Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 382: Energy Webway And Teleportation Webway! The Real Center Of All Worlds! (1 More)

Femilis seems to have a lot of good things!

At this time, Chen Mo looked at the other party, his eyes were a little bright.

Want to tie each other up and squeeze dry.

However, an agreement has been reached with the other party just now, and Chen Mo doesn't want to go back on his word.

He always pays attention to what he says when he does things.

This is also the signboard he has insisted on for so long.

This brand is very important, if it is broken for this matter, it will not be worthwhile.

So Chen Mo could only watch Fimilis leave with pity.

Of course, Fimilis was also very cautious and didn't give Chen Mo a chance to make a direct move.

At this time, Shengli is still lively.

Chen Mo walked out of the living room and came to the manor. Everyone looked over for a while.

One hundred elites.

They are all newcomers and the best girls in the Temple of Heaven war zone.

It can be said that they were all overwhelmed by Chen Mo's strength.

Recruit geniuses and expand your influence!

The girls were all watching Chen Mo, and Chen Mo was naturally watching them too.

One by one, it looks like they have a good temperament, and looking at the resume submitted by Luo Bing, Chen Mo is even more satisfied.

He doesn't expect to recruit top talents.

That kind of talent would not want to come here, they usually struggle on their own.

But it's also good to recruit lesser ones.

These will be the backbone of the Death Star Soul World in the future.

Among them, there are hardly many people who have the hope of advancing to the Star God.

However, it is almost certain that all of them can become star soul experts, or veteran star souls.

And this can greatly expand Chen Mo's influence on the foundation of the Star Soul world.

What, you said there was no one there?

That's totally fine.

Just like how Chen Mo infects and controls other planets, ordinary creatures are the most important. The seemingly omnipotent and most powerful gods actually don't need to fight for them.

As Chen Mo expected, everyone went crazy when they saw this scene.

They have already experienced firsthand what it means to be the strongest rookie king.

Even if it is a great divine power, you have to come and talk to him.

Give him the supreme artifact!

Under this kind of stimulation, I believe that the follow-up influence must be amazing.

And these have at least 100 witnesses!

As for the 100 witnesses, they were already crazy at this time, and they all demanded to sign the agreement immediately.

From this, it can be seen how much Chen Mo has gained in this battle.

Femilis, the goddess of luck, thought that Chen Mo only made money from him, but in fact, she also used her fame, and the force just now turned into her own fame!

It can be said that Chen Mo has earned all the resources, planets, artifacts and fame in this battle!

"Welcome to my 'Holy Planet' system. I will not change the content of the agreement just because I am getting stronger. There is only one rule. I must give priority to using my upgrade system here and building portals on the main planet. , straight to Holy Terra `!"

"And everyone has also seen that I have obtained a brand new Supreme Artifact, join me and have the opportunity to use the power in it!"

"I will build an energy network channel shared by everyone."

Chen Mo opened his mouth lightly.

Energy grids and teleportation grids.

From now on, his planet will be the central node of energy and transmission!

A real center of worlds!

The next thing, just leave it to Luo Shui and Ai Di.

Chen Mo became the shopkeeper.

At the same time, to Chen Mo's relief, this wave completely shattered the confidence of the other planet masters.

No one wants to fight against him anymore.

So he quickly received a notification from the federation.

In the entire Tianshen Temple area, there was no one who disagreed with the area he wanted to buy, and the price was easy to negotiate.

From now on, he has his own territory.

A whole huge star field,

Heavenly Temple star area!

This includes 402 life planets, 500 ore planets that have been explored, and the remaining useless planets are countless!

Plus the original 43 planets.

At this moment, the total number of living planets is 445!

That's a pretty staggering number.

Even many veteran star soul powerhouses don't have so many planets.

Generally speaking, more than 100, even if the strength is huge.

After all, the usual star area is only that sky.

But Chen Mo is different here, he directly accepts the core area of ​​the whole Temple of Heaven!

And for Chen Mo, it means 445 top agricultural planets!

Yes, for some star gods, the more developed the planet is, the better it is, but it will be drained.

But here, Chen Mo has unique planet upgrade knowledge, which can ensure that the planet is continuously upgraded to at least the level of a high-level planet, which is very livable!

"The harvest has been too strong these days."

"Even, the audience was fed up, and I didn't maintain my popularity well.

"It's a pity."

Chen Mo thought.

If you have been brewing for a few days and jumped repeatedly, you might gain even more.

Of course, if other people know about his idea, they will definitely roll their eyes and ask whether you are finished!

Originally, Chen Mo had just stepped into the star god realm, but in the past few days, he has recruited high-level gods and more planets, and his strength has further improved.

It has reached the point where it is close to an intermediate star god.

Further up, it is high-level, and then you can attack the status of a member of parliament.

Of course, the member, the most important thing is not the strength, but the contribution to the Star Soul World.

It's just that under normal circumstances, the greater the contribution, the stronger the strength, so the two are positively correlated.

It has to be said that the promotion method of the Star Soul World is really terrifying. If the consciousness grows infinitely stronger, the will will interfere with reality, and will continue to devour other planets. While growing the mother world, the Star Soul World will also return more attention.

This is a very awesome positive cycle.

Whenever the Star Soul Masters are given a chance, their strength will skyrocket.

The improvement of strength is almost calculated on a monthly basis.

In the eyes of other indigenous gods, this is unimaginable.

For technological civilization, it is even more terrifying.

It's no wonder that the rest of the civilizations in the Star Soul world are called natives, or it's too inefficient (Nuo De Zhao)

If there is any race comparable to Chen Mo's mushroom race, it might be the Star Soul world civilization itself.

In fact, Chen Mo believes that as long as there is enough time, when the Star Soul world expands, sooner or later it will defeat other civilizations and unify the entire universe.

Things may not be as pessimistic as Femilis thought.

Not to mention, the race cultivated by Chen Mo himself is better at infection and expansion.

This upgrade method with Star Soul World fits Kai perfectly.

So Chen Mo is going up and speeding up, freaking out fast!

Continue to count the harvest.

For defeating the God of Wisdom this time, Femiris didn't take any loot, but gave it to Chen Mo.

So Chen Mo got another 11 space rings.

And 10 corpses of gods.

Two of them are still intermediate gods.

He doesn't use this thing very much now, but in the world of Star Soul, it is very popular.

As for the space ring, it has the joy of opening a treasure chest. .

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