Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 381: The True Nature Of A Profiteer! Energy Network Road! (2 More)

At this time, the goddess of fortune also arrived at the holy Terra.

Looking at Nesser's core, which had changed greatly and was beyond her control, her eyelids couldn't help jumping.

Although she was also a clone this time, she was still a little nervous seeing this terrifying scene.

I don't really want to feel like entering the planet.

I always feel's weird, something will grow inside the body.

Chen Mo looked at Lady Luck and smiled slightly.

"Go, like our partner, to show off the brand new spacecraft and our unique technology."

Chen Mo said to the technological overlord on the side.

It is said to be cooperation, but the Tianshen Temple is also completely occupied by Chen Mo, and he will not violate the rules of the Star Soul World.

Lady Luck could not be his true ally either.

Everyone just said so.

The rest of the slave owners still wouldn't show mercy when they saw her.

Of course, this verbal effect is very strong here in Chen Mo.

Otherwise, the new 30 technology will not be shown to Lady Luck.

"A brand new spaceship?"

"You have already made..."

Before Lucky Myth could speak, the technological overlord had already opened the portal, and the huge Evolution number disappeared in a flash.

The portal was closed, but the mouth of the Goddess of Credit could not be closed.

"A bigger battleship!"

"You've planned to use the Nesser core as an engine!"

Lady Luck said, looking at Chen Mo with admiration.

At this moment, although she has reached the point of great divine power, it can be said that she is very powerful.

But compared to Chen Mo reaching the Star God, she just recovers her strength, and the opponent's potential is terrifying.

So she didn't feel superior, but everywhere felt that she was in a weak position.

This wave... just hope the bets are right.

She thought to herself.

"It's too big to make dimension jumps."

Lady Luck spoke her own opinion.

The spaceship that looked like a huge eyeball shocked her. Such a creation is really crazy, but it is not enough to say that it is advanced.

Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled, "Don't panic, you can come back in a few days or months.

"By the way, our cooperation should be more in-depth. After 100 years, I will return the Nesser core to you as agreed, but... you should also reveal more knowledge about the dimensional spaceship to me. gone."

"As for the Dimension Devourer, I hope you think it over carefully. I don't want to know that it is not suitable for me to only know knowledge. If you are leading me to some path you have designed

You will pay for it. "

When Chen Mo got down to business, his voice became serious, and the smile on his lips disappeared.

"Don't worry, I should tell you, I will definitely not lose a little, anyway, now I can see that you may be the savior, and you are also the one who built the escapist ship."

"You've made things round, and after 100 years, I still have no room for maneuver.

Femiris said, with some helplessness in her tone.

It's not like she didn't take advantage of Chen Mo's idea.

But she doesn't mind being used by Chen Mo, after all, the universe is so cold, so don't pretend.

Being able to communicate frankly is already an amazing and warm gesture.

In this respect, she feels that Chen Mo is very reliable.

At least it's not like other slave owners who basically don't count what they say.

Here at Chen Mo, if someone clearly guarantees it, then it is really guaranteed.

On this point, her thoughts are the same as those of the Star Soul Masters and newcomers.

"Don't think too much of me, I'm just trying my best to fight for my own interests within the scope of my ability, this cold universe, after all, someone needs to do something, if I have the ability, I don't mind fighting for it. "

"From this point of view, it is our luck that you came to this universe."

"Your title as Lady Luck is well-deserved.

Chen Mo said seriously.

Without Lady Luck, he wouldn't have known things so quickly.

This is actually very important.

Femilis was taken aback for a moment.

People really think she is the goddess of luck.

That's... a compliment, right?

However, I haven't waited for her to say thank you.

Chen Mo said again: "Well, I'll sell you a boat ticket, how about you pay a deposit first? I know you should have a lot of resources in other places, and some systematic knowledge, and other things. The location of a Neisser core engine.

At the level of Star God, resources are of course still very important, but what Chen Mo is most concerned about at the moment is new knowledge and items that can enhance authority.

Fimilis: ...

She immediately dismissed the words of praise for Chen Mo.

The profiteer!

It's really similar to the Devourer of Dimensions, it's insatiable!


Why didn't he expect himself to kneel and lick him?

It's really disgusting...

But Fimilis pondered for a while, and made some concessions.

Anyway, for her, it is meaningless to preserve a Neisser core.

"I will tell you the rest of the coordinates, but don't think about the resources. I really don't have any. The Temple of Heaven is yours now, and the elves I cultivated have also fallen into your hands. You can be content."

"I don't know if you've noticed it, but the intensity of wars in this universe is on the rise, and the number of broken worlds found everywhere seems to be increasing."

The reason Femilis found was really powerful.

Also profile as Chen Mo proves, she does have eyeliner in other places too.

It's not just 993 who runs the Tianshen Temple.


Chen Mo nodded.

Unexpectedly, the fox Femilis also noticed something was wrong.

"It seems that I have paid close attention to the big data analysis. I haven't mixed into the high-level Star God. It is indeed very tricky. I can only make various guesses and analyzes."

Chen Mo thought.

However, this also confirmed that his guess was correct. He originally thought that high-energy mineral resources would gradually decline.

Now it seems that this situation is impossible to happen.

In the future, various resources will only become more and more tense.

But in this case, he needs less resources, but it is an advantage, and he can sell a large amount to obtain profits.

Not to mention that he already has a Nesser core.

If the construction of the Energy Network Dao is completed, wouldn't it be the energy of the entire Star Soul World...

Just thinking about it, Chen Mo felt that this was an incredible plan.

"What do you think of the energy network of the God of Wisdom?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Generally speaking, this is the technology analyzed in Nesser's core. I can give you a complete copy later. Don't worry, the original creator of this knowledge has long since died.

She was my superior, she died completely, and Mieyou fled to other worlds. "

Fimilis said.

Complete energy network knowledge!

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly brightened.

With this, he has another benefit that others cannot refuse!.

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