Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 12: The first stage of the life tree! The third stage of Qi Refining!

Midtown, Wild Deer Bar.

Ronan was having dinner while telling Paul about his idea of ​​expanding the sales of primary meditation potions.

Paul took a sip of white wine: "I'm also preparing for what you said."

"During this period, I'm looking for a pharmacy that can sell primary meditation potions."

"So far, I've only found one, Tom's pharmacy."

Tom was the owner of the pharmacy who sold the Elf Treasure Tree Root to Ronan.

Ronan chatted with Paul for a few more words and ate two plates of coconut beef pies.

Before the curfew bell rang, he hurriedly left the tavern.


After returning to the small attic, Ronan began to perform the Growth Technique on his natal immortal wood.

His proficiency in the Growth Technique reached 95% proficiency.

His chanting speed was much faster.

When his proficiency reached [Proficiency], he realized that swallowing a few syllables while chanting would not affect the casting.

In this way, the casting speed was much faster.

While casting, Ronan gave instructions to Hongmeng to analyze his natal immortal wood.

A circle of fine blue light patterns swept across the potted plant, and a stream of information emerged in Ronan's mind.

Spiritual plant: natal longevity wood

Year: 11

Ronan had discovered earlier that he shared vitality with the natal longevity wood.

The age of the natal longevity wood was the same as his life extension.

He once again called up Hongmeng and analyzed himself.

Lifespan: 90↑

Strength: 3.5↑

Spirit: 4.5↑

Mana: 3.4↑

Kungfu: Ancient Wood Longevity (1st level 92%↑)

Talisman: Amulet (31% proficient), Light Body Talisman (3% proficient)

Witchcraft: Growth (95%↑ proficient)

Knowledge: Magic Plant Science (16% proficient), Alchemy (2% proficient)

Potion: Primary Meditation Potion (35% proficient)

Cultivation Realm: Second Level of Qi Refining

Wizard Level: First Level Wizard Apprentice

Part of his current 90-year lifespan is due to the increase in cultivation, and the remaining 11 years are the feedback from his natal longevity wood.

‘Ancient Wood Longevity is really a good technique. Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the secular world of the cultivation world is thin, and no one can practice it, so I got it. ’

After thinking for a while, Ronan put away his thoughts and continued to use his magic power to perform the growth technique on his natal longevity wood.

After about three hours, he suddenly felt a vitality stirring in his natal immortal wood.

He was connected to his natal immortal wood, and he could immediately sense the changes in his natal immortal wood.

‘It seems to be sprouting! ’

Ronan was refreshed and continued to activate the growth technique.

The sprouting of the natal immortal wood means that it is about to grow into the natal immortal tree.

This will be a qualitative change!

A green light shone in the soil of the potted plant!

Soon, the soil in the middle of the potted plant bulged slightly.

A green sprout gradually emerged from the soil in the green light.

At this moment, Ronan felt that the speed at which the natal immortal tree absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was much faster than before.

He summoned Hongmeng to analyze the natal immortal tree.

Spiritual plant: natal immortal tree

Year: 12

In the information flow, the status of the spiritual plant has changed from "natal immortal wood" to "natal immortal tree".

Ronan continued to chant softly, casting the growth spell on his natal immortal tree.

The green light shone for a long time in the soil, and the seedlings gradually grew.

Ronan stopped casting until his mana was completely exhausted. He forced himself to sit cross-legged on the bed, and practiced the ancient wood immortality technique to restore his physical strength and mana.

‘After the natal immortal tree was first formed, the speed of physical strength and mana recovery was also significantly faster! ’

Ronan felt that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, nearly three times that of before, poured into his body.

He hurriedly practiced the technique.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth flowed into his acupoints and flowed through his meridians like a stream.

Finally, it flowed into his dantian like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea.

Under the operation of his technique, it was refined into the ancient wood immortality magic power.

The verdant ancient wood immortality magic power, in the form of mist, swirled in his dantian, exuding vitality.

About half an hour later, a force erupted in Ronan's dantian.

A feeling as if everything is growing rose from his Dantian, like a warm spring current flowing through his body.

‘Breakthrough! ’

Ronan asked Hongmeng to analyze himself again.

Lifespan: 92↑

Strength: 3.6↑

Spirit: 4.6↑

Mana: 3.6↑

Kungfu: Ancient Wood Longevity Kungfu (second level 1%↑)

Talisman: Amulet (31% proficient), Light Body Talisman (3% proficient)

Witchcraft: Growth Technique (95% proficient↑)

Knowledge: Magic Plant Science (16% proficient), Alchemy (2% proficient)

Potion: Primary Meditation Potion (35% proficient)

Cultivation Realm: Qi Refining Level 3

Wizard Level: First Level Wizard Apprentice

‘Finally reached Qi Refining Level 3. ’

Ronan looked inside his Dantian and found that his mana had grown a lot.

‘In this way, I can use the Growth Technique for a longer time. ’

At this time, Ronan’s mana and physical strength had also recovered.

So, he once again used the Growth Technique on his lifelong tree.

Growth Technique (Proficiency 95%↑), Growth Technique (Proficiency 96%↑)...

The proficiency of the Growth Technique is gradually increasing.

About two hours later, the magic light of the Growth Technique suddenly became brighter.

It was because the Growth Technique had also broken through and reached 1% mastery.

Then, he stopped performing the Growth Technique.

He performed the Growth Technique again by chanting.

He asked Hongmeng to calculate the time and found that he could chant it within three seconds.

According to the female druid Awen, if the chanting time of the Growth Technique can be controlled within three seconds, it means that you are already quite familiar with this witchcraft.

You can try to build a witchcraft model for this witchcraft.

Once the model is successfully built, witchcraft can be cast instantly.

Awen also taught Ronan how to build the model of the Growth Technique.

According to Awen's teaching, building a witchcraft model is very complicated and difficult.

But this is not a difficult task for Ronan who has AI assistance.

Immediately, Ronan followed Awen's teachings, used magic power, condensed lines in his mind, and began to build a witchcraft model of the Growth Technique.

As he constructed, he asked Hongmeng to analyze the construction errors for him.

Once he made a mistake, he would correct it immediately.

He found that the strength of mental power would also reduce the difficulty of constructing the witchcraft model.

He practiced the Ancient Wood Longevity Technique and had good mental power.

Constructing the witchcraft model was smoother than he imagined.

In his mind, the witchcraft model of the first-level spell, Growth, gradually took shape without any hindrance.

Less than half a minute later, a three-dimensional model constructed with verdant lines was engraved in his mind.

Ronan stretched out his hand to the natal longevity tree.

No need for any chanting, just a thought.

The magic power of Growth immediately wrapped the roots of the natal longevity tree.

The green light shone from the soil of the potted plant.

The young seedlings of the natal longevity tree slowly rose up again at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.


Thanks to the 1500 reward from the boss who finally had time! ! !

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