Planet For All: Build A God-level Civilization from Scratch

Chapter 398 Already In The Shape Of Someone Else! Unexpected Promotion! (1 More)

Is this still the Liu Ru I know?

They've all changed into someone else's shape.

Starlight Goddess was speechless.

If it weren't for her amazing strength, she could be 100% sure that Liu Ru's consciousness hadn't changed at all, and she would have wondered if Chen Mo had tampered with something.

Well, that's not right, the other party has indeed tampered with.

But it's based on hard power, so it's really hard to say anything.

The Goddess of Starlight can already foresee that there will be more and more people like Liu Ru in the future.

" is indeed a good idea to join in advance."

she said with a smile.

But she couldn't help becoming vigilant, Chen Mo's development speed, not only his strength, but also his influence was too terrifying.

Holy Terra.

"Master~ This person is the main body, and his strength is extremely strong. It feels like he has reached the peak of his great divine power, even... stronger than that. I haven't checked the target, so I can't judge it specifically."

Oran said with some vigilance.

Ashe on the side, even the artifact in his hand was running slightly, maintaining a state of being able to fight at any time.

"Don't be nervous, the other party is a veteran star god, the natural strength is very terrifying, plus some authority blessings from the star soul world "You can't find a comparison sample in the whole universe."

Chen Mo said.

He found out in 837 that none of the councilors in the Star Soul World seemed to have contact with him, but instead they were low-level elites, and he already knew quite a few.

Lilia, a scholar of the big library, Muyao, who is determined to be a capitalist, and geniuses Liu Ru and Luo Bing, each has extraordinary strength.

But thinking about it carefully, I don't seem to have used the knowledge created by the person in front of me.

Is the other party lacking in this respect?

Also, what happened to those councilors, logically, he can get in touch with such a person, and the Ice Queen should also meet him, right?

Or are they stuck because of the Dimension Devourer?

It's suspicious.

Chen Mo asked: "How is the relationship between the other party and the rest of the consortium? What is the current faction mainly doing?"

He must get to know the other party as quickly as possible before he can judge what the other party wants to do.

At first, he thought Liu Ru had brought big business.

Looking at it now, it's too big to be part of his system.

Immediately, the interest was greatly reduced.

Ashe on the side has already quickly called up the collected information through the little fox, including the goddess of starlight.

"This character is said to be very good and easy to deal with. She was a competitor with 99 Seats (dafe) before, and her own camp is very strong. She mainly makes weapons.


"It turned out to be an arms dealer."

Chen Mo couldn't help but nodded, and immediately felt that Liu Ru was really good and capable, and it was fine if he attracted a lot of attention, and he knew such a powerful star god.

is very curious, such a myself,

Although he felt that his strength was increasing every moment, and that he would be on par with each other in a short time, but the gap between his current strength and the opponent was still a bit big.

Still can't compare with a veteran Star God.

The opponent's own strength alone is several grades stronger than him.


Someone has already invested.

And more than one.

Chen Mo didn't think much about it, he was forced to block, and the water came to dry pickle.


Chen Mo went up to greet him.


"Hi Chen Mo, I'm Dai.

"Nice to meet you."

The Goddess of Starlight couldn't help but smiled and stretched out her hand.

At the same time, a pair of beautiful eyes watched Chen Mo curiously.

She also shrunk in size to make herself the same height as Chen Mo.

After walking in, she found that Chen Mo was different from other men she had ever met.

It's not strength, but some kind of confident temperament, and... ever-changing strength.


Chen Mo stretched out his hand and touched it lightly.

"Let's go to the manor and chat."

With that said, Chen Mo turned around and walked towards the manor with the two girls.

But at this moment, Chen Mo had to be distracted.

Because there was an unexpected surprise.

At this time, in the distant area, the Patilla war zone, Chen Mo's tactics actually had a certain effect!

That is, some of the retired Patilla elite fighters docked on a planet.

This is an extremely fertile colonial planet.

According to the standards of the Star Soul World, it is definitely at the level of the Garden World.

As expected of a fourth-level civilization, such a planet, they only serve as docking stations for supplies, and most of the planets are handed over to the servant race for management.

This is somewhat similar to the Temple of Heaven.

But this model brings a big problem, that is, it is not safe at all.

Of course, the Pattila civilization may think that it is a big deal, even if it is burned to ashes, it is not a big deal.

But not here at Chen Mo.

He won't burn any planets, just fill them with mushrooms.

All kinds of mushrooms can run, jump, and even have fangs that can eat people!

Relying on the special connection with the mushroom race, Chen Mo felt the distance between that star area and the Patilla war area, and indeed launched an attack.

Yes, this time, Chen Mo didn't hide.

He wants to swallow this planet directly!

Because the conscious body above is so good.

The next moment, something terrible happened.

One by one, Patilla's elite fighters vomited one after another, and then exploded to death.

Creep swarmed from the battleship.

A large number of squirming tentacles protruded from the entire battleship, and the next moment, the surviving Patillas started to explode.

But it was useless, Chen Mo took action himself, manipulating the battleship controlled by the infection to fall into the planet's atmosphere.


The terrifying power, like a nuclear bomb explosion, destroyed an entire continent in an instant, and the tsunami that set off spread across the entire planet.

This is not the scariest thing, but along with the terrifying radiation leak and shock wave, the light wave also spread out.

In less than a minute, most of the entire planet fell into the hands of Chen Mo!

The creatures on this planet have a lot of mass, with an average level of 6, and a very large number, more than 10 billion.

Presumably this is a source of soldiers for the Patilla civilization.

Now, these are Chen Mo's.

In an instant, a large number of consciousnesses were controlled by the infection, swarming and joining the star ghost.

The consciousness network was impacted, causing Chen Mo's aura to rise suddenly.

But such a good opportunity, Chen Mo will not miss it.

Immediately ignoring the surprised eyes on the side, he immediately activated the star soul with all his strength, infected and controlled the consciousness of the planet, and replaced it!

The more minions, the more consciousness joins, the stronger the star soul becomes.

So, right in front of Goddess of Starlight, Chen Mo's strength began to skyrocket.

This time, Liu Ru's eyes widened, not to mention the Goddess of Starlight with her small mouth slightly opened. This was too obvious, even she could easily see it.

"This...... is this going to be promoted to the intermediate star god?!"

Shocked, she spoke out. .

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