Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 91 Dawn Continent and Wizard Islands

Not long after, Augustus V, wearing high-grade silk uniforms and a cloak, stood on a gray-brown platform.

On the platform, a circular witchcraft formation with complex patterns is carved.

This is the teleportation formation carved by Dolifa Augustus.

Augustus V was able to pass through this teleportation array and reach Dolifa's wizard tower directly.

If he were to visit on weekdays, Augustus V would definitely be very particular about the royal family's appearance.

Dress up in gorgeous aristocratic clothing and wear a crown.

Sitting on a chariot pulled by four white unicorns, heading towards Dolifa's wizard tower.

However, now Augustus V wanted to discuss secret matters with Dolifa.

In addition, now is the time when the wizard family is planning to cause chaos. Going there with such a big fanfare will definitely alarm the family who is planning to cause chaos.

There were two other people standing next to Augustus V.

One is the royal wizard Bruna, who is a third-level official wizard - the True Knowledge Wizard, who is proficient in binding witchcraft.

The other one is Olaner, the royal guard chief. Although the wizard is a true wizard, he has never joined the wizard council and has always called himself a knight in front of others.

Bruna recited a spell, and a white light rose from the teleportation array under the three people's feet.

But the three people were not teleported.

Because after activating the teleportation array with a spell, Dolifa still needs to cast a spell to allow the people in this teleportation array to teleport there.

After a while, Dolifa should have agreed to the teleportation. The white light of the teleportation array suddenly swelled, and the three of them were rolled up.

The next moment, the white light faded away and the three people disappeared.

In Dolifa's wizard tower, the figures of three people appeared on a teleportation array.

This teleportation array is on the ninety-ninth floor of the Wizard Tower.

Through the windows of the Wizard Tower, you can overlook the entire Triumph City.

From the upper city with luxurious buildings, to the middle city with orderly and clean streets, to the dense and slightly chaotic lower city with buildings, to the villages, markets and the endless sea outside the triumphal city, you can all have a clear view.

On the ninety-ninth floor, except for the teleportation array they teleported over, there was almost nothing.

There is only one spiral staircase leading upward.

But it was pitch black above, and there was no telling what was there.

But Augustus V, Olaner and Bruna all knew that going up the stairs was Dollyfa's training room.

However, Olaner and Bruna had only seen Augustus V walking up, but they had never been there.

In fact, as a close confidant of Augustus V, they rarely saw Dolifa, the legendary wizard of the kingdom.

The few times they saw each other, they were all so overwhelmed by the energy fluctuations in Dolifa that they were almost breathless.

Even if they were asked to meet Dorifar, they would not.

After Augustus V nodded to Ollante and Bruna, he walked up the spiral staircase and disappeared into the darkness.

The next moment, Augustus V appeared in a spacious room.

The room is as bright as day, and I don't know where the light comes from.

Its surrounding walls are all bookshelves with elegantly decorated books arranged on them.

An old man wearing a light brown robe, with slightly curly white hair, and a long beard hanging from his chin sat in the center of the room, reading a thick ancient book with his mental strength.

"Uncle." Augustus V saluted.


The old man, who was also the legendary wizard Dolifa Augustus of the kingdom, said something.

Augustus V came to Doliphas and sat on the ground.

"What happened outside?"

Dolifa Augustus said calmly.

Augustus V said: "During the exploration of the Necromancer ruins, many of the dead wizards came from the wizard family that I secretly supported."

"It seems that among the other six wizarding families, some have the intention to cause trouble and are colluding with the Society of the Dead."

"It's just that at this time, I haven't determined which family it is."

"Today, I received news that the Fleming family intends to cause chaos."

"The elder of the Fleming family, 'Langton Fleming', has been the 'Grand Wizard' for more than fifty years. His strength is estimated to have become a lot stronger. If he unites with other families or wizard organizations, he will indeed cause chaos. confidence.”

"There are also great wizards in charge, including the Evans family and the Stephen family."

"If these three wizard families unite, plus the Necromancer Society, it is very likely to threaten our royal family."

"Uncle, why don't we attack these three families first?"

"We need them." After hearing this, Dolifa said calmly:

"If it is determined that there is only one family, I can still take action and eliminate it, but annihilating three wizard families with great wizards at the same time will greatly weaken the strength of our Kingdom of Valant."

"Do you know why we allow other wizard families to exist even though we know that they may threaten the Augustus family?"

Augustus V shook his head.

Dolifa said: "This is because it is very likely that there will be wizards in the Wizard Islands who want to occupy our continent, just like our ancestor Augustus I."

"And we need the other six wizard families to maintain the power of the Valant Kingdom."

"Although we, the wizard family, may fight internally in the Valant Kingdom, if there are foreign wizards invading the mainland, we will most likely fight externally."

"If we kill three wizard families with true wizards, if two legendary wizards come to the Wizard Islands and want to occupy this continent, we will have no way to resist!"

"But if these three wizard families really unite, our Augustus will be in great danger." Augustus V said.

Dolifa Augustus paused and sighed:

"Moreover, with my current strength, I can no longer destroy any of these three families with the force of thunder before the other families react."

As he said this, he pulled up the sleeve of his right hand.

Revealing a hand with wrinkled and dark skin, surrounded by a faint black air.

Augustus V looked at it and couldn't help but be surprised.

Dolifa Augustus said: "In the ruins of the necromancer, the Holy Lord of the Necromancer Society opened a passage to the necromancer plane, which attracted a necromancer monarch whose strength was comparable to that of a legendary wizard. Behind him, there was a necromancer army that came one after another."

"In order to destroy the passage as quickly as possible and prevent other monarchs from the necromancer plane from coming, I had to use a powerful witchcraft."

"This powerful witchcraft left me with a curse."

"At the same time, the battle with the necromancer monarch also caused me to suffer serious injuries."

"The combination of the curse and the injury has made me what I am now."

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