376 The Protoss Descends! This Is The Complete Me, The Complete Power, The Armed Forces Of G

"No! How is this possible!"

"Give it back to me... ah!!!"

The God of Wisdom has completely broken his defenses, and he no longer has the chance to win at the beginning.

Neisser's core is his painstaking research for many years.

In the blink of an eye, he was snatched away by a woman, the one he hated the most.

This hatred, this unwillingness, even if he is a god, he is completely insane.

Therefore, even if he was severely injured, he would attack frantically, trying to regain the authority of Neisser's core.

"It's all in vain!"

"Ants! Get out!"

The goddess of luck, Fimilis, sneered.

For the first time since her resurrection, she smiled so happily.

Feeling this familiar power, she was only left with joy!

A mere native, still want to rob Nesser's core authority with her?


You know, she is a protoss!

A race that once dominated the entire universe.

The God of Wisdom is really good at patience and wisdom, repairing Nesser's core and liberating its energy, I am not as good at him.

But it's a pity, when it comes to using it, I am the real first authority master of Nesser's core!

Even if she doesn't know anything, as long as she reveals her Kota identity, she can easily obtain 30 permissions.

"It's back, it's all back!"

"Now all that remains is to find another Nether Core!"

Lady Luck whispered to herself and clapped her hand casually.

The overflowing terrifying power blows away the God of Wisdom, together with the palace and planets behind him!

Even with that, the planet fell apart.

And the God of Wisdom also widened his eyes, and for a moment, he didn't know whether he was severely injured or frightened, and he was actually speechless.

Just like that, he watched helplessly as he was blown away, crashing into Leviathans and falling into Chen Mo's legion ministers.


so powerful?

It turned out that this was Lady Luck's trump card.

It seems that although the other party is telling the truth, they still conceal a lot of information!

At this time, the strength of Lady Luck began to expand rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, the opponent reached the peak strength of a high-level god through the blessing of Nesser's core.

The next moment, without hindrance, he stepped into the ranks of the great gods.

With such terrifying strength, it can already wipe out stars with one hand!


In the starry sky, a huge golden armor phantom emerged.

"Totally me."

"Perfect power!"

"come out!"

Fimilis grabbed towards the void, and slowly grabbed out a pair of golden armor.

Her divine armament is actually hidden in another dimension, and at this moment, it is being directly manifested by her with endless energy!

"Master, should we interrupt this process!"

"We also have some research on Neisser's core."

Oran looked serious.

The fusion on the legion side made her a little uneasy.

This woman is so strong, she actually has the terrifying strength of great divine power.

Even if it is placed in the entire universe, it is extremely powerful.

After adding Nesser's core, the opponent's degree of difficulty is not at the same level as the God of Wisdom.

Chen Mo immediately decided to use the proof of conquest.

But at this moment, a god suddenly asked to visit Chen Mo.

Looking at the person coming, Chen Mo couldn't help but feel happy.

"Not urgent."

"hold on!"

Chen Mo said.

In the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven, at this time, the goddess of fortune, who is constantly growing stronger, blows terrifying energy wantonly around.

This energy storm swept past, and even the stars kept shaking, their brightness flickering on and off, and it seemed that the next moment, they would blow out like candles.

The terrifying energy of idealism cannot be guessed by conventional physical rules!

This kind of power is already comparable to some very powerful star gods.

Ordinary star soul powerhouses will be crushed into powder with their backhands.

Lady Luck already has the strength to instantly kill high-level gods.

Chen Mo is not the only one making such judgments.

All star soul masters can do it!

In that case...can Lady Luck bow to Chen Mo?

As rumored?

Absolutely impossible!

For a moment, the entire theater channel went from dumbstruck to fast-forwarding to gloating.

No one has ever seen this scene!

It was so unexpected.

In the end, neither the most favored God of Wisdom nor the second most favored Chen Mo is the one who eats chicken, but the goddess of luck who has been wandering on the fringes and seems to be involved in every event, but is always close at hand.

At this moment, when I think back to the past, everyone has only one capitalized suit.


It's really high!

"It's amazing, this is not the goddess of luck, this is simply the goddess of wisdom!"

"Indeed, this kind of operation, this kind of design, I am afraid that the layout has been extended for thousands of years!"

"Isn't anyone paying attention to the real point? How on earth does Lady Luck control Nesser's core?"

"That's right, isn't Nesser's core the creation of the God of Wisdom? How could it be manipulated by the goddess of fortune? Does she have the same ability as Chen Mo?"

"Hahaha! Didn't Chen Mo suffer a great loss and just be someone else's wedding dress!"

"Indeed, no matter what, the next battle of the Temple of Heaven will not be able to continue. In the end, it is estimated that the Federation will come forward to drive away Lady Luck."

"That's right, Chen Mo is at the last moment, so he won't be guaranteed in the evening."

"Goddess of Luck is too ruthless, at the last moment, she pretended to force someone completely."

"The biggest benefit, the 357 Supreme Artifact, was obtained by her!"

"Ahhh! Brothers, go! Kill the goddess of luck, and the benefits are endless!"

"Stupid, Chen Mo doesn't even dare to say that."

All of a sudden, the entire theater channel was boiling again, and many star soul masters were ready to move!

"Chen Mo is dead, Li Po is standing! Brothers, quickly organize your armaments, don't think about retreating, this wave of Chen Mo's goddess of luck will come here, and Chen Mo will be sent flying for several light years !"


"Boss Chen Mo hold on!"

There are also many people who support Chen Mo. Anyway, everyone’s grades are good, so it doesn’t matter. Now some people actually want Xianyu to turn around at the last moment. This is simply unbearable!

For a while, the war zone channel was noisy again.


"Chen Mo comes out!!"

"I want to see Chen Mo, help me get back Nesser's core, everything about me is yours!"

At this time, the God of Wisdom has lost his eyes and is completely crazy.

He really couldn't accept the current situation.

Defeated by Chen Mo, he also admitted!

The other party was a famous slave owner after all, and he swept away the Temple of Heaven by himself.

But Goddess of Luck's behavior, just thinking about it, is about to explode. .

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