Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 388: Legion Of Gods! Dumbfounded Fimilis! (1 More)

Holy Terra, time flies by.

While checking the auction transactions, Chen Mo chatted with Luo Bing, asking how many people applied to join his system.

Observe the effects of being famous.

At this moment, the entire Evolution shook slightly, and the terrifying blue eyes in the middle slowly opened.

This eyeball is the original Tiberium ore planet.

At this time, most of its area is covered, and the radiant energy in it is collected and transmitted through the creeper for directional emission.

Opening the eyeballs means that the test of this star-class warship has reached the final stage.

Terrifying radiation was released, and there were flesh and blood floating in the air, immediately spreading hyphae and spores.

Finally, all the gods also started to move.

With the Evolution as the core, the energy network channel built has started to run smoothly!

Even if the evolution number starts to move, this network channel will not be interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, the gods gathered together to accept the review of the great divine will.

Chen Mo looked at the gods one by one, and couldn't help nodding with satisfaction.

With the blessing of the Energy Network Dao, all the gods have been raised by at least one major level, and the strength of the junior gods has reached the intermediate level.

Intermediate is advanced.

Advanced is to touch the threshold of great divine power.

Of course, this is not their real strength, but only from the increase of the energy network.


Among them, about 10% of the gods are 600. With the help of this increase, they have truly achieved a breakthrough.

The two sisters Irene and Ellie, Olitoka, the spear of the snake tribe, and several war lords have all achieved breakthroughs!

It is worthy of being the god that I am optimistic about, not bad!

They all have a common feature, that is, their original talents are very good, and they belong to the type whose strength is advancing by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, they are also good at using energy.

Thinking about it, they were more or less influenced by Nesser's core.

"The natives in the Temple of Heaven area, that is, the races born under the influence of Nesser's core in the core area, are more likely to make breakthroughs under the blessing of the energy network!"

"In this way...the elves that Femiris personally sheltered and nurtured should be more appropriate."

Chen Mo couldn't help but analyze it.

Of course, he doesn't need to focus on cultivating that race, because there is no hint in deduction and evolution.

In other words, the benefits of this ability are very limited, or in other words, there are advantages and disadvantages.

"The next step is the ninth-order powerhouse."

Chen Mo was all smiles.

Also became very looking forward to it.

Dozens of mid-level gods, or even a few high-level gods, will not increase Chen Mo's strength much.

But... thousands, even tens of thousands of low-level gods will be explosive to his strength growth!

Without Chen Mo's instructions, the technical overlord has recreated a guide for accessing the "Energy Network Path Advancement" based on the data of the gods and the feedback knowledge.

At the ninth level, the reactions of the gods are much faster.

Chen Mo just waited for a while before showing a surprised expression.

I saw stars one by one, lighting up around the evolution number.

Each one represents the strength of a god level!

Chen Mo took a glance and immediately estimated the probability of promotion: "5%!"

It is directly cut in half than the gods.

But Chen Mo still had a smile on his face.


Don't look at only 5%, but it can't stand up to others!

Even 5% is enough for him to mass-produce gods.

The Legion of Gods is close at hand!

As for the other ninth-level elites, they were also boosted, not as good as the gods, but their strength also skyrocketed to far exceed the ninth level.

Except for the law, they are not much different from the gods in terms of energy level.

At first glance, each appears to be a god.

This is also the reason for the sky full of stars.

After completing the 9th stage, the next step is to test the 8th stage, and then it's embarrassing!

Calculated by raising all levels by one level...

Hundreds of millions of Tier 9 legions!

A million-level legion of gods!


Chen Mo gasped.

When this legion is pulled out, compared with the real level 4 civilization, there must be a gap, but you must know that this is just Chen Mo's own legion!

A legion that is already enough for the opponent's fourth-level civilization!

What is this concept?

Chen Mo is not very clear about the number and strength of the real gods of the fourth-level civilization, but according to the information provided by the Federation, in this war zone, he will be crushed!

This amount is enough to crush the Patella civilization!


"You kind of surprised me! How lucky you are."

Chen Mo couldn't help smiling.


At this moment, on a certain planet in the Temple of Heaven, Millis, who was preparing for the follow-up, was speechless for a while.

There was so much movement on Chen Mo's side, she naturally saw it.

What's more, Chen Mo also specially came to thank.

She was dumbfounded by the situation on Chen Mo's side.

"The energy network can it have such a large range? How did you do it?"

A full 1 light-year in scope!

She even doubted whether Chen Mo got hundreds or thousands of Neisser cores!

"Want to know?"

Fimilis' eyes widened, full of expectation.

Chen Mo hooked his fingers and came to me to chat with you."

"That's not okay..."

Femilis shrank her neck immediately.

To be honest, although her strength has recovered, she is even more afraid of Chen Mo.

This guy is really scary!

Nesser's core is the pride of the Kota civilization, why was it cracked by a foreign race in an instant?

Even, the other party transformed Neisser's core and implanted it inside a strange and terrifying planet, and then, miraculous things happened.

Sure enough, I said at the beginning that I would return it to myself in a hundred years, so naive!

At this rate of development, one hundred years?

One year later, Chen Mo gave it to her, but she dared not take it!

If the God of Wisdom was able to achieve this step back then, how could it be possible?

He doesn't have to stay next to Neisser's core anymore, and he won't be hit hard by her at all.

"Chen Mo, your progress in strength is too terrifying, be careful of malicious internal struggles."

Femilis spoke.

Now, she values ​​Chen Mo very much, and considers Chen Mo sincerely as a hope.

Maybe...he will really be the savior!

At least outside the dimensional spaceship, she really had a little hope again.

An emotion called excitement and anticipation rose from the bottom of her heart.

How many years have not been like this.

Involuntarily, she spoke sincerely.

There was no sly look in his eyes, instead they were shining brightly, looking at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was at a loss and didn't understand what Fimilis was singing.

So he just smiled and didn't answer.

The internal rules of Star Soul World are very special. It is different from the rule that Fimilis imagined. Here is a parliamentary system, and the power is very scattered. Even Chen Mo has gained very little power at present (world law concern) .

So there may be threats from within, but they will not become stronger and more numerous.

Contrary to what Fimilis thought, Chen Mo was becoming safer inside the Star Soul World.

In fact, she didn't know that Chen Mo was able to make the evolution number expand the energy network to such a degree, it was due to the knowledge rewarded by the Federation and the creation of the "halo"!.

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