Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 383 Obtaining Influence Within The Star Soul World! (2 More)

"Put the corpses of the gods, as well as their weapons, on the trading platform for auction.

"The other ring, you will also distribute it later, and give it to those who need it."

Chen Mo spoke to Ashe.

The space folding device is still quite expensive.

Back then, he was ecstatic just to get one, but now he has obtained more than a dozen worlds.

The equipment used by this kind of god is much more expensive than the standard equipment captured in the Temple of Heaven.

Of course, the internal space is also calculated based on at least one thousand cubic meters.

Anyway pretty huge.

Like gods with better luck, the inside of the ring is directly connected to the broken world, and there is almost no limit to the number of substances that can be piled up.

But of course Chen Mo won't sell such a good thing that connects the broken world.

Take a look at "unboxing" one by one.

Although Chen Mo is very interested, he intuitively believes that there will not be too many good things.


Accidents still happen.

Among these rings, there is another one, which is connected to a broken world.

Yes, Chen Mo has to start taking the 550 seriously.

Such a high percentage of broken worlds.

There is only one possibility, that is, this area will overlap with another broken universe in the future.

This speculation is mixed.

The good thing is that Chen Mo has the first-mover advantage, and anyone who wants to explore has to go through his territory.

He has the greatest initiative and can send the most people at any time.

The downside is that any conflicts may happen within Chen Mo's star sector.

And when the universe finally disintegrates, a large amount of matter will fall from another universe, which will form a huge energy tide, which will impact in all directions like waves.

This energy is quite destructive. If you don't prepare in advance, many planets will be washed into uninhabited planets.

Just when Chen Mo was about to find Lilia and study carefully how big the impact of the cosmic fall would be, a pleasant voice sounded.

【Ding! Your mushroom race has completely infected and controlled the 'Nesser core'! The deduction evolution has been completed! The 'energy' gene has evolved, and you can already directly manipulate the energy itself. With the addition of advanced spiritualism knowledge 'energy network, you can Build a powerful energy network!]

"Energy Network Road!"

Chen Mo couldn't help showing a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is a very important part of his plan to expand his influence within the Star Soul World.

"Hehe... As expected of Goddess Luck, since I met you, I've become even luckier!"

As long as the energy network is constructed, he can allow countless star soul masters to continuously use very cheap energy, and these energies are theoretically endless.

Of course, Chen Mo will not prostitute other people for nothing.

Instead, it is available at a very cheap price.

After all, although this does not require money, if it can be used to make money, it is natural to use the energy for nothing, and by the way, obtain an endless stream of funds from the other star soul masters, and finally control the source of energy.

This is called the joy of double whoring!

"That is to say, if the Neisser core works normally and is installed in the Evolution, I will obtain a star-class warship with infinite energy, and with the 'halo' weapon on it, wouldn't it be possible to artificially create a never-ending The stagnant infection energy field, in this area, is full of energy emperors that trigger infection control at all times."

"Much stronger than the aura of the gods!"

"Even if it can't continue to work because of the halo, it is far beyond...the previous idea!"

"This will be my most powerful weapon. With the power of an auxiliary supreme artifact, it can exert the ability of an offensive artifact!"

At this point in the analysis, Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

Chen (dabg) Mo has decided "to build the evolutionary string into a warship that focuses on "high-energy" evolution.

This battleship will be very specialized on this road, and will take on the role of the center of the energy grid.

I don't expect it to be as invincible as Terra, and it can continue to prostitute the energy and power of the Star Soul world, but as long as it can spread the energy network and successfully connect a large number of planets and legions.

Evolution is also alive.

This is very important, except for the huge eyeball (planet) part, the rest is composed of huge mushroom tentacles.

And even this part is controlled by a deep infection.

And the will of the planet still exists, that is Chen Mo.

He is also the sole controller of this magical battleship.

All these conditions give this battleship the possibility of infinite evolution.

This is why Chen Mo now chooses a big horse-drawn cart.

In the eyes of many people, this is a waste of Neisser's core power zone.

But Chen Mo is very clear that as the evolution continues, the Nesser core will only be a relatively powerful core on the evolution number.

Just like the Bastion at the beginning, the main body is the gravitational core, but it has evolved to the present, and its "organs" are more and more, and you can no longer evaluate which one is more important. These organs cooperate with each other, and each of them is Very important!

So Chen Mo is confident that even if it is as strong as Neisser's core, it will only be one of the more important "organs" in the future.

Let him build weapons with organs as cores?

This is simply impossible!

Mushrooms are the root of everything!

At this point, the Evolution is ready, and after installing the Nesser core, you can start to try the first energy network channel deployment.

And his legion, especially the gods with strong energy utilization ability, will be the first batch of beneficiaries.

Imagine that a god with infinite energy, even if it is only a low-level god, can temporarily contend with a mid-level god through a flood of attacks.

In short, Chen Mo has made a lot of money by completely defeating the Temple of Heaven this time.

Chen Mo obtained a sufficient space for development, providing the necessary material basis for subsequent development.

He can no longer worry about various resources.

Even if there are resources that other star regions do not have, they can be exchanged through the Star Soul World.

It can be said,

Chen Mo's overall strength has skyrocketed dozens of times in almost a week, and the area of ​​control has skyrocketed thousands of times!

Even if there are a large number of gods attacking, he is not afraid at all.

Now, only the fourth-level civilization and void monsters can threaten him.

"When the evolution number is completely installed and the energy network channel is promoted, I will officially gain some influence in the Star Soul World."

Chen Mo whispered softly. .

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