Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 393 Chen Mo Is A Good Man! Let's Send Him Money! (2 More)

Tier 9 and Tier 7 legions can't be clean and tidy!

Can you believe this thing?

The opponent's fangs and claws can actually hurt the fighters protected by the shield.

All in all, looking at the battle damage report in front of him, Commander Patilla was a little confused.

In other words, if you continue to advance like this, won't you suffer a huge loss?

Even if you win, it doesn't matter!

Close contact must be avoided.

Play to your strengths.


He snorted coldly and said unwillingly.

"Assembly outside the opponent's defensive circle!"

"Don't fight the opponent in melee, prepare me for a long-range attack!"

"I want to destroy them in one wave!"

Commander Patilla reworked his plans.

At the same time, he also got information that the rest of the slave owners were also taking action, and many people even gathered here.

I have never been able to find a chance to fight the slave owners.

This time, the opportunity has come!

"Not coming?"

"Then let's push over slowly! Level 8 Legion, get ready!

Oran's voice was even colder.

The war has already begun, so if it wants to end, it can only be ended by her!

This time, the opponent must be made to submit to the great divine will.

With the light of evolution, 677 will surely shine on the entire Patilla sector!

"All ready, target! Patilla Sector!!"

The excited voice of the legion commander was transmitted to every corner through the neural network.

For a moment, the entire star world reverberated with roars.

Countless fighters were excited, and the scene was extremely crazy.

Of course, from the outside, the entire legion was silent.

Oran looked as tyrannical as a star on one side, and as cold as a machine on the other.

Really amazing race.

At this moment, she was a little dazed, so many races gathered under the command of the master, they all seemed to be one race.

Longing for war, longing for expansion, longing for more evolution!

"Now let Patilla take advantage of it."

"It's not as good as them to attack us from a distance, but when they push to the Patilla star area, or the entrance to the broken world, I wonder if they can still be so calm?"

"Either come up and be crushed by us, or watch us crush their territory into powder."

"By the time...…"

There was a gleam in Oran's eyes.

"In this battle, we will be famous in the universe!"

"The brilliance of the divine will, from the star soul world to the depths of the dark and broken world, everyone knows, everyone knows!"

Olitoka's eyes glowed red.

Tonight, the situation in the entire theater will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Many people are about to suffer from insomnia!

At this time, Chen Mo's entire legion near the 'Evolution' was attacked.

But the attacks come from far away.

However, these attacks are at the speed of light, and cannot be observed in advance.

Only when the attack comes, can it be discovered.

At that time, the only way to go is to accept the loss.

But when it comes to losses, this is what Chen Mo is best at.

At present, the proportion of flesh and blood evaporated by the opponent's main gun is not much, and the growth of the planet along the way can make up for it.

However, the Star Soul Masters in this theater are all veterans, and their level is too high.

Seeing Chen Mo being beaten, no one stood by.

All shots!

This point surprised Chen Mo.

It feels like a team fight.

In the past, I used to lead the entire field by myself. Although I didn't need it this time, the other Star Soul Masters were really awesome. Many people continued to attack the Patilla civilization, causing more damage to the opponent than Chen Mo be high!

Of course, this is the reason why Chen Mo didn't launch the army of gods.

Because it is not yet time.

The current strongest record can only be occupied by the other Star Soul Masters.

Moreover, there are many star gods in this theater!

Therefore, a strange situation has formed at present:

That is, Chen Mo's army is in the middle, moving in a straight line towards the entrance of the broken world, but moving slowly, like a mobile fortress.

And around them, there is a large (daae) group of guerrilla troops with strong strength and very quick response.

The Patilla civilization is fighting against these guerrilla armies while preventing Chen Mo from advancing.

The two sides launched a new round of bloody battle around the Evolution.

"Uh uh uh...why is the situation changing so fast! I'm totally not ready!"

" too.

Go!! This wave will definitely conquer the Broken World!"

"It's cool, you are worthy of being the rookie king, you got the most vicious beating when you came up, and resisted the banner of attack!"

"Brothers, go up and help, let the boss Chen Mo suffer less damage, that's all we can do, as for the record, we will not be polite, whoever killed Patilla

For a while, the war zone channel was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Although everyone has suffered losses, the front line is advancing, and the number of Patillas killed is increasing. You must know that this is a battle with a level 4 civilization, and every achievement is rewarded!

The federal rewards are extremely generous!

What's more, the first place is almost sure to get the attention of the Star Soul World Law.

Therefore, no one will hold back.

Everyone is actively killing the enemy. Killing the Patilla civilization means killing the civilization that threatens the Star Soul world. Each one is a great contribution!

And Chen Mo as a human shield, and also provided a star-level fortress as a support, everyone frantically AOE, playing really cool!

"I said a long time ago that this bloody tank civilization is very useful!"

A star god praised flatteringly.

"But the problem is, no one wants to be beaten the hardest and get the least reward, right?"

There are also star gods who have doubts.

If Chen Mo continues to act like this, it is equivalent to being a tank for everyone. The effect is undeniable, but...will he suffer too much?

As a result, many celebrities organized spontaneously to give Chen Mo some compensation.

He also asked him if the legion could stand up, and if it couldn't, everyone could go up and support him, so that he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, even if this is the case, the rest of the star gods are also very happy!

The evolution number of Chen Mo is really outrageous. Expanding the radiation field, directly shielding a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, and now they are all colliding with top elites!

At the same time, with its powerful size and unimaginable space suppression ability, everyone can't jump. In this area, they can only shake back and forth!

What's even more outrageous is that the quality of Chen Mo's legion is not good, but the quantity is too much, and the Patilla civilization dare not approach it!

Evolution is also relying on this point to keep moving forward!

Open up an attack path for the Star Soul World.

Seeing that Liu Ru came forward and a large number of star gods united to encourage him and give him some compensation information, Chen Mo looked confused.

No matter what the situation, I used to rack my brains to find ways to make money.

Now, these star soul masters took the initiative to show their favor and sent money.

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