Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 394: Big-Eyed Baby's Offensive And Defensive Battle! Windfall! (1 More)

Needless to say, this was a windfall.

Chen Mo was about to attack forward.

This is also the best strategy for him to play to his own advantages.

Unexpectedly, there are still people paying him to do what he was supposed to do!

Chen Mo looked at the 1 billion yuan in the account, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The money was not much, and the rest of the star gods still made the big head, but he also got the benefits, which was never thought of before.

However, what the star gods didn't know was that, besides the gains in the conventional sense, what Chen Mo valued more was the gains in knowledge and genes.

With the advancement of the Evolution, Chen Mo has earned a lot in these two aspects.

And it's a huge profit!

In addition, there are also infected Patilla fighters who have withdrawn to the base.

Seriously speaking, this part is the biggest gain!

Infection that goes deep into the genes, even the Patilla civilization, cannot detect it.

With the mobilization of soldiers, the infection spread within the Patilla civilization.

Of course, it is currently limited to outposts, but Chen Mo is confident that as the battle continues, the infection will continue to expand!

I just hope that when the time comes, other star gods will not complain that they earn too much, and then take back all the money they gave to themselves.

Finally, the battle came to an end.

The shining starry sky returned to calm.

If you look at it from the native planet, the night at this time is extraordinarily dark, and the various supernova explosions, super-bright stars, etc. that were shining before are all gone.

There is only one huge planet left, but it looks like a huge eye!

All this is creepy.

The army of the Patilla civilization did not continue to attack, because they found that the opponent was too exhausted, and felt that they were not afraid of death. Obviously, the efficiency of the opponent's recovery of materials was not as good as their own!

The slave owners around are also very annoying, making it impossible for them to concentrate their firepower to break through this incredibly huge radiation belt and control the big eyes in the middle.

But they will never back down.

Because this big eye is constantly moving forward.

They have no room to back down!

I can only take a breather, accumulate strength, and prepare for a bigger battle.

In short, this sudden battle made both sides a little baffled.

The Patila civilization thought it was a contact war, and tried each other's waters. Unexpectedly, as soon as they came up, the other side started a firm advance mode.

They had to fight now!

The Star Soul World side was also in a daze. They were still resting, and they said that there were new troops to be added. Everyone was still thinking about what Chen Mo could do. After all, the reputation came first before the man arrived!

Unexpectedly, as soon as the other party arrived, a big battle broke out.

Continuously advancing, the entire star corpse stretches for thousands of years

But everyone had to grit their teeth and keep up.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is an opportunity!

What hit, was that the Patilla civilization was caught off guard.

As long as the planetary fortress advances to cover their outpost, the winning rate will increase greatly.

So everyone is desperately helping to push forward!

Of course, it is impossible for the Pattila civilization to fail to see this.

But the problem is that someone on the other side is willing to die.

This made them jump in anger.

"These slave masters are so shameless! It's not worth the lives of lowly slaves!"

"I didn't expect that in the interstellar era, I can still see this legendary ancient tactic!"

"Did the despicable slave owners think we will stop? Confront them! We must kill all the slaves and finally arrest the slave owners!"

"Don't worry, after we get rid of that big eyeball, we have some time to deal with these slave owners!"

"Not one left!"

This is the roar of a Patilla Legion commander.

Moreover, his will was quickly responded by a large number of legion members, high-level gods, captains of main battleships, and experienced legionnaires, and even the most elite soldiers from within the Patilla civilization. Special Combat Squad!

All are united.

They have no doubts about their ability to win the final victory.

To them, killing a locust-like slave is like chopping melons and vegetables.

As for the occasional loss, that is the fate of fighters, and they are fearless.

Their plan is to concentrate all their strength and divide it into two parts. One part will contain the slave owner, and the other part will be a legion composed of mid-level and above gods, and it will be like a sharp knife piercing that weird big eye.

As long as this magic eye is destroyed, the remaining slave owners will be easily taken care of by them as before.

And this time, hesitantly, they all gathered together, making it easier to clean up!

You can take this area all at once!

"At that time, I will be the commander with the most outstanding achievements in fighting the slave owners!"

The commander of the Patilla Legion couldn't help being excited.

Unlike the rage of the Patilla Legion, on the Star Soul World side, many Star Gods and Star Soul Lords are happy.

For the first time, they were on the frontal battlefield, fighting hard against the Patila civilization, and they repelled the opponent without much loss!

...0 for flowers...

"Haha! Cool! Crush the opponent like a duck, croaking and running back."

"In the battle just now, I killed more than a thousand Patillas and captured a main battleship!"

"Fuck~ Boss, even the main battleship can be captured, this is a god-level battle force!"

"My luck was not that good, the battleship I intercepted blew itself up, and only a few space rings were harvested.

"It's not bad, I envy you guys~"

"I didn't get anything, but I killed more than 3-digit enemies, many of whom were gods. On the battlefield leaderboard, my record ranking has risen a lot."

"Awesome, the rewards will be incredible!"

"The first place can get the attention of the world law!"

"It must be obtained. The one defeated is a level 4 civilization. Every victory is hard-won."



"My heart is so tired, I'm sore."

"Hahaha! Brothers, hurry up and let Chen Mo speed up, so that the Patilla civilization will be more responsive, maybe we will have more opportunities to beat them!"

"Don't even think about it, it's incredible that the warship Chen Mo can carry it up to now, just be yourself and want him to speed up!"

"That is, the current speed is already amazing, as long as it can be stabilized!"

"According to my estimation, if this continues, Patila will lose. Let's guard the baby's big eyes!"


"Speaking of what's going on, Patilla civilization should focus on dealing with big eyes, and we may not be able to stop them.

"What are you afraid of? They focus on us, and we also focus on their base!"

"Wonderful! Let's see if the opponent wants to go back to defend!"

"Resolutely fight until Chen Mo can't take it anymore!"

"Before Chen Mo gives up, I must fight to the last moment!"

Everyone spoke one after another.

In the words, there is also a little pride.

After all, it was not them who lost.

This tactic is the best.

It is also very possible to implement.

The only problem is, it's Chen Mo.

So the star god proposed again, asking Chen Mo to make a condition.

After all, according to this, the designation is to sell Chen Mo.

In other words, his tactical status is for sale.

I wonder if Chen Mo is willing?

In other words, how much does it cost before he is willing to stay?

For a while, the theater channel became quiet.

Everyone was waiting for Chen Mo to open the condition. .

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