Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 378 Admit Defeat? No, It's Just Unnecessary! (1 More)

Isn't it a war now?

And it's a disadvantage!

Of course, Luo Bing believes that the Holy Terra is absolutely impossible to be in danger, but... is this really good?

It's not enough momentum to brag and recruit people later.

She couldn't help regretting in her heart, she knew that she didn't have to wait for a hundred elites.

Came here yesterday, nothing happened.

"That's right, come on, I just have a ready-made example here, an extremely powerful god, even a god with great divine power, will join me.

"The sacred system is growing!"

Chen Mo said lightly.

"Great divine power?!"

Luo Bing's eyes widened.

Are you talking about the God of Wisdom who was beaten into the air?

Although the opponent only used the power of the divine weapon, he entered the great divine power in an instant.

But if you say that he is a great god, it is not wrong!

But this publicity is more or less headline party!

Luo Bing thought to himself.

But it is also a great achievement!

At the same time, she felt that it was a pity that this time, she did not recruit a veteran star soul expert.

Even if Liu Ru joined, everyone still waited and watched.

First of all, everyone has a fixed training route to follow.

At this level, it is basically impossible for 920 to easily change the evolution route of the planet, unless [the other party can clearly see major benefits.

Of course, a more direct reason is that their level has passed the most suitable stage, and they are no longer "fresh students". Even if they join various forces, they are only marginal figures.

Those who have the ability have long been a radish and a pit among the major forces.

But fortunately, Chen Mo is still very popular among newcomers and Star Soul Masters. Luo Bing herself is not a vegetarian. Now that she joined Chen Mo, she naturally tried her best.

These one hundred people are her achievements.

All carefully selected.

I brought it this time because I wanted to sign all the contracts in one go.

According to her thinking, the problem is not big.

And originally, she was also preparing to carry the power of great victory.

After all, Chen Mo is so strong!

However, the situation took a turn for the worse just now, but she had already let her words out.

Fortunately, here, Chen Mo has two-handed preparations.

To make the God of Wisdom surrender, this is considered a great skill!

What Luo Bing didn't expect was that yes, according to Chen Mo's meaning, there is still a good show on the stage!

Even if the battle in the center of Tianshen Temple fails, it is not a big problem.

Who can subdue the gods at this stage?

Still advanced....wait! (dacd)

"You are already a star god!"

Only then did Luo Bing suddenly realize that something was wrong.

The other party is stronger than the last time we met!

In other words, the opponent advanced to the Star God within a day.

This scene shocked Luo Bing completely, and at the same time, the last worry in her heart completely dissipated.

star god,

This is a star god!

The star soul world is the fastest to advance to the star god powerhouse.

This is already called a real strong man.

Which star god is not surrounded by many friends and various forces?

With this strength as a guarantee, the attractiveness of joining the 'Holy Planet Upgrade System' has skyrocketed!

It has to be said that she is a little envious of the girls.

I didn't pay anything, and just joined a force with great potential in a daze.

And have the opportunity to become a veteran.

Of course, this can't be compared with her.

She is straight up the elder!

Women who can contact Chen Mo directly!

"I don't know what will happen next."

Luo Bing couldn't help being a little excited, especially when she thought of some well-informed girls who raised some doubts, which made her upset!

Believe it will come down, they just opened their mouths and screamed.

"Chen Mo, how long do you need to prepare? I will let them prepare, or gather on my planet in advance."

Luo Bing asked.

"Well, don't worry, it will be soon, the battle will end soon."

The battle is over?

Luo Bing was stunned. This is... Are you going to admit defeat?

She knew that there was only one battle going on at the moment, and that was the core area of ​​the Temple of Heaven.

Lady Luck vs Star Soul World Chen Mo.

In fact, the entire war zone is paying attention to this, Luo Bing doesn't know that it's impossible.

Looking at the scene, the God of Wisdom has been completely defeated [and surrendered by Chen Mo.

In this case, if it is said that the battle is over, doesn't it mean that he has surrendered?

But if you think about it, at present, the goddess of luck is holding the supreme artifact, and Chen Mo, who has just been promoted, even if it is a star god, he can't do anything to him with one or two blows.

On the contrary, if the other party keeps pestering him, it will cause Chen Mo a considerable loss.

So the best way is to end the battle.

Let the Lady Luck go away.

"Alright, I'll let everyone in when the other party leaves."

Luo Bing nodded.

Chen Mo handles all kinds of things, looking amazing, but in fact, he is rough and fine.

This is something that Luo Bing admires.


Chen Mo was taken aback.

Knowing that Luo Bing got it wrong, how could he let Lady Luck leave.

However, Chen Mo didn't explain much, but asked Luo Bing to call someone over. At the same time, the projection of the battle at the Temple of Heaven was also released.

The scene in the sky was completely restored, and for a while, everyone seemed to be on the battlefield.

"So powerful..."

Luo Bing looked at the goddess of fortune whose strength was rapidly expanding, and felt shocked in his heart.

Although he knows about the world of Star Soul, there are quite a few that are stronger than this.

But this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes!

But one thing, she was very surprised, why Chen Mo let the other party pretend so easily.

With Chen Mo's strength, take advantage of this moment to attack, not to mention repelling the opponent, interrupting the opponent to obtain the godly weapon to advance, it is easy!

At this time, Fimilis's divine armament has fully manifested.

The wanton golden light, the gushing energy tide, bang——!

The star shook violently, and suddenly went out for a moment.

Unbelievably powerful!


Lady Luck is in full shape now, she looks like a great god!"

"This is a terrifying existence that can counteract the Star God!"

In fact, without using Chen Mo's projection, all the girls who came in were watching the battlefield through various channels!

At this moment, this is the last battle in the Tianshen Temple theater, and it can be said that no one does not care.

The girls are guessing where this battle will go.

The most guessed by everyone is that Lady Luck left.

Then Chen Mo wins.

Although it was not the greatest victory, Lady Luck was only one person, and judging by her appearance, she wanted to grab the artifact. With this, get out of here quickly, and if you dare to fight against the Star Soul World, you will be seeking your own death.

"Sister Luo Bing, what do you think?"

A girl asked.


Luo Bing couldn't help but smiled, his expression was very complicated.

"Isn't the situation obvious, Chen Mo didn't take any action."

"And Lady Luck shows no signs of thinking about running away."

"Look carefully, here at Chen Mo, we can see as many as 3 middle-level gods, and 2 high-level gods.

"Plus the God of Wisdom who took refuge here."

"He obviously has a chance to stop Lady Luck."

"But it didn't."

"Isn't it obvious?"

Say this to Luo Bing.

For a while, the whole scene fell silent.

Although....but...this is too unbelievable. .

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