Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 380 Zero Point Energy! Unlimited Energy! Supreme! (1 More)

"It's strange that no member of Parliament has publicly supported Chen Mo."

"Theoretically, what should be done now is to end the battle immediately and then meet Chen Mo.

A veteran Star God looked puzzled.

Of course, he didn't dare to say this, he just muttered to himself.

In his opinion, Chen Mo's strength is already quite terrifying.

It has the potential to shock the MPs.

Of course, there is still a long way to go.

But compared to the long life of the Star God, Chen Mo's so-called long distance is actually just a snap of his fingers.

He is almost certain that as long as Chen Mo does not fall midway and ascend to the position of member of parliament, it will be sooner or later.

However, there is also a little troublesome problem, that is, the top 100 councilors are full now, no more than before.

All 100 seats were occupied.

Therefore, it is not possible to be a member with the strength of a member.

It has to be better than those 100.

"In the short term, even if Chen Mo's strength soars in "277", he probably has no chance.

A star god expert analyzed it carefully.

For this kind of person who can stir up the situation in the future, he will carefully analyze it.

You have to pay attention at this moment in the future.

Holy Terra.

Looking into the space, one can see a distorted starry sky, with an extremely huge energy reaction, suddenly approaching.

Even, many instruments on the planet were disturbed, flickering electric current.

Chen Mo, Luo Bing, and those who were invited, all looked at the huge object in the sky.

The original Nesser core has arrived.

Chen Mo has already controlled it, although he can't fully understand the knowledge in it, and there is still a little time before he can get the opportunity to evolve, but the control right can no longer be deprived

His means of control are fundamentally different from the God of Wisdom who relies on finding Neisser's core rules.

This is a forced parasitism, infection control.

Therefore, once successful, Chen Mo is not afraid of Fimilis playing tricks.

【Nesser Core】

[Origin]: The battle of the Temple of Heaven, obtained from the hands of the goddess of luck, Femiris, and the winner is Chen Mo, the star god.

[Status]: Supreme artifact. Fully unlocked, the integrity is close to 95%.

[Description]: One of the ultimate creations from another universe. Most of the knowledge contained in it cannot be analyzed, and it can only be determined. Its creation level is as high as level 4 civilization. It is mainly used as the engine of the dimensional spaceship. It has infinite energy and uses. great.

[Remark 1]: A strange energy can be drawn from the vacuum. This energy seems to be born out of thin air and is endless. At least our engineers have not observed the upper limit. This may also be the necessary energy to cross the universe. We named it "Zero Point" can'.

[Remark 2]: When using this weapon, it will be marked with a distinctive 'Kota' family label. It is predicted that in the future, it will be attacked first by the Dimension Devourer, and at the same time, it will arouse the hostility of some Kota' family fugitives.

[Remark 3]: Using this core, the Kota tribe that appears can be automatically detected, and they can easily steal the core authority of Nesser, so you need to be vigilant.

"The first super artifact!"

"It is the legendary supreme artifact, representing a certain authority..."

Chen Mo looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

He didn't expect that he would come into contact with this level of weapons so quickly.

Speaking of which, he was the first to reach the limit, and there was only one ability that was close to authority—parasitic.

It has reached the level of energy infection parasitism.

Of course, if it is not strict, the proof of conquest in his hand can also use part of the authority of the Star Soul World, but this power does not belong to him.

In Chen Mo's view, the so-called supreme artifact, a certain authority, is nothing more than reaching the extreme on a certain path, or gaining insight into a certain extremely advanced technology.

According to the materialist point of view, that is to fill up the technology tree, and it is impossible to develop and break through this road any further.

And this is also very consistent with the title of 'Supreme'.

According to the Federation, such weapons are treasures, and the knowledge contained in them is invaluable. The most important thing is that it involves an extremely powerful civilization.

Considering that the Kota civilization still has survivors, especially Femiris is not weak.

Chen Mo has every reason to believe that the Kota tribe still has top powerhouses surviving.

And if Nesser's core was made by using his knowledge, then Chen Mo's wanton contact with such a creation already has a way to kill him.

Very dangerous.

If it were in the past, Chen Mo's best choice would be to stop making any observations on Neisser's core immediately, and hand it over to the big library for research.

I only take knowledge and rewards.

But now, Chen Mo himself is already a star god, and the general curse of knowledge has no effect on him, not to mention that he has produced a large number of Neisser core imitations step by step.

Now it is very useful to study the genuine goods.

It can even be said that besides the God of Wisdom, he is the person who understands Nesser's core best.

Now, of course, the God of Wisdom has sworn allegiance to him.

In other words, he is the person in this universe who knows Nesser's core best.

It is better to spend some money to learn from him than to study the big library!

Besides, this is too precious, it involves authority, and after knowing the value, Chen Mo doesn't want to hand it over to the big library... 0

As for the hostility of the strong Kota tribe and the devourers of dimensions, Chen Mo didn't consider it at all.

This threat is already "obviously a bald man with lice on his head."

There is no need to be afraid at all.

Hurry up to enrich your own strength, that is the kingly way.

When the strength is enough, Chen Mo can't wait to be sensed by the Kota tribe.

It's fine if they cooperate as well as Femiris, otherwise, Chen Mo doesn't mind adding a few more god-level infection parasites.

"Infinite Energy!"

"Zero-point energy, born out of nothing in a vacuum, is almost unheard of. Doesn't it mean that energy is not conserved?"

"It's much stronger than me devouring matter to obtain energy."

Chen Mo sighed.

What is white whoring.

This is the real whore!

As long as you have such a device, you can have as much energy as you want.

Energy is about to become the least valuable thing.

It is even conceivable that if this kind of thing is popularized on a large scale, the price of the strongest high-energy minerals in the current Star Soul World will be cut by at least half!

Because this is the energy revolution!

And initiating a change will bring about an increase in influence, which is extremely terrifying. Maybe it will directly gain "energy or" trade authority.

Just thinking about it, Chen Mo was startled suddenly.

The benefits in this are really too great.

But thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.

The Nesser core is not like the kind of thing that can be produced infinitely.

If this is the case, Chen Mo can't even imagine that Fei 4.6 Millis has nothing to run. Once Nesser's core is unfolded, it will push the universe horizontally and hang the Devourer of Dimensions. Wouldn't it be easy?

There should be no restrictions.

This can only be known after a thorough analysis of Nesser's core.

Chen Mo analyzed.

Theoretically speaking, Chen Mo's most powerful weapon is the Nesser core.

However, it is just a theory, Chen Mo will not change the existing plan.

It was still decided to use the Neisser core as the engine of the Evolution.

Anyway, sooner or later, a dimensional spaceship will be restored, let's start with the Evolution.

Otherwise, Femilis would not be able to sleep.

She felt that there must be a way out.

Now that she has a way out, Chen Mo will cooperate with whatever she wants to do.

This is also one of the conditions she agreed to give Chen Mo the Neisser core.

So from the perspective of subsequent evolution and upgrade.

Evolution is the main body, and its value far exceeds Neisser's core. .

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