Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 390 The 'High Energy' Gene! Energy Shield! (1 More)

"Evolve immediately!"

There is no hesitation at all!

Chen Mo immediately mobilized a large amount of resources, even if it was daily limit construction of other planets, they had to evolve immediately.

Up to now, his chance to evolve has become increasingly rare.

But every time it evolves, it is advancing towards the limit, and the effect is already very good!

Chen Mo never dreamed before that the opportunity to evolve could be obtained in this way.

It's true that the Patila civilization can't be rectified.

This... is simply a good person!

But to be honest, Chen Mo didn't see clearly the model of the spaceship that jumped over at all. After all, it happened too suddenly and too fast.

Thinking that the other party also wanted to hide the situation, he secretly gave Chen Mo a big one.

Unexpectedly, it hit the main gun of the star-class battleship.

Therefore, Chen Mo can only speculate that this should be a very large battleship, which is more than 10 times larger than the other battleships of the Patilla civilization.

That is to say, there are hundreds of people at least.

It's a pity that there are so many genes, why do you think you don't have eyes?

Irregular leaps and bounds, family members burst into tears, Chen Mo laughed haha!

But this also shows from the side, no wonder in this war zone, the Star Soul World, which is not bad on the surface, always suffers.

Partiva Civilization Action is also too stealthy.

This kind of big spaceship jumps, but the movement is so small!

Chen Mo observed carefully, and saw that the surface of those "infected bodies" selected by him and started to evolve had electric currents, and some of the more powerful ones had a light blue thin light curtain flowing.

It seems that the eerie feeling has been weakened a lot, and it has a sense of technology instead.

Some are like energy shields.

Yep, pretty much like this thing.

However, the general energy shield can only be in the shape of a shield, but this difference is stimulated by each cell, and then connected in series on the body surface, supported, and clinging to the energy film on the surface of the cells.

Therefore, it is said to be an energy shield, which is more like a layer of energy skin.

The shape clings to the infected aberration.

Even after there is a wound, the shield will not be damaged, and the cells inside can also grow rapidly to repair the shield.

Essentially, each small cell is a shield.

This gives Chen Mo the feeling that it is more like a pure cosmic life, with a very high energy intensity.

"It's no wonder that life in the universe is so hanging. This form is indeed terrifying."

"Just looking at these parasites of mine, I can know how powerful the body of a creature that has evolved to the highest form is.

"Cut nuclear bombs in the body, take a bath in the stars, so that's the way to do it."

"However, it must be extremely difficult for the rest of the creatures to reach this stage."

"But I'm about to enter this advanced stage, and it's all people!"

Chen Mo checked the infection mutant as soon as it had evolved.

Observe their physical strength, as well as changes in consciousness.

There is no problem.


Even, in the radiation-filled field of the Evolution, the recovery speed of their shields has been accelerated by at least 3 times. If they are connected to the energy network channel, wouldn't it be...

Chen Mo is very excited just thinking about it!

【By analyzing the 'Patila' gene, your group has a very good understanding of this race, which produces a restraint effect, and any [effect of their actions will be enhanced by 150%]

[Ding! The deduction evolution has been completed, the 'energy' gene has evolved, you can use energy more efficiently, fine-tune energy at the cellular level, and build a bio-energy shield! 】


"However, what surprises me is that this opportunity to evolve came so suddenly!"

"I didn't think so much either."


Chen Mo suddenly thought that not long ago, he seemed to have just thought, "It would be great if high-energy genes could also evolve."

Then... it really evolved?

"The defense strength has increased by at least 100 times.

"And this is due to the energy shield at the cell level, the resistance of the creep to radiation energy has been greatly improved. In a disguised form, the evolution number is becoming perfect, and there is no longer the danger of leaking radiation energy indiscriminately!"

Chen Mo checked it carefully and was very satisfied.

The improvement brought about by this evolution is much higher than the improvement brought about by connecting minions below the god level to the energy network.

After all, for the Flesh and Flesh Legion, which is mainly engaged in melee combat, the effect of improving the defense is immediate.

Even if the enemy destroys them for only 0.1 second at night, it will cause terrible consequences in the face of a huge number.

It is also level 8, the current 10 million level army can single out the previous 10 million level 9 army!

Such a growth rate shocked Chen Mo.

Even, a little unbelievable.

Ashe, who followed the whole process and was able to view the data, widened her eyes.

At this time, she was already fantasizing in her heart, leading such an army to sweep the Patilla civilization!

Entire energy shield, imagine, what is this concept?

Moreover, this shield is not the kind in the conventional sense, it is useless to break it, but every cell has it, that is to say, there is no such thing as breaking the shield!

What's even more frightening is that this army of energy shields can also be connected to the energy network channel, has unlimited energy, and can maintain the energy shield 24 hours a day!

【Infection Aberration】

[Status: Infected body, level 9 life]

【Position: Minion】

[Remark 1: From an unexpected evolutionary experiment, this mutant is the first batch of individuals who activated the top-level 'high-energy' gene to build an energy shield. Shield! Almost immune to energy attacks!]

[Remark 2: Individuals with energy shields turned on have extremely strong energy reactions, making it difficult to hide themselves!]

Chen Mo recorded this windfall and archived it... 0

Compared with his previous legion, this one can be said to be extremely arrogant in terms of strength and energy response.

To describe it in two words, it is: rampant.

Yes, you can see this legion from far, far away.

But you have to be afraid of it!

This legion already has that kind of evil, which makes people feel powerless.

Hard to fight!

The biggest one in terms of coordination——Evolution.

Even Chen Mo3.4 couldn't help being shocked, feeling unmatched, and the evil forces are so powerful that they are lawless.

This is the feeling you want!

It has the style of an evil god!

Chen Mo believed that once his energy shield army with Evolution as the core attacked, it would inevitably set off a wave of evolutionary change.

The star gods will find out that the legion can still play like this!

Materialism, too, has an extremely efficient, horrible day!

This legion can be said to be Chen Mo's most massive killer at the moment. Adding in the spirit legion, how could the strength have soared a hundred times?

Snake people, mermaids, angels, etc., decorate the facade and manage the planet, which is the glamorous side of his strength.

On the other hand, the killing side is frightening. A real killing machine is frightening at first glance.

At this time, Chen Mo had already become interested in fighting Patilla. .

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