Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2312: Blessings and Disasters

Leaning back on his chair, his eyes fell on the chat dialogue again, and then he typed: "You lied to me, you deliberately opened the water cube!"

This programmer had conflicts with Lao Cai and his people before, and he blamed the players for getting into trouble with ordinary people like them, but in the end, because of the players' comfort and his own desire to leave, he gradually calmed down.

The programmer's food was not finished yet, but from the fact that he took the initiative to tell Lao Cai and others everything he knew, it seemed that he was ready to die. This person has disappeared now, perhaps he died in a corner.

Lao Cai and others also suspected that he was dead, so the anxious contact at the beginning became dispensable later.

Of course, after Xu Huo upgraded his authority and completed the clearance, Lao Cai and his people were naturally anxious, but they were probably more worried than their companions betraying them that unfamiliar people from other areas successfully entered the city center.

Of course, they did not completely lie about the origin of the water cube, at least the fact that "it was brought by someone" should be true.

"Are you Lao Ding or Xu Zhi?"

Xu Huo did not answer this question, but continued to type, "You are all liars! The Water Cube was opened by you! So many people were killed, and I am trapped here. I can only be accompanied by the corpses of my colleagues every day. I am going crazy! You deserve to die!"

He repeated the last sentence several times.

Faced with such obviously crazy words, Lao Cai was silent.

"Lao Ding is dead, you are Xu Zhi." The other side replied after a moment.

"I just finished the last pack of biscuits." Xu Huo typed, "If I can't survive, neither can you. I have recorded everything. The water cube will disappear sooner or later. I will tell the district government everything!"

"Old Ding, don't be impulsive. Today's situation is what we want to see. We are also trying our best to save it. Someone has gone in to find you. It's the one I told you about before. Maybe he has arrived now!"

"You must take care of yourself. We will come to rescue you soon!"

Xu Huo paused for a while before replying, "You can't save me."

"I can!" Old Cai replied quickly, "One-third of the game can't stay in the city of no return. You hold on a little longer!"

"There is no food or water left. How can I hold on?" Xu Huo asked.

There was no reply from the other side.

Xu Huo smiled coldly and turned to walk underground.

Returning to the room where the water cube was placed, he put his metal cube out. There was no attraction between the two cubes. Holding the ticket, he tried to push the complete metal cube over again.

When the two touched, the position of the originally suspended cube changed, but it did not bring any changes - at least no cube flew out alone, they were just a simple collision.

After a while, the metal cube automatically flew back to Xu Huo.

After standing there for a while, he gave up.

Coming out of the basement, walking through the studio, and coming to the balcony on the second floor, Xu Huo saw a small part of the remaining buildings. The range of these remaining buildings has been reduced to a radius of 500 meters, and there are still space gaps on the edge, which are eroded bit by bit.

The space in front is chaotic. He tried to control the space ray, but still failed. However, when the barrier appeared, he deliberately put himself under the space ray blade that squeezed in...

His whole body was squeezed out three meters away by the space body, but because he tried to use the space power, the blockade barrier covering the outside never disappeared, and of course it was not pierced by the space ray blade outside.

With a slight raise of his eyebrows, he quickly went upstairs, forced his way to the roof from the squeezed space force, jumped onto the railing, leaned forward slightly, and fell to the ground.

Accompanied by the vibration brought by the collision, Xu Huo moved back and forth between the uneven space bodies, like a ball drifting with the current. As long as he tried to use the space force, those space bodies that could even break through the defense barrier of "the immortal passerby" could not hurt him at all!

In the end, he was stuck outside the balcony on the third floor.

Looking up at the blue sky, he couldn't help but laugh, "Good and bad are interdependent, I wonder if you have thought of this too!"

Even the chaotic space that came out of one-third of the game circle could not break this barrier. It seems that he will not be able to restore the space evolution ability in a short time. It seems that he will have to solve this problem specifically after the copy is over.

The surrounding space force reactivated, he landed on the balcony on the third floor, unbuttoned his collar, jumped back into the government building and used the feature "home view".

Unfortunately, during the time when the game panel was cut off, the characteristics failed to record the events, even within the range of Xu Huo's spiritual power.

However, the events after coming out were recorded.

"...Shi Sanjiu's instrument is very similar to the 'distant hometown' that Xu Huo once obtained. They both point to a fixed range. The difference is that 'distant hometown' refers to someone's hometown, while Shi Sanjiu's instrument refers to Shi Sanjiu's hometown."

"Shi Sanjiu is a friend worth making."


"...The city center is not a safe place. No normal person would choose to enter it without knowing anything. Xu Huo paid the price for his recklessness and ignorance. He temporarily lost the ability to evolve in space and could only comfort himself with an extra layer of defense barrier that is always available."

"Perhaps he hoped to be free by staying away from one-third of the game venue, but the cause of all this is obviously related to the small power aggregate that entered his body. No matter where he goes, it will follow him like a shadow."

"If Xu Huo is smart, he will seek help from the super players he has met before."

"...It is very uncomfortable to be unable to vent the anger and frustration, but the city center is not a place where you can stay for a long time..."

After reading the records of the characteristics, and noticing that the space gaps nearby are appearing more and more frequently, Xu Huo turned back to the first floor, replaced his authority in the system with Shi Sanjiu, and then walked out.

He did not leave the city of no retention directly, but took advantage of the water cube blockade and simply rushed out. As long as he avoided the space gaps and time power, the space bodies and space ray blades that the props could not defend against were no problem for him now.

Although there were crises every step of the way, the pleasure of rushing through death somewhat dissipated his inner anger. When he approached the edge of the blockade of the city center, he had completely calmed down.

There were many people waiting for him outside.

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