Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 87 The Rebels from the Seven Great Wizarding Families

After Ronan returned to the bungalow, he immediately returned to the mansion of the State of Wei.

At this time, Orisha still did not wake up.

Ronan deliberately used heavy hands, and Orisha's head was severely injured. If no one treated him, he would not wake up at all.

Ronan put Orisha in a sack, released the witchcraft "Magnetic Torrent", rose to a high altitude, and glided away.

He took the sack to an uninhabited forest.

After releasing Orisha, he first searched Orisha's body and found a storage ring on him.

When the spirit probed into the storage ring, it was found that there were books, magic wands and some bottles and jars inside.

The book was the "Bone Meditation Method" of the Necromancer Society.

Immediately, Ronan was sure that this wizard apprentice was a member of the Necromancer Society.

Ronan searched his body again, and seeing that there was no other object, he injected the ancient wood longevity magic power into the witchcraft model of "Entanglement".

He stretched out his right hand to Orisha.

A dark green light appeared in the palm of his right hand.

A series of tree vines burst out from the dark green light and soon wrapped around Orisha's body.

Not long after, Orisha's body was firmly tied up by the tree vines.

Then, Ronan cast the "Healing Spell" to treat Orisha's head injury.

Soon, Orisha's head injury improved a lot and he woke up slowly.

As soon as Orisha woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

The person in front of him was actually a stranger.

With a shock in his heart, he immediately poured magic power into the witchcraft model of "White Bone Spear".

Witchcraft is to use one's own magic power to attract energy particles to cast spells.

If there are no energy particles nearby, magic power can only be used to cast spells.

This is the secular world of the world of immortal cultivation, and the spiritual energy is thin.

As soon as Orisha cast the "White Bone Spear", the energy particles in the air gathered and condensed into a white spike like a toothpick.

As soon as the white spike condensed, Ronan pinched it and inserted it into the muscle on Orisha's arm.

Immediately, Orisha screamed.

"Don't try to resist. Just answer whatever I ask."

Ronan said coldly.

"Who are you?" Orisha asked.


Ronan slapped Orisha in the face, causing blood to come out of the corner of his mouth, making him dizzy.

"Tell me who you are, don't try to lie to me."

Orisha said, "I am Orr Dayne, a third-level wizard apprentice at the Jester Wizard Academy."


Ronan took out the elven dagger and scratched Orisha's arm.

A piece of flesh on Orisha's arm was removed, revealing the white bones.

Orisha screamed again.

"Answer my question." Ronan said in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on Orisha.

"I really didn't lie!" Orisha shouted.


Ronan swung the knife again and cut off another piece of Orisha's flesh.

"I'm telling the truth!"

Under the severe pain, Orisha no longer had the rationality to think about what to answer, and immediately shouted:

"I am the wizard apprentice of the Necromancer Society, Orisha Dave!"

"Will your Necromancer Society cause chaos in the Southeast Province?"

After Ronan asked this, Orisha hesitated.

But the next moment, Ronan swung his knife again and cut off a piece of meat from his thigh.

"Answer me!"

Ronan said coldly, his eyes still staring at Orisha tightly, with a sense of oppression.

Orisha wailed, and his body bound by vines continued to struggle.

"Please don't hurt me anymore, I say!" Orisha said in a crying voice:

"The Necromancer Society is not causing chaos in the Southeast Province."

After listening to this, Ronan thought of what the mercenary said, that the Necromancer Society had caused chaos in the Southeast Province, but because of the resistance of the Fleming family, it had little impact on the Southeast Province.

But this person from the Necromancer Society had another story.

"Why?" Ronan asked.

"Because the Fleming family is an ally of the Undead Society!" Orisha answered.

Ronan was slightly surprised when he heard this.

It turned out that the Undead Society had little impact on the Southeast Province because the Undead Society did not take action on the territory of its allies.

The news that the mercenary heard from others should have been deliberately spread by the Fleming family.

'The Fleming family wants to overthrow the Augustus royal family? '

'If the Fleming family goes to war with the Augustus royal family, won't they forcibly levy my family? '

After hearing this news, Ronan's thoughts raced, thinking about solutions.

Write a letter to his father, asking him to take his family and run away as soon as possible?

No, his father is at least a middle-class noble in the Southeast Province.

Maybe the Fleming family will keep a close eye on his whereabouts.

After thinking about it, Ronan felt that as long as the Fleming family started a war, his father would have to join the war.

If he did not join the war, the Lawrence family might be destroyed by the Fleming family first.

If he joined the war, with better luck, if the Fleming family won, his father should be safe, and maybe even enjoy the fruits of victory.

If the Fleming family lost the war, and the Augustus royal family was merciful, his father could continue to be a lord.

If he was unlucky and the Fleming family lost the war, his father might be liquidated as a traitor.

After thinking for a while, Ronan felt that reporting the matter to the royal family might be the best way.

In this way, perhaps the royal family could take action in advance, destroy the Fleming family, and prevent the war from starting.

Thinking of this, Ronan knocked Orisha unconscious again.

Then, he used healing magic to stop the bleeding on Orisha's wound to prevent him from dying from excessive blood loss.

Because he had not yet carefully looked at the things in Orisha's storage ring, if he encountered something he did not understand, he would have to ask this person.

So, he did not kill him, but planned to imprison him.

Ronan put Orisha in a sack and took him back to the mansion.

After changing into the clothes of the wizard world, he had a thought and traveled back to the wizard world.

In the bungalow, Ronan's figure appeared.

Immediately, he went out, walked to an empty alley, drank the transformation potion, and changed his appearance.

Then, he went to the market and bought parchment, quill pen, ink and envelope.

With the wizard's hand, he wrote the news that the Fleming family wanted to overthrow the royal family.

He wanted to send the letter to the Wizard Council.

In order not to arouse the association of the Wizard Council, he did not write the news that the Fleming family colluded with the Dead Soul Society.

After writing the letter, he walked to a base of the Wizard Council.

"Sir, your letter."

Ronan handed the letter to a third-level wizard apprentice in person.

While the third-level wizard apprentice was confused, Ronan walked out of the Wizard Council base and used his spiritual sense to sense everything in the base.

He sensed that the third-level wizard apprentice was stunned for a moment, then opened the envelope, and his body trembled when he read the letter.

Then, he called other wizard apprentices to read the letter together.

After the wizard apprentices passed the letter and discussed it, one of them took the letter and used the accelerated magic to rush to the upper city.

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