Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 377 High-Energy Evolution! Infect The God Of Wisdom! (2 More)

"What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with the great divine will!"

"court death!"

Seeing that the God of Wisdom was still so arrogant, Ashe was furious.

Not to mention him, the frontline commander was also angry, and dared to call the name of the great divine will.

For a time, the entire legion moved.

The God of Wisdom, who was in a state of rage and losing his mind, somehow felt a little threat, and he couldn't help but calm down a little.

Then he didn't fight back, and hurriedly begged humbly:

"Please, great and strong man, even if I die, I can't let the goddess of luck take everything from me, she doesn't deserve it!"

"I can cooperate with you in the attack. During the attack later, I have a way to fight for control and deprive her of her power. As long as I have your cooperation, I am sure to defeat the opponent!"

The god of wisdom has a hideous face.

He has no other ideas, just want to kill Lady Luck.

The other party dared to call him an ant, this time, he wanted the other party to pay for his arrogance!

Of course, calm down a little, the god of wisdom also repents, the goddess of luck can use Chen Mo, why can't I?

Even if he fails, he will drag the goddess of luck to die together!

"Cooperate with you?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but stop the attack at the same time.

"What bargaining chip do you have that you can take out?"

Chen Mo said lightly.

"I am the bargaining chip myself. You should be very clear about the abilities of the God of Light and the God of the Sun. They are originally under my command. They are obedient and respect me!

Moreover, their artifacts are all made by me with the help of Nesser's core, and I have a unique method!"

"Except for me, there should be no one in this universe who understands Nesser's core better!

Unless you really want to let the goddess of luck succeed, otherwise, we will benefit from cooperation, and if we do not cooperate, it must be a huge loss for you.

"Nesser's core is no worse than the powerful weapons in your Star Soul world!"

The God of Wisdom forcibly calmed down, and then said lightly.

At the same time, he was shocked. He had never been in close contact with Chen Mo's legion before, and he couldn't feel it. Now that he lost the infinite energy of Nesser's core, he felt pain all over his body.

Those completely inconspicuous little minions actually gave him a feeling that they could be fatal.

If it was in the past, he would only be terrified, and then stay away immediately.

But now, he can't wait to cooperate with Chen Mo quickly.

The stronger Chen Mo is, the better!

"Oh? You also make powerful artifacts"?"

"It should be good at energy weapons, including the use of medical cores."

In fact, Chen Mo discovered this when he analyzed the weapons of the gods before. Many weapons have Neisser's core technology in them.

It turned out to be like this.

Needless to say, knowledge is power.

The God of Wisdom took out this chip, and Chen Mo became interested all of a sudden!

If he can obtain the technology of the God of Wisdom, then his evolution number will be even stronger!

After all, when it comes to how to maximize the power of Nesser's core, the God of Wisdom is definitely better than the half-baked Goddess of Luck!

Not only that, Chen Mo is also very interested in the energy network shown by the God of Wisdom before.

According to the prompt of deduction and evolution, if he can obtain this knowledge, he can have a new evolutionary opportunity.

Maybe it has something to do with 'high energy'!

"Offer your heart, you will gain a considerable degree of freedom, you can see the gods around me.

"As for Nesser's core, it will also be mine."

"You don't need to worry about this."

Chen Mo said.

The God of Wisdom asked him to cooperate?

Are you kidding me, I'm just thinking too much.

He has his own way!

Moreover, what the God of Wisdom sees is only the appearance.

"I...why should I trust you?"

Faced with such doubts, Chen Mo did not answer.

Because there is no need.

The next moment, Ashe made a move.

Stepping through the portal, terrifying attacks surged out!

Ashe now has the strength of a mid-level god, plus she is the favored one of the powerful star soul, so it is very easy to kill the God of Wisdom!

Even if he doesn't need to take action, the legion at this time can easily strangle the God of Wisdom.

These gods, far underestimated the threat of Chen Mo's army.

As long as they get close, let alone them, Bai is the goddess of luck at this time, and he will also be threatened.

" on earth did you do it!"

"Already an intermediate god!!"

"You are actually a mermaid from before!"

The God of Wisdom was shocked on the spot, full of resistance | he was shocked and angry at the same time.

how so!

Chen Mo doesn't work with him at all!

And the opponent's strength is much stronger than he imagined.

In the previous battle, he remembered this god, it was obviously only a beginner!

Just yesterday!

Overnight, he has already reached the middle-level gods!

What exactly is going on!

He felt that the world was too crazy.

Even the ever-increasing strength of Goddess of Luck just now was not as shocking as this brought him!

After all, Lady Luck has an invincible Nesser core, and what does this mermaid family have?

The other party is just a slave of the slave masters, right?!

"After joining Glorious Evolution, you will naturally know!"

The God of Wisdom is now very powerful, yet he still dares to bargain!

Without any nonsense, Ashe stretched out her hand to volley, and fixed the God of Wisdom in the air.

The surrounding creepers swarmed and spread rapidly, wrapping the God of Wisdom in groups.

And Chen Mo also had a thought, the power of the star god came!

Today, it is far from difficult for him to infect the gods.

Especially after he himself advanced to Star God.

Coupled with his will, the power of the creep blanket is ten thousand times more powerful than real or fake.

In less than a few seconds, the God of Wisdom went from struggling to sluggish.

Immediately afterwards, he muttered to himself.

Creep into the brain, followed by spreading and interfering with consciousness!

[Your mushroom race is infected with the God of Controlling Wisdom! Devour its flesh and blood, gain the gene of the wisdom race, and your restraint against that race will increase by 100%]

[Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained the 'advanced god gene'. According to the system deduction, using a large amount of evolution medicine and the power of the star soul can strengthen the 'high-energy' gene with a probability of 95%. 】

々`Master, the task has been completed!"

(Nuo Dehao) Ashe spoke excitedly.

With the help of her master's power, she was able to kill high-level gods, even though she had the right time and place, and the other party had already been severely injured.

However, this does not prevent her from being proud.

Especially the powerful aura from the master permeated her whole body, and that feeling made her addicted.

If it weren't for the escalation of the battle situation, she would rather the master's will stay on her body for a while longer.

"I didn't expect Neisser's core to be obtained yet, but I used the knowledge of Neisser's core to obtain it ahead of schedule."

"Good luck."

Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled and said.

As soon as his voice fell,

The watch vibrated, it was Luo Bing.

She has recruited a large number of Star Soul Master Posts.

The original plan was to come and visit now.

But at the moment, her suggestion is, postpone it for a few days.

put off?

no need.

Let them come here now, it's a good time!


"Let them... come here?"

Luo Bing was a little confused. .

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