Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 391 Opportunity For Evolution! (2 More)

After counting the battle strength, Chen Mo is eager to try!

At the same time, based on the energy shield, Chen Mo had another idea.

Why not create a biological armor?

For example, a bio-mech that can be piloted.

It can be sold to other Star Soul Masters.

Isn't this more realistic than the green titan?

Not only can it be used for mining and fighting, but it can also be used to activate the energy shield at any time.

However, because they do not have the support of the energy network channel, they can only open about .

Just do it! Chen Mo immediately calculated and came to the conclusion that 30 seconds.

But enough!

It only needs to be turned on for a second at a critical moment to be able to resist the next attack.

Of course, if you find it useful, you can also join his energy network channel!

Or, upgrade the biological mecha.

Upon receiving the request, Chen Mo can immediately evolve remotely, allowing the mecha to grow accordingly.

This is simply the perfect product.

The final control is still firmly in the hands of Chen Mo.

As for making the other Star Soul Masters stronger and competing with him?

In the previous 30 chapters, Chen Mo had to take care of a little bit, but now, his strength has widened a huge gap from the average star soul master. Even with his full help, no star soul master can threaten him.

Competition is out of the question!

"If it can really be promoted, it will definitely be another great weapon for me to build my own sacred system and expand my influence!"

Chen Mo couldn't help being excited.

Immediately, he chatted with Luo Bing about the idea.

At this time, Luo Bing had recovered from the shock, and after calm analysis, she was excited again.

This idea definitely works!

"But the appearance is too can pack it."

"In addition, your strength is on the next level, it's even better!"

"By the way, you are already quite famous as a star god, especially in the middle and lower levels. You are so popular,'s time to think of a title."

"If I remember correctly, Star Shendu will have this qualification, you should quickly think of one, so we can promote it!"

Luo Bing urged.

She can't wait to promote Chen Mo.

The whole world has to scream!

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched, a name?

He has a difficulty in choosing a name. Just look at the names he took before. At the beginning, he even gave names to many technological overlords, and then they simply put numbers on them.

What's more, this kind of title needs to be filed and spread to all parts of the Star Soul world.

He has to think about it!

An influential star god has at least 10 million star gods in his own interest system.

"I'm still far behind."

Chen Mo couldn't help but analyze it carefully.

"However... if my own strength can go up to a higher level, then relying on my current fame, I can achieve this goal almost instantly."

Chen Mo knew very well that although almost all newcomers wanted to join him, many star soul experts were waiting and watching.

The middle-level star god is a watershed. At this level, even if Chen Mo does not follow up, he will still be a big boss in the world of Star Soul.

That way, no one will have concerns.

Coupled with his super discount, he can quickly expand his power.

It would be great if it could occupy one hundred thousandth of the Star Soul world.

Chen Mo couldn't help but hope.

On an ordinary planet, if the erosion and infection reach 50%, it can compete with the will of the planet and gradually replace it.

But the world of Star Soul is different. Even Star Gods rarely have more than one ten-thousandth influence.

Because the authority here is too scattered, and the individuals are too powerful!

"This is...evolution!"

"Great divine will!"

All the infected bodies participating in the experiment were excited, shouting the name of the divine will!

The explosive power in the body makes all individuals extremely excited.

This power is simply endless.

You know, this is the endless power that even the gods can indulge in. No one can refuse this feeling of omnipotence.

Of course, no matter how omnipotent it is, thinking of these, there is a great creation of the divine will, and everyone becomes more devout in their hearts.

They will be loyal to Chen Mo forever!

"Chen Mo, I found someone to collect information. According to your description, the battleship of the Patilla civilization should be one of their main battleships, with a crew of 150 people.

The combat power is very strong, equivalent to 10 intermediate gods. "

"There is also a very powerful shield device, so the defense is very strong, plus it is elusive, many Star Soul Lords are complaining about this thing."

"I didn't expect you to destroy a battleship like this on the first day you came!"

Luo Bing was also very curious, so he quickly searched for information and found the most likely record.

At the same time, she also made up her mind to choose this theater.

Now that you're following Chen Mo, follow him all the way to the end!

"So that's the reason..."

Chen Mo looked at the information given by Luo Bing and was slightly surprised.

It seems that it is this kind of battleship with a powerful shield that triggered this opportunity for evolution.

I have to say, is it worthy of a fourth-level civilization?

007 gave him such a huge boost with just one battleship!

However, it has been a long time since he evolved so easily, and Chen Mo was not used to it for a while.

If it goes on like this all the time, it won't be difficult to grow up to be able to fight against the Devourer of Dimensions!

The lowest goal Chen Mo set for himself was to have the strength of the 'Kotah tribe' back then.

When you have this kind of strength, I believe that it is easy for Lady Luck to judge.

"Does the Patilla civilization have other types of main battleships?"

Chen Mo couldn't help asking.

"It seems not, this civilization is relatively monotonous and specialized.

Luo Bing said.


Chen Mo couldn't help shaking his head.

It seems that it is unrealistic to always catch a fleece, and we have to pay attention to the broken world, or some other weapons of the Patilla civilization.

Of course, it would be even better if the genes of the other fourth-level civilizations were devoured and evolved.

But this universe, although it is getting more and more chaotic now, but there are only so many fourth-level civilizations, and it affects the whole body.

There is no full-scale war yet.

Basically, they still clean up the chassis and gradually engage in friction.

It would be great if there was a place where civilizations of all ethnic groups gathered together and waited in line for him to find opportunities for evolution.

Chen Mo couldn't help thinking. .

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