Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 389 Gestalt Thinking! An Unexpected Opportunity For Evolution! (2 More)

"Don't be too confident, people's hearts are unpredictable, when I voted for freedom, I regretted it.

Femilis spoke again.

The Kota tribe originally had the opportunity to transform into a fairly powerful civilization with overall consciousness.

But it is a pity that the opportunity was missed, and he was naturally beaten back.

"So, you are more optimistic about the civilization of Gestalt thinking?"

Chen Mo asked.

Gestalt is a relatively rare type of civilization among the cosmic races.

Usually there is only one main idea.

That is what Chen Mo is currently like, but it is much more extreme than this~.

"Yes, so I like you."

"Of course, if I go back to the beginning, I will still choose to vote for freedom, but to integrate all forces, individual sacrifices are inevitable.

Fimilis said.

"Don't worry, our Star Soul World has its own rules of operation."

"You don't have to be discouraged. Since you think the gestalt is good, you can try it. It's not as simple as you think."

Chen Mo didn't argue, just suggested.

He felt that Femilis had been running away for too long, and that she had gone to extremes.

Gestalt kills creativity, which is really not good.

But his race is different, it doesn't have the shortcomings of gestalt, and it's not as rigid as a robot, none of these shortcomings!

"I'll try, can you give me some similar knowledge? I can trade with you.


Chen Mo said.

Just kidding, selling his race like others, how could Chen Mo let go of this opportunity!

His knowledge is good if he has used it!

After chatting with Fimilis for a few words, Chen Mo turned back to business.

At this time, the data of his 8th-tier and 9th-tier legions connected to the energy network channel have been completely counted.

The number of top-level legions of the ninth rank: a total of 101 million.

The number of spirit legions: 980,000.

Most of them are infected bodies and green skins. The snake people account for about 1 million, and the mermaid family is even less, only 300,000.

This is because Chen Mo can use all his knowledge and technology on the infected body.

After all, the minions of the evil god don't care about their appearance at all.

Everything is for the sake of fighting!

The mermaid and snake girl have other functions.

For example, Chen Mo's Holy Terra, if all of them were replaced with infected bodies, there would be pustules, tentacles, and wetness everywhere.

Needless to say, those who believe in the reason and deal with Chen Mo will lose more than half of it!

In short, this time collectively using energy network evolution, the harvest is too great.

Chen Mo is very satisfied.

In the beginning, he just wanted to create a battleship that could use radiation efficiently and infect the planet without damage.

In order to replace the Requiem that always kills the living.

Unexpectedly, it was followed by the core of Nesser, the energy network channel, and the halo again.

Good luck!

Of course, all of this is also due to Chen Mo's strong infection control capabilities.

Without the ability of the mushroom race to evolve to the limit, it would be impossible for everything to happen.

"Evolved to the limit, it seems very useful."

"When every ability reaches its limit, it can bring me a lot of changes, and even the way of fighting will completely change!"

Looking back on this period of rapid progress, Chen Mo feels that the most critical point is the ability of "parasitic".

Therefore, Chen Mo looks forward to the evolution of other genes in the future!

"With this combat power, the average combat power of the legion has reached level 9."

"According to the label, even among god-level civilizations, they are very elite."

"Further up, there will only be a god-level legion left. But even this step, I have already initially constructed it. y

There are millions of gods, although most of them are forcibly fed by the energy network channel with no strength, but they are already terrible.

As long as it grows a little more, reaching 10 million, Chen Mo can form a standard small army.

At that time, not to mention occupying the outposts of the Patilla civilization, Chen Mo is not in vain even if he fights against all god-level civilizations!

"Prepare to test fire the main gun."

Chen Mo thought.

At this time, the entire Evolution has been activated, and Nesser's core is also fully activated, leaving only one function that has not been tested.

Chen Mo's heart felt itchy.

Looking at the extremely bright, but extremely strange big eyes, a blue electric glow began to brew in the middle. From a distance, the entire battleship looked like a huge eye in the dark universe.

This eye narrowed slightly, but within the pupil, it became brighter and brighter.

Occasionally, shocking energy leaked out of it and shot at the planet nearby. Immediately, the entire planet continued to crystallize and turned into a glass ball.

…0 for flowers……

"It seems that there is still room for improvement in the 'high-energy' gene of the creep."

Chen Mo couldn't help saying that with some regret.

However, for the green skins, imperfectly operated war weapons are what they are best at.

Occasionally out of control, leaking some radiation energy problems!

This reduces the enemy's predictability.

Of course, if the crystallization phenomenon is still so serious after the main gun is fired, then it will be useless.

The whole planet has turned into crystals, and they make a lot of money.

It's better to use Requiem, at least there are still a lot of resources available.

A few minutes later, the adjustments for the first test run were thoroughly prepared.

The giant star-class battleship burst out terrifying energy. A light blue beam of light surged out of the main gun of the battleship like the eye of the evil god, advancing at the speed of light, and hit a lifeless planet.

But it was also a coincidence, just when the mutant speed of light was about to hit the planet, a huge spaceship jumped over.

The next moment, light splashed.

The battleship didn't have time to react, and even the planet was attacked by the mutated Guangdong.

"what's the situation?!"

Chen Mo looked at the large number of infected parasites flying out with a dazed expression.

He obviously bombarded a lifeless planet, how could he produce so many mutants.

Not to mention, the light beam can last for 3 seconds!

The next moment, the entire planet disintegrated, cracked and became countless strange monsters, tentacles, mushrooms, infected bodies, and splashed everywhere!

This scene is indescribable, that is, the entire planet was instantly infected, and then those mushroom spores quickly consumed matter, turning the entire planet into a monster aggregate.

The monsters exploded again.

Thus, a planet is gone.

Spawned a bunch of wriggling monsters.

This visual effect is simply explosive!

Evil couldn't be more evil and weird!

Luo Bing, who was also watching by the way, exclaimed in shock.

As for the goddess of luck, Femiris, who was watching secretly from a distance, she was directly frightened.

Well, actually, Chen Mo was also dumbfounded.

But not because of this scene.

Instead, a prompt sounds:

[Ding! It was detected that the planet and the Patella civilization spacecraft were disintegrated by the mutation gun! According to the system deduction, there is a chance to evolve the 'high-energy' gene. Do you want to consume a large amount of evolution medicine to evolve immediately! Yu].

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