Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 384 Reliance On Energy Network Dao? This Is Not Right! (1 More)

Inside the Star Soul World, Star God powerhouses basically have their own unique planetary training system and race reincarnation pool.

Needless to say, more powerful members of parliament, besides these, they also possess a large amount of knowledge, some of which are almost irreplaceable.

For example, Requiem, such as 'Portal' and 'Blessing of Star Soul World'.

The creators of these knowledge are still alive.

It can be said that this knowledge has penetrated into every important area of ​​the Star Soul world.

According to the different degree and importance, members of parliament often get different benefits and influence.

It is also because of this that the councilors all have extraordinary terrifying power. Just being able to summon the world projection of the star soul at all times can instantly kill more than a dozen streets of great divine powers in other worlds.

Chen Mo even suspects that every congressman is close to the peak of the great power level, and is seeking to break through upwards.

As for the 99th Seat Queen of Ice, as a new member, her influence should not be that strong, but her strength may be extremely strong.

Because the further you go, the harder it is to squeeze others out.

So Chen Mo doesn't want to have too much influence for the time being.

But if he has a supreme artifact that can be dispatched at any time and can attack, and this power can spread to many people, then at least, he will be the strongest under the councilor!

In this case, he doesn't have to worry too much about what he does.

At that time, all the mysterious knowledge that the Star Soul World should have should be open to him.

Chen Mo pinned his hope of sprinting to this position on the energy network channel and the transmission network channel.

At that time, these two devices, like the portal and the requiem, will penetrate into every aspect of the Star Soul world.

"Go, help me build the energy grid."

"I need to use your keen perception of energy."

Chen Mo recruited two angels.

This is the first angel conceived by the Angel Reincarnation Pool. In addition to the angel, Chen Mo also asked Ashe to assist him.

She is also a master at using energy, and the gods are gradually becoming energy, and she has a more unique understanding of how to use the energy network.

On the contrary, Chen Mo himself has no experience in this field.

But he doesn't care about these, he has a specialization in the arts, he is only responsible for sending the right people to the right position, and trying to maximize their value.

This is called management!

"Follow your instructions."

The two angels prostrated themselves in front of Chen Mo, their bodies trembling slightly with excitement.

They are finally being reused!

Chen Mo looked at the two beautiful angels and nodded slightly. With the passage of time, he believed that powerful gods would also be born from them.

Even, no worse than Oran.

After all, this is a very mature and extremely powerful race.

Coupled with his continuous cultivation and transformation, he will become stronger and stronger.

I believe that under their control, the energy network channel centered on the Evolution will spread farther, and they will make great contributions in the upcoming battle to destroy the world!

I don't know that Yu Wenming saw a group of gods without a trace,

Not to mention, the terrifying radiation range of more than one light-year.

Entering this area, everyone below the gods will become Chen Mo's minions!

That scene, just thinking about it, is extremely shocking.

The supreme power that really stirs up the universe!

At that time, the rest of the civilizations, or the inside of the Star Soul World, will know what is called high efficiency, and who is the next Star God who should be most loyal to?

At the same time, Chen Mo felt that at that time, it was also time for him to get the title.

Every extremely famous star god will have his own unique title.

Anyway, looking forward to that day.

Chen Mo looked at Ashe and asked:

"Check Nesser's core carefully. How long do you think it will take you to temporarily reach the stage of great divine power under its blessing?"

"Can it be sustained in the long run?"

The infinite energy of Nesser's core is not without cost.

At least for those who use its energy, that is the case.

If the time is too long, I will not be able to bear it, and it may not be able to assist my own cultivation, it depends on the individual and race.

After hearing Chen Mo's words, Ashe stepped through the portal and arrived beside the evolution.

At this time, Nenghuang Network Road has begun to unfold.

Energy spreads invisible in the air, like an invisible webway, and Ashe, as a god, can feel these energies and use them.

It's like mobilizing the psionic energy in the universe.

But it's even simpler than that, and even requires no effort at all.

Just pass the Neisser Core certification.

Unlimited energy at your fingertips!

Soon, Ashe's strength was rising steadily, and rays of light radiated from her pupils, setting off an energy tide that was more terrifying than the goddess of luck.

It's not that she is stronger, on the contrary, the greater the movement, the more it proves that she can't control the huge energy in her body, and most of it is squandered by such meaningless.

…0 Ask for flowers…0

Soon, Ashe's strength stabilized, she said to Chen Mo:

"Master, I can maintain it for 1 minute at the stage of touching the great divine power. If it is a fierce battle, it will only be about... 10 seconds.

"But at the stage of high-level divine power, I can maintain it almost indefinitely."

"But... this is very harmful to my own cultivation. I can hardly feel the feeling of meticulously manipulating energy. If I use it for a long time, after losing the energy network path, my strength will drop a lot .”

This situation made Ashe feel a little worried.

I feel that I cannot rely too much on external powerful energies.

Especially when there is still hope to advance through cultivation!

However, Chen Mo smiled.

"That's right, unlimited maintenance, that's enough!"

As for the decline in strength?

So what about Chen Mo?

He didn't plan to use it for a long time.

Besides, Ashe's speculation was actually wrong.

She just made a judgment based on the premise that this thing can only be used occasionally.

If it is said that infinite energy fills the entire Star Soul world, and the civilizations developed on this basis, or the weapons used in this environment are continuously developed.

So, will the power still decrease?

Long-term adaptation, the power will increase greatly!

The only trouble is that the status of the energy grid will become more and more important.

Because everyone is already in the shape Chen Mo wants.

It's like a fish can't lose water.

It is meaningless to assume that the fish is not in the water and its strength declines.

As for whether it is possible to make further breakthroughs after touching the realm of great divine power with the help of that short moment.

Then it depends on luck.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo said: "Later, all god-level battle forces will be connected to the energy network channel together. I want to see the effect at full power. Please share your own experience with everyone, the way to control energy from the source , and make more use of it.”

"By the way, there is also a way for the God of Wisdom to break through Nesser's core. You should learn it too."

"Good master~"

Ash nodded respectfully.

The gods around heard the news and couldn't help being excited.

They thought it was over.

Unexpectedly, the most exciting part has just begun!.

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