Planting the Immortality Tree in the Wizarding World

Chapter 92 Meeting at Fenglei Fort, the potential of the Lawrence family

Augustus V couldn't help but feel a little cold when he saw that his great-uncle had reduced his strength at this critical moment.

Dolifa seemed to know what Augustus V was thinking, "As a king for many years, you should also know that many things do not necessarily need to be solved with force."

"The fault of the families who want to cause chaos now is that they have colluded with the Necromancer Society, and the Holy Master of the Necromancer Society is most likely a great wizard who came to organize the Wizard Islands."

"The wizarding family that has been rooted in this continent for many years will eventually feel disgusted with outsiders."

"What you have to do is to first identify which of the six wizard families want to cause chaos, and which families hate outsiders coming here and are willing to maintain the status quo."

"Next, you have to unite as many families as possible that are willing to maintain the status quo and attack the families that want to cause chaos."

"At the same time, you also need to find some wizard families that have the potential to produce great wizards, and then train them."

"After the wizard family that wants to cause chaos is eliminated, other families will have to take their place."

"Of course, if the kingdom's power is vacant after the rebellious wizard family is wiped out, you can also invite the wizard family here in the Wizard Islands."

"But this is a last resort strategy. As I just said, people who are rooted in the Dawn Continent don't like outsiders. Doing this will cause dissatisfaction among some wizard families."

"Furthermore, we are not familiar with the families from the Wizard Islands, their knowledge of research, and their concepts of behavior."

"Sometimes, you can't guess whether they really want to take root here when they come to this continent, or they want to obtain living experimental subjects more conveniently, or they want to use the people of this continent as resources to interact with aliens. Plane exchange of creatures.”

Augustus V couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this, "It's not easy to distinguish between allies and dissidents, between alliances and divisions..."

Dolifa laughed a few times, with a thick voice, and the slightly curled white beard on his chin trembled with laughter:

"Yes, in my opinion, politics and interpersonal relationships are more difficult than studying wizard knowledge."

"But that's exactly what your king will do. To the Augustus royal family, I'm just a thug."

When Augustus V heard Dollyfa's words, he suddenly became a little frightened and waved his hands repeatedly:

"No, no, no, uncle, you are a legendary wizard, a being who towers over mortals, and the knowledge you possess in your chest is beyond the imagination of mortals."

"Since my grandfather's generation, the kingdom's several crises could not have been resolved without you."

"You call yourself a thug, I really can't bear it."

Southeast Province, Fenglei Castle.

Windleir Castle is the castle where the Fleming family lives.

The castle is located on a large mountain in the southeastern province. It stands high, like a giant beast standing high, overlooking the earth.

All facilities in the castle are available.

The streets are clean, in stark contrast to the filthiness of some middle and lower noble cities in the southeastern provinces.

There are several wizard towers in the castle, as well as a main castle.

In the main castle, the patriarch of the Fleming family, "Yosef Fleming", was discussing matters with members of the family.

Yusef Fleming was a tall man, apparently in his forties, with sharp eyes and a short beard on his chin.

He is a third-level official wizard "the wizard of true knowledge".

In the castle's meeting hall, he sat at the head of a long classical table, with members of his family lined up on both sides.

Up to now, the Fleming family has become quite large. In addition to the main line, there are also five side branches.

At this time, he and his family members were taking stock of the strength of other families in the southeastern province.

He had to integrate other nobles from the southeastern province into an army, so he needed to know the strength of each noble.

He was holding a long sheepskin scroll, which contained information about various families in the southeastern province.

"The patriarch of the Baruch family is a first-level wizard apprentice, but the second and third sons are second-level wizard apprentices..."

"The Parn family has a third-level wizard apprentice..."

Yosef looked down row by row, from the nobles in the front to the nobles in the back.

"The Lorenz family, the patriarch, Leighton Lorence, is a Golden Knight. The eldest son, Leon Lorence, is a late Silver Knight... I have heard of this person. The second son, Ronan Lorance, is a member of the Kingdom Wizard Academy. Sorcerer's apprentice? Third son Bran Lorance, a fourteen-year-old Silver Knight."

Yusef murmured as he watched.

After reading this, a tribesman sitting at the bottom said: "Uncle Yusef, there is something that needs to be corrected."

"Leiton's second son, Ronan, was rumored to have excellent wizard qualifications and entered the Kingdom Wizard Academy to study."

"But I asked people in Triumph City to investigate and found that this person's wizard qualifications are not very good. He was eliminated in the qualification test of the Kingdom Wizard Academy."

"After this person was eliminated, he has stayed in Triumph City."

"This person must have lied to the family, saying that he entered the Kingdom Wizard Academy, and then relied on the family's funding to eat, drink, and gamble in the capital of the Kingdom."

Yousef nodded, "It's a pity. It would be great if it was true. His family is under my control. If he really has good wizard qualifications, he can be used by me."

"However, this family still has good prospects. Leon Lawrence previously led an army composed of militiamen and suppressed a rebellion with a small attack on a large one."

"His war talent is as valuable as his wizard qualifications."

"And Layton's third son, the fourteen-year-old Silver Knight, is a good candidate to transform into a knight."

"After he reaches the peak of the Golden Knight, we will bring him into the family service, find a blood wizard, and arrange blood transformation for him."

"This family can pay attention."

"If this family obeys my orders in the future, I can promote this family from the provincial middle-level nobles to the upper-class nobles. That will be a class leap for this family."

Waiting patiently for Yusuf to finish speaking, another tribesman sitting at the bottom said:

"Your Excellency, I have something to report."

Because the relationship between this clan member and Yusef is far away, far less than that of the previous clan member who was close to Yusef, the tone was much more respectful.

"In accordance with your instructions, I intercepted and checked the letters to and from the province."

"One day, a wizard's apprentice's falcon caught several homing pigeons."

"These homing pigeons have been transformed by witchcraft. They fly extremely fast and come from a long distance."

"I opened the letter from the carrier pigeon and checked it out. I found that it was a family letter and belongings sent by the second son of Leighton Lorance, Baron of Redwood Territory."

"In the letter at home, he asked if the family was okay amid the rebellion caused by the Necromancer Society. He divided it into several letters and included dozens of magic stones that he said could restrain the necromancy."

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