Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 385 Activate The Energy Network Dao! Patilla Sentinel! (2 More)

Evolution number above.

At this moment the gods gather.

The one who feels the deepest is the God of Wisdom.

He had only seen such a scene a few days ago, but he was the one sitting at the top, but now, it was his turn to stand, and he was standing in the corner.

Even some gods who have just been promoted are standing in front of him.

But he wasn't dissatisfied in the slightest.

Because he has realized that strength, in this strange force, is not the most important.

Along with Oran, Ashe and other strongest gods, they all arrived one after another.

Soon, the entire area was filled with energy tides.

The energy of the impact made the nearest planet brighten up.

Like a flickering light bulb.

This is because high-intensity radiation hits the planet's atmosphere, causing the entire planet to flicker.

Such an impact, pay attention to the destruction of ordinary creatures on a whole planet.

This is the power of the evolution number.

Even if "Three Twenty" is just to activate the energy network, it has such an astonishing power.

Fortunately, Chen Mo had anticipated this a long time ago, so he arranged the evolution towards the battlefield.

Not far ahead, it is the outpost area of ​​the battle with the Patilla civilization.

Even if there is any damage caused here, it is a trivial matter.

"This time, there will be gods who will become extremely strong."

"At the same time, I hope that my evolution number can be successfully tested. If more than 3 of the 30 gods present can advance steadily, then according to speculation, I will be able to summarize the corresponding advancement knowledge."

"At that time, tens of thousands of ninth-level powerhouses in Holy Terra will be able to use this kind of knowledge."

"The Legion of the Gods is right in front of us. It may not be interesting to fight against the powerful Dimension Devourer, but it is quite easy to fight against other fourth-level civilizations."

"Of course, these are just side effects. The most powerful one belongs to my 'evolution number', the real killer."

"Test in a small area first, let 2 gods come over!"

A technical overlord said.

Completely unfolding the Energy Network Dao will not be done in a short while.

According to the technical overlord's suggestion, Chen Mo plans to demonstrate the variation force field first, and then gradually open up more interfaces.

Let more and more gods access it.

After the gods, there is the Leviathan, who is even bigger and stronger, followed by Hydralisks, and finally, the elite ninth-level powerhouses.

Compared with Leviathan, Chen Mo is more afraid of the loss of elite wrists.

These are the planetary governor candidates he carefully cultivated. This kind of advancement involves changes in consciousness, and things have problems, which is very tricky.

It is not easy to cultivate a qualified planetary governor.

Knowledge can be instilled, and experience can be copied, but one's own subjective initiative and adaptability can be slowly developed through acquired learning.

Now that Chen Mo's family has grown into a big business, he has to consider these issues.

Waiting for the gap of the evolution test, Chen Mo opened the watch.

The battle of the Temple of Heaven is here, and it is completely over.

And as the number one, he will receive many rewards.

For his first place, he has gained more points than the rest of the entire theater combined!

It can be said that it is quite terrifying.

Second place, only a fraction of him.

Chen Mo took a look, and no surprise, the second place was still Luo Bing.

Look again, because of his own existence, breaking the situation that was made clear before the consortium took over, the Star Soul powerhouse didn't take advantage of him.

These can be regarded as his achievements, and will definitely make many newcomers beg to join his system.

At that time, the portal can be repaired.

The matter of selling energy is a matter of course!

【Congratulations to Star God Chen Mo! You won the first place in the Battle of the Heavenly God Temple! Your contribution far surpasses the rest of the Star Soul Masters, to the point where you can no longer be counted in the usual sense!】

【The battle has been settled, please check your rewards in the background, or pay attention to the federal announcement!】

[The Battle of the Temple of Heaven is over! Please choose the next battle plan. According to your strength, the Federation recommends ten battles including the Great Crusade. You can choose according to your own situation]

[Tip 1: Once the selection is confirmed, it cannot be changed, and you will be dispatched to the theater until the end of the battle. 】

[Tip 2: You can choose to take a rest and carry out planetary construction and management. The rest period is usually 1-100 years. Please choose the number of years yourself. The higher the number of years, the lower the weight of your acquisition of federal resources, but correspondingly, your business tax will be reduced. Lower (if any). 】

"Choose Patilla - Ruin World Campaign!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Mo clicked on prompt 1 and chose to continue fighting.

He didn't have enough time, how could he dare to rest.

And for him, even if he is fighting, it does not affect the speed at which he makes money. Farming and looting, he is advancing rapidly!

At the same time, the knowledge of the entire Tianshen Temple theater was also collected...

This work is mainly in charge of the two sisters, Irene.

As gods, the two sisters are already very proficient in judging the level of knowledge.

Moreover, Chen Mo invited someone from the big library to teach through Lilia.

Knowledge is divided into two categories of idealism and materialism, and three levels of high, middle and low.

"As expected of the Temple of Heaven, idealist knowledge occupies 500, while materialism only has 10. Unexpectedly, there is an advanced knowledge among them.

"As for the advanced knowledge of the gods, there are more, there are about 100 of them.

"And it's all systematic."

"I don't know if I can get something useful this time around?"

Chen Mo is very satisfied with the knowledge of the 'Energy Network Dao' given by the goddess of luck.

The only pity is that this knowledge comes from ordinary gods, even if it is useful, it will not be that earth-shattering, but it has to be accumulated slowly.

While Chen Mo was leisurely counting the knowledge, planning how to use the knowledge to form a system, to collect money from other star gods, and prostitute influence for nothing, a god suddenly burst into golden light.

The terrifying energy fluctuations even caused the distant dark universe to suddenly shine.

Observing from a distance, it is as if a certain planet suddenly exploded with a supernova.

"A large number of rays have been detected, and the intensity of radiation!"

At a certain outpost that Chen Mo didn't know about, the sentinels of the Palatine civilization suddenly became tense.

This energy intensity far exceeds that of ordinary gods!

"Could it be that those slave owners are looking for death again?"

A sentry sneered, and then made a note of the 4.1 observation.

Soon, there was a detection spacecraft, heading towards that star area.

Of course, Chen Mo doesn't know this, but he doesn't care if he was discovered by the Palati civilization.

Evolution is here, just to prepare for battle!

At this time, the energy network channel has been opened.

The number of gods who entered first has reached 10, and one of them ushered in a breakthrough.

It is the God of Light, and the other party is worthy of being an old-fashioned god. This time, he took refuge in Chen Mo and immediately ushered in rewards.

He actually touched the limit of a great divine power!

But soon, he fell down, like a star that shone for a moment.

"One in ten chance!"

Chen Mo looked at the current situation and nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn't demand much from his subordinates.

This probability is already very good. .

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