Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2311 Clearance

[Congratulations to player Passerby A for successfully clearing the dungeon "One-third City". Since you have exceeded the number of people required to clear the dungeon and successfully entered the hidden game venue, achieving a result of two wins and one loss, your rating for this dungeon is S. In addition to the reward for clearing the dungeon, you will also receive a hidden prize of the game. ]

The system prompt sound kept ringing in his ears. It should be the message sent by Lao Cai's gang after they found that his authority had been upgraded. However, Xu Huo did not care, but opened the hidden prize of the game first.

[One-third game start Rubik's Cube: This is a switch that can start the One-third game anywhere. Everything you lose will be deposited in the One-third game. If you want to get it back, you are welcome to enter the One-third game again. ]

Xu Huo sneered. He lost the "future" in the One-third game. This dog game not only blocked his spatial power, but also tried to tempt him to enter the game again!

He took out the start Rubik's Cube of the One-third game. It was indeed a Rubik's Cube full of metal texture. The metal surface seemed to be flowing, like an alternative water Rubik's Cube.

After holding it in his hand for a few seconds, he suddenly smashed the metal Rubik's Cube to the ground!

However, the Rubik's Cube did not fall to the ground, but floated back halfway, and the water flowing out of it formed words:

"One third of the game has been opened here, and it cannot be opened again."

Xu Huo held the Rubik's Cube in his hand again, playing with it while watching the words popping up on the terminal screen.

After a while, he threw the Rubik's Cube out, and then tried to control the space rays around him. A layer of barrier close to his body blocked his control of the space rays. In the case of powerlessness, the space rays of this barrier could not be connected, which was equivalent to this barrier completely isolating him from the surroundings.

He stared at the metal Rubik's Cube that flew out. It would also hit the barrier when it turned back... However, to his disappointment, the metal Rubik's Cube passed through the barrier unimpeded, and even at the moment it passed through the barrier, he did not find a loophole.

The space power has been blocked.

What about the time power?

Xu Huo tried to move the time rays around him.

The small range of time power resonated, and the barrier did not appear.

"Future" on him is equivalent to his "space evolution power".

Since even the "hidden prizes" have been opened, it means that this is indeed a game developed by the official game. The purpose is obvious. This time, his space evolution power was blocked. I don't know what will be blocked next time...

This is like being deducted for violating the train regulations and entering other carriages on the preliminary examination train.

The characteristics are close to the use of space-time power by super evolvers to a certain extent. The way of blocking characteristics and blocking space-time power is probably similar. The game does not need to restrict the use of space-time power from the perspective of the entire partition. As long as the relatively weak players are locked, the purpose can be achieved.

Xu Huo guessed that it should be the small cube that just merged into his body. When it detects that he uses space power, it will forcibly form a barrier to cut off his space power and achieve the purpose of blocking him.

In other words, the game has trapped him in a cage.

Of course, there is another good news: he did not lose his super evolution power.

After eating the last piece of biscuit, he continued to look at the rewards for this clearance.

The first three A-level props are "Central Gravity", "Rain in the Sky", and "Eyes Behind".

"Central Gravity" is a small glass bead-like prop. After it is activated, it can release a huge attraction, which covers a range of 500 meters in diameter. Everything within this range will move towards the center point under strong attraction.

"It's raining in the sky" is a space prop. It can only be used when it rains. The upper limit of the use range is a city. Wherever it rains, as long as this prop is used, within five minutes, all raindrops will be wrapped into space ray blades by space power, creating a large-scale massacre.

"The Eyes Behind" is much simpler. It is just a teleportation prop, but it has an advantage, that is, it can allow the holder to instantly transfer to the back of the target person, only behind the back, within the same partition, as long as the holder can see the person, it is considered a space transmission prop. However, it can be used up to three times a day, and the cooling time is 24 hours.

Next are two A-level instruments, one is a space instrument called "Between Two Points". This instrument is in the shape of a small gemstone and can be inlaid on any decoration. When activated, it will release a space ray. This space ray will form a straight line with the position selected by the holder as the endpoint. This straight line has unparalleled cutting power, comparable to Xue Lang's ray.

The other is an interference instrument, "Terminal Steal", which is specially used to quickly steal the control of the Jixin terminal. The program carried in it can cause forced interference for five minutes.

There are not many other B-level and C-level instruments that are particularly outstanding. Xu Huo just took a look and flipped through them. Among the special props, there is a more interesting one called "Hide in the Dark". It allows the holder to hide in a dark place for a short time without being discovered. The scope of application includes props, instruments and characteristics, and the range is wide, but the specific level of props and instruments that can be avoided needs to be verified in actual combat.

In addition, there is another main feature "Super Focus" upgraded to "God-level Acting".

"Super Focus" can attract the attention of people and things within 300 meters of Xu Huo, and it is mandatory and lasts for about five seconds.

After the upgrade, "God-level Acting" can attract the attention of anyone who sees him directly with the naked eye, as long as his eyesight is good enough, no matter how far away it is, it is somewhat different from the previous mandatory, but the effect is similar, and it can last for about ten seconds.

After the end of this copy, the effects of props and instruments have increased significantly, especially the three A-level props. Unlike most of the previous A-level props, the effects of these three A-level props have completely widened the gap between the prop effects and the player's strength, at least not the props that seemed to be able to be done by super evolvers with hard work.

The same is true for the characteristics. The range and strength after the upgrade have been greatly increased.

These are the main ones. There are some other scraps, and Xu Huo is too lazy to take the time to look at them.

The copy rewards are good, but they are not worth his blocked space evolution ability.

This trip is really a big loss.

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