Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 86 Leading people through time!

With the death of civilians and patrol guards, pedestrians on the street, even if they could not see the vengeful spirits, knew that something strange had happened, and they all shouted and ran away.

Seeing this scene through the window of the mansion, the necromancer Orisha cursed.

Orisha originally wanted to control the vengeful spirits, enter the house, and quietly devour the souls of the people to gradually strengthen the vengeful spirits.

However, this caused panic.

As long as the other patrol guards knew and sent a signal to the middle city and the upper city, he would not be able to continue to control the vengeful spirits to devour souls once the official wizards came.

Orisha gritted his teeth and did not stop. He continued to control the vengeful spirits, trying to devour as many souls as possible before the official wizards of the Wizard Council came.

His eyes kept looking up at the sky, and his ears listened attentively.

As long as someone fired a cannon or blew a horn in the lower city, he would immediately put away the vengeful spirits.

He had a mid-level transformation potion. After drinking it, he could change into another person and hide in the lower city.

The top leaders of the Necromancer Society had told him that the intermediate transformation potion was much more powerful than the primary transformation potion.

Only a third-level official wizard would be able to find out that he had drunk the intermediate transformation potion.

Moreover, this great wizard must be very proficient in witchcraft such as insight.

Thinking of this, Orisha felt that it was unlikely that he would be discovered, so he walked out of the mansion.

These five ghosts have a certain control range.

They can only be controlled within 200 meters.

The ghosts went a little further, so he had to move to catch up.

Orisha walked on the street, holding a white magic wand.

The breath of death surrounded him.

He chanted a spell while walking slowly.

He manipulated the five ghosts and moved forward.

On a street, there was a wizard apprentice. He heard the movement, looked back, and immediately saw the ghosts floating quickly.

When wizard apprentices practice wizardry, they generally learn a first-level witchcraft called "Wizard's Eye".

This witchcraft allows wizards to see some non-physical existences such as the dead.

This wizard apprentice is a second-level wizard apprentice, practicing water element witchcraft.

He saw that the vengeful spirit was coming very fast, and he had no time to dodge, so he used the "water bullet technique" to attack the vengeful spirit.

However, this vengeful spirit was transformed from the soul of a first-level formal wizard, emitting great energy.

This wizard apprentice is not of high level, and the magic power contained in the water bullets he released is too small.

As soon as the five water bullets hit the vengeful spirit, the magic power of the water bullets was maintained, and they exploded immediately.

The water without magic passed through the vengeful spirit and sprinkled on the ground.

And the vengeful spirit directly passed through the body of the wizard apprentice.

The body of the wizard apprentice softened and fell to the ground.



A firework shot up into the sky and exploded in the sky.

When Orisha saw the firework, he cursed again, and then chanted a spell to take back the five vengeful spirits.

He ran into an alley, drank the intermediate transformation potion, became another person, changed his clothes, and walked to the other side leisurely.

In Paul's bungalow.

When Ronan heard the sound of fireworks, his consciousness sensed that the non-entity that entered his perception range flew back immediately.

He felt that this non-entity was similar to the spirit of a monster, and it also had a gloomy feeling.

‘Could it be a vengeful spirit? ’

Ronan thought to himself, Paul, who heard the sound of fireworks, didn't know what happened, so he opened the door and walked out.

Ronan followed him out.

“What happened? This is a warning firework!”

Paul looked at the fireworks sign in the sky and said.

However, no one responded behind him.

Turning around, Ronan's figure was gone.

Ronan thought that this matter was related to the Necromancer Society, so he wanted to follow them.

He wanted to learn about the family's situation from the Necromancer Society believers.

He didn't know whether the Southeast Province was really protected by the Fleming family as the mercenary said, and was almost unaffected by the chaos of the Undead.

So, he first slapped himself with several amulets, then cast a magnetic torrent, borrowed the repulsive force of the magnetic field, and his feet slightly lifted off the ground, and his body glided.

At the same time, he drank a bottle of primary transformation potion and changed his appearance.

He took out a cloak from the storage black ring and covered himself completely.

He glided very quickly in the direction where the non-entity left.

His spiritual sense was released, and everything within 500 meters nearby was reflected in his mind.

He avoided all places where there were people.

Soon, he sensed the cold corpses on several streets.

Then, his spiritual sense sensed five non-entity beings, who were collected into a gem on the top of the wand by a man holding a magic wand.

Then, the man drank a bottle of potion, changed his appearance, and walked leisurely in one direction.

Ronan followed quietly, and when he saw the man's back, he immediately called out Hongmeng and began to analyze.

After discovering that this man was just a third-level wizard apprentice, Ronan immediately used his spiritual sense to confirm that there was no one around, and then his heart moved.

The magnetic current on his body suddenly increased, and his body turned into a black shadow, with a black cloak fluttering on his body, flying towards the necromancer.

When he was only about fifty meters away from the necromancer, Ronan injected his magic power into the witchcraft model of "Wizard's Hand".

The magic power and spirit mixed together to form a wizard's hand in the air.

Then, under Ronan's control, the wizard's hand clenched into a fist and blasted the back of the head of the Necromancer!


The back of the head of the Necromancer was hit, and his eyes turned black immediately, and the whole person staggered forward.

At this time, Ronan had already flown up and touched the Necromancer with his hand.

With a thought in his mind.

He and the Necromancer disappeared in the street.

Ronan had only tried to bring a live chicken through before, but had never tried to bring a person through.

This time, he tried it, but it was successful.

The unconscious Necromancer and his figure appeared in a mansion in the Wei Kingdom.

Ronan left the believer behind, and with a thought in his mind, he traveled back again.

After returning, he released his spiritual sense, sensing the surroundings while cleaning the traces with a cleaning talisman.

He mainly cleaned the traces of the Necromancer.

He used the magnetic torrent to glide in the air, so he would not leave any traces.

In addition, he used the amulet and had a shield on his body, so he would not leave any smell.

After cleaning up the traces, Ronan used the magnetic torrent again and glided to an empty alley in the distance. He changed his clothes, walked out of the alley, restored his appearance, and merged into the crowd in the lower city.

Taking advantage of the fact that the warning fireworks had not been set off for a long time, the Wizard Council had not yet investigated what happened, and the lower city had not yet been closed, he followed the crowd and walked into the middle city.

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