Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 397: The Solemn Goddess Of Starlight! You Are Not From Chen Mo, Are You? (2 More)

"A living body?"

" this also transformed into a star-level fortress?"

Liu Ru looked at Ao Dai, the goddess of starlight, suspiciously.



Yes, she had a strange feeling when she came to this planet before.

But it disappeared again, and she thought it was her own illusion. After giving such a reminder to the Goddess of Starlight, she suddenly came to her senses.

It's not an illusion, it's just that this planet has become more and more perfect, so that I can't detect any problems!

It's just... even a strong person like Ao Dai can't see through the whole planet?

Chen Mo actually has this kind of hole card!

"Speaking of which, Chen Mo really has unique attainments in transforming the planet. His planet is far less vibrant than it was back then. Song is just a very ordinary barren planet.

"But after several months of transformation, it has become a garden world!"

"Chen Mo has mastered the technology of transforming planets in batches, and can even combine planets and life forms to forcibly create star-level warships. The cost is much lower than that of ordinary warships, but the power is extremely terrifying."

Liu Ru started talking.

She suspected that Ao Dai's doubts were caused by this. By the way, this world is so closely connected with the Star Soul world. Is it possible that this planet has been blessed by the Star Soul world?

Only this level of change is enough to make a strong person like Ao Dai not see clearly for a while, right?

She told Ao Dai about this guess.

"Blessings of the Law of the World? No wonder then...."

For a moment, Ao Dai couldn't help being a little surprised.

She is a little unbelievable, the attention of the world's laws is extremely difficult to obtain.

But in just 2 months, the other party not only got it, but even got it more than once, the most European!

Otherwise, there is no way to use the knowledge of 'Star Soul World's Blessing'.

But she thought about it and couldn't figure it out, what did Chen Mo bless with the blessings of the Star Soul World?


Or some kind of huge creation inside the planet, this creation, she can be sure, must spread all over the entire planet.

However, she held back her curiosity and did not use her ability to investigate.

Although Chen Mo is weaker than her, this is someone else's territory. As the will of the planet, the other party must be very sensitive to her actions.

She didn't want the other party to misunderstand anything, and that would undoubtedly be very rude.

Well, what the Goddess of Starlight doesn't know is that, in fact, both of her feelings are right.

Because, Chen Mo has received the blessings of the Star Soul World twice!

Once on the planet, once on the biological mastermind within!

She's still guessing conservatively.

"Something's wrong, Chen Mo is so good, he's so powerful that it's ridiculous, why didn't the higher-ups hurry up to cultivate and publicize~"?"

"Is it because of the fear of competition that the MPs have been corrupted?"

"Before I came here, I didn't see it with my own eyes, and I thought it was mostly bragging on the Internet, but I didn't expect it to be much more exaggerated.

"Chen Mo is only stronger than what he says online!"

The doubts in the eyes of Goddess of Starlight became more and more intense.

"That's not true. The Ice Queen gave Chen Mo a lot of support. Although she didn't show up, she blocked a lot of trouble for him, and she did her best to give what should be given."

"Otherwise, Chen Mo couldn't have been so lucky and has been developing smoothly. If he gets stuck in any place, his strength will drop a lot."

Others didn't dare to think about this question, but the Goddess of Starlight, who just missed the chance with the MP, dared.

Even, she used her authority and contacts to seriously obtain more information about Chen Mo.

Starlight Goddess analyzed it carefully.

Looking back on the information she obtained about Chen Mo, she had a sense of déjà vu that she was watching the rise of the Man of Destiny.


Thinking of this, she couldn't help but gasp.

"Combined with the recent turbulent situation, rising resource and weapon prices...."

The Goddess of Starlight looked more serious.

She is not ignorant of the weirdness of the current situation.

However, she always thought that this was only caused by the current war among the major civilizations in the universe.

But did not think deeper.

Now combined with Chen Mo who discovered by accident, she feels that the nature of the matter has changed.

become unusual.

"Could it be that the upper layers of the Star Soul world have foreseen a major crisis, and this crisis is definitely not as simple as a war with a fourth-level civilization like Patilla."

"Even the Star Soul world cannot be hostile to all fourth-level civilizations due to its natural tendency to expand."

"So... what is the reason? Make them want to cultivate an existence similar to the Destiny's Child?"

"Or, it's just that among them, some people are trying to grasp the handwriting of greater power."

For a moment, Goddess Starlight felt her head was getting bigger and the truth was confusing.

But no matter what the situation is, she feels that the future is uncertain, and she can't help worrying.

"々`Looks like I have to work hard and strive to become a member of parliament as soon as possible!"

"Or simply withdraw from the competition and accumulate experience."

Starlight Goddess can obtain a lot of information, and she feels that the next few thousand years will be very sad, and it will determine the direction of the entire universe.

Unknowingly, the entire Star Soul world has come to this fateful crossroads.

Even if it is as strong as her, she is not sure.

"Your Excellency, let's go, the other party has already arrived at the gate of the manor.

Liu Ru said.

She didn't notice at all that Starlight Goddess's solemn eyes just now.


"Something's wrong!"

The Goddess of Starlight originally wanted to continue walking.

(Li Le Zhao) But, look what she saw??

The opponent's strength seems to be slowly increasing?

She thought she was dazzled, but upon closer inspection, she was indeed.

After the Star God, can he improve his strength so quickly?

She didn't know, but was shocked.

As a result, the whole person became a little dumbfounded and forgot to move forward.

Liu Ru didn't know why, so when she saw that the Starlight Goddess didn't leave, she was a little confused.

"Your Mightiness.……"

"Okay, I hear you."

"Look at your impatience, you don't count on Chen Mo completely, do you?"

Starlight Goddess put away the shock in her heart and couldn't help jokingly said.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ru didn't blush.

Instead, he was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while, and said seriously: "Your Excellency, you are right."

"I should work harder and completely rely on Chen Mo."

Goddess of Starlight:... Patrol..

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