Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 379 Acquire Neisser Core, Chen Mo's Scariest Talent (2 More)

"I have a hunch that Chen Mo's holy heaven is very suitable for me.

"This will be my home from now on."

"Chen Mo big brother is so handsome, no matter what, I will join him today."

For a while, many star soul masters muttered to themselves.

At the same time, everyone is staring at the battlefield.

At this time, no one spoke.

It was in absolute contrast to the crazy images on the War Zone Channel.

Many people seem to be looking forward to something.

Hope to get a big one.

Lady Luck is defeated!

In this way, their choices will become super invincible and correct, and they will be the seniors that countless newcomers have to look up to.

The more people there are, the harder it is to join.

A common problem of big forces.

At this moment, in their hearts, Chen Mo has risen to a position far surpassing that of Star God.

"This time, a contract must be signed, otherwise, you can't leave without saying anything."

"But I was able to come here, and at this point in time, it seems that Chen Mo also has this meaning.

There is a talented Star Soul Lord, with shining beautiful eyes, secretly observing Chen Mo carefully.

However, she is also a little worried. With such a brilliant record, Chen Mo's reputation has increased greatly, and this is also the best proof of his strong knowledge system.

When the time comes...they are afraid that the other party will temporarily change the agreement and force them to sign a more stringent contract.

If that's the case, it will become Chen Mo's vassal completely.

This is absolutely intolerable to her.

Rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

Allowing the other party to build a semi-permanent portal on her main planet is already the biggest concession that can be made.

I just hope that the other party really wants to become bigger and stronger, and sprint to the ultimate goal.

Time flies, and under the eyes of everyone, Miris, the goddess of luck, has put away Nesser's core.

And her whole body, the golden light gradually shrank.

As the golden light receded, the golden armor gradually spread, covering the snow-white skin.

Noble, holy, holy!

Pretty explosive scene.

Many people were immediately lost in thought.

But then, as the goddess of luck, Femiris, took out the Nesser core again, everyone became nervous again.

Because the direction she was facing happened to be on the side of the Star Soul World, Chen Mo's billion-dollar army!

Through the projection, many people's hearts skipped a beat.

Luo Bing couldn't help but clenched the hilt of his sword.

She was not afraid, but for some reason, she always felt that the other party had seen the situation here through time and space.

This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable.

In addition, there are some sensitive star soul masters, even standing on their heads.

But the next moment, the goddess of luck let go.

Yes, she loosened Nesser's core, and her own strength declined rapidly.

The Nesser core flew in the direction of Chen Mo's army.

This scene directly stunned everyone.

What's the situation, don't need power, give it to Chen Mo?!


Seeing this scene, Chen Mo, who was holding on to the proof of conquest, secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Well, bet right.

No need for him to bother.

But Chen Mo was not too happy.

Because it also means more heavy responsibilities.

"Fimilis.......She's not kidding, is she?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but look weird.

He couldn't help but recall that the last time Fimilis smiled and said that he was a good candidate for the savior.

Now look, is this really playing with practical actions?

The price given by the other party is really not low.

A repaired and fully activated Nesser core.

And all her own strength cards.

And... all the subordinates and resources she used as sincerity before.

Of course, without these, Chen Mo would not allow her to use Neisser's core to improve her strength.

It can be said that just now, both sides were betting.

Femiris bets that Chen Mo will trust her and let her use Nesser's core to restore her strength.

Chen Mo is betting that what the other party said is true, and he really wants to cooperate with him for a long time, lest he tear his face and use his hole cards.

From the current point of view, both sides have made the right bet.

With this incident as the basis, the trust between the two parties can be said to have reached a new level.

Then, on the matter of the Dimension Devourer, everyone has reached a consensus, people on the same boat.

Of course, Femilis can seize the authority of Nesser's core.

Therefore, this cooperation is not really over yet.

Chen Mo didn't want to be complacent, and at the last moment, like a god of wisdom, he capsized directly in the gutter.

In that case, it would simply be the biggest joke in the Star Soul world.

At least one billion people are following him now!

With a thought, he let Leviathan rush up.

…0 for flowers……

Under the heavy creep blanket, Nesser's core began to be sent to the vicinity of Holy Terra.

"Start infection control!"

With a thought, Chen Mo concentrated his willpower on Neisser's core.

A large number of green leather engineers who had already prepared also set off one after another.


"Is this the strength of the rookie king?"

"The enemy who surpassed the high-level gods did not dare to touch him, but gave him all the artifacts!"

At this time, seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Among them, the Star God's eyes widened.

Everyone has heard before that Chen Mo is extremely talented, powerful, and most importantly, a big profiteer.

But never expected that the opponent's most powerful ability is to make the goddess surrender immediately!

"The first time was a mermaid."

"Last time it was the Queen of the Snake People Race."

"It's even more exaggerated this time, it's directly the goddess of luck."

"What's next? Do you want the ancient gods of the entire level 4 civilization?"

There are star gods speaking in the small circle.

This group is full of star gods.

Everyone discusses interesting things, but not much.

Because Xing Shendu is a master of people, everyone has their own things, and there will not be so many boring nonsense in the public channel with limited time every day.

But this time, the group suddenly became popular.

More than a dozen star gods appeared one after another, discussing a newcomer named Chen Mo.

"Compared to being wary of other consortiums or other competitors, I think Chen Mo is the real big shark that stirs up the situation!"

A star god who is good at prophecy spoke directly.

He didn't even speak like a magic stick.

Rather, it is straightforward.

From this, it can be seen that his emotions are intense!

"The rest of the geniuses are also progressing very quickly. There are also several newly promoted consortium forces that are also supported by the councilors. Their forces are developing rapidly, but compared with Chen Mo, they are simply snails who are standing still.

"Chen Mo is too powerful, even I don't have a supreme artifact now!"

"I don't know what price he can sell."

"It's strange. I don't know what kind of knowledge he made this thing. It doesn't look like a creation of our universe."

The star gods talked a lot.

Some people are at a loss for Chen Mo's development speed.

Some people are very interested in the weapon Chen Mo just acquired.

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