Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2342 Stealing the Tower

The two players who have been on the joint wormhole rankings are A-level players, but since they left the rankings, few people have encountered them in the dungeon. The most recent information given by players was three months ago. A "diner" once appeared in a player family in the B-level wormhole point. I don't know if he has joined this family and left the game.

As for the other one, two players' replies overlapped. About four months ago, this "diner" broke into a well-known breeding farm and stole a batch of newly cultivated food varieties. There was a big fuss, and it is said that many people witnessed it, and there are still images of it at that time.

Xu Huo saw the video and found that the opponent was not a cannibal player, so he could not rule it out for the time being.

The other two "diners" are both B-level players. One of them has become famous in many divisions as a food critic. Many food programs invite him to be a judge. This is also the person who has exposed the most personal information. In the past week, Everything you do is recorded clearly.

This person is definitely a gray player and has stopped making copies for a long time.

The remaining one is relatively mysterious. Very few people have provided information about him. Xu Huo singled him out because a player sent him a video.

The video only lasts a few seconds. The venue is an ambiguously lit banquet hall. Guests wearing various masks are drinking and mingling with each other - ignoring that many of them have blood splattered on their mouths and clothes, this can be regarded as a harmonious communication. picture.

At a glance, Xu Huo saw a person standing on the right side of the screen. He only showed his profile, but his clothes were clean and tidy, and he was incompatible with the people around him.

This kind of incompatibility was not only visible to those watching the video, but also to the people present, so in the next second, almost everyone in the venue focused their attention on him.

The video stopped here. The following content was described to him by the video provider. The player who called himself "Eater" massacred all the players in the venue within the next five minutes, killing with overwhelming force. There were only two or three kittens left.

As for why the person who shot the video did not die, it was because he was not a cannibal player, but just entered the venue by mistake. He would have died tonight, but the man named "Eater" suddenly appeared and saved his life.

Dr. Wu didn't show any special emotions when he mentioned "diners", so Xu Huo couldn't tell what kind of player "diners" were, but his intuition led him to lean towards the good side, so the four people he picked out were all Still a normal person.

Of course, there is very little information about the last one, but it has a special appeal.

The location given by the player who provided the information also surprised him. He saw the "diner" at a banquet called "Fish Feast".

Xu Huo has an invitation to the "Fish Feast". To put it simply, this is a party held by players from time to time. If you have an invitation, you can enter, and no one will ask about your identity.

Regarding the content of "Fish Feast", Under Dimension has revealed relatively little. When it is mentioned occasionally, it is kept secretly and talks about what is a paradise for the strong and a slaughterhouse for the weak - what place in the game is not like this?

It's probably an illegal place where big fish eat small fish. Because the entry method is relatively random, no one cares about it.

These four people are already the final results of the screening, but Xu Huo wants to give priority, so he still needs to collect information from them. This time it is more targeted. With identity information and some characteristics, it should not be that difficult to find them. .

After sending out the bounty again, he closed his personal panel and rested his mind for a while.

After nine o'clock, he took out the "Time Tower" again.

"There seem to be more people around." Zhou Ning came over specifically to tell him.

"I know." Xu Huo nodded, "Don't worry about so much, just concentrate on your time and strength."

Zhou Ning said nothing more after hearing this, stepped into his spiritual world, and felt the virtual state of time and power up close.

Of course, people from the Special Defense Department were not the only ones snooping nearby - saying that the people from the Special Defense Department were a little unfair to them. They didn't come close on purpose, and even took the initiative to surround the area to prevent other players from approaching.

But the "Time Tower" is difficult to hide, and many people are paying attention to Xu Huo's movements. It is not strange for someone to find this place.

As long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble, it doesn't matter if they stay outside.

However, a few ignorant people found another way and dug a hole in the ground to get around from a very far away place... It was difficult for them to dig underground for an hour or two. When they were about to emerge nearby, Xu Huo Then he opened the spiritual portal and threw the person out, along with a warning:

"Kill if you come again."

The few people who were thrown out walked away in despair, but there is always a shortage of courageous people in the world. Some players appeared from nowhere and tried to break through the defense lines of the Special Defense Department personnel in various ways.

There is no way, because of prop interference, some space defense props cannot be activated at all, which leaves a loophole to exploit.

In addition, neither Xu Huo nor Nie Xuan took the initiative to ask people from the Special Defense Department to come over to help, so Team Leader Wu did not send anyone in to avoid misunderstandings. Those players were already working nearby.

After another half an hour, Team Leader Wu called and said tactfully that he could arrange for someone to expand the blockade. After all, Nie Xuan had a good relationship with him.

Xu Huo had no objection.

But just as the people from the Special Defense Department arrived, some uninvited guests also arrived.

These people did not evolve in a hurry, but came specifically to cause trouble. In addition to interfering with the Special Defense Department from a distance, two people also came in.

Although the "Time Tower" is large, it does not mean that the luggage compartment cannot accommodate it. If someone specifically expanded the luggage compartment to steal props, it is also a way to win big with a small investment.

Judging from their speed of action and the props they used, before they got close, Xu Huo used the "Time Tower" to activate the time force and covered the area of ​​nearly 20 meters around them.

They were lucky. The time force that fixed them was not much different from the time of Area 014. At least the naked eye could not see any obvious changes in them. It was just that the time force assisted by the super props was too large, and the space props they carried did not play a significant role.

Xu Huo adjusted his position and changed to another time force.

Well, this time the effect was good. In a short time, the two showed signs of osteoporosis.

Xu Huo stood ten meters away and watched them gradually die.

Although he had the help of the "Time Tower", the range of the time power he could control was not large. He could not control places that were too far away. He had to keep an eye on the people here, so he transferred the bodies to the special defense personnel, and the special defense personnel removed their disguises and confirmed that they were not local players.

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