Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2343 A surprising harvest

After the identities of the foreign players who sneaked in were exposed, the Special Defense Department could no longer remain indifferent as before. They were clearly targeting the "Time Tower". Whether it was time evolution or props, they must not be allowed to take advantage of this loophole. So the Special Defense Department quickly dispatched an elite team to block the area from outside the mountain area, blocking the effective distance of the props to the greatest extent.

Of course, time and space props are not within this restriction, but the existence of the "Time Tower" itself limits similar props, otherwise those players would not have come up with the stupid method of digging tunnels.

However, the news has been leaked, and all they can do is to strengthen protection. Not only Xu Huo himself, but also his residence, relatives, and friends have received different degrees of protection. At this point, it is hard to guarantee that some people will not take risks to exchange more for one.

"These people are idiots!" Minister Ji, who was known for his smoothness, gentleness and good temper in the Special Defense Department far away in Beijing, couldn't help but swear when he saw the information handed over by his subordinates. He immediately contacted the military contact and sent all the information he got.

The person in charge of the connection was a person named Du. After he quickly read the information, his face was also gloomy. "Have you caught the person?"

"Only a small part of them." Minister Ji said: "They are very alert. My people fled when they just arrived."

"But the news should be correct. At present, at least three countries are planning to assassinate Xu Huo. The news comes from one of their middle links. No one can be caught at both ends. I don’t know how many people have been scattered."

He paused and said, "Xu Huo’s value is no longer just a player. His super evolution speed is so fast. There are reference cases in previous game partitions. A time-to-super evolutionist has a good chance of becoming a super player in the future. You also know the weight of a super player. Just relying on the reputation of a super player can defend a district. How can these short-sighted people destroy the future of District 014?"

In fact, he wanted to say much more than that. According to the data held by the Special Defense Department, Xu Huo is evolving in three directions of time, space and spirit at the same time. Let alone District 014, how many can be found in the entire game?

Moreover, each of his super evolutions progressed very quickly, with no shortcomings at all. For such a person, even if the Special Defense Department was riding on their heads and slapping them in the face, they would find ways to protect him, because District 014 could never find another player with such strategic significance.

Besides, Xu Huo was already a very normal player, and he would give back to District 014. For example, he brought Nie Xuan and his friends with him for the opportunity of time evolution this time. No matter who gained something, it would be a good thing for District 014. Besides, where else could you find such an opportunity to teach hand in hand?

"I understand what you mean," Lao Du nodded and said, "Xu Huo's family has all moved into the safe zone, which is currently the most confidential and highest-level safe zone in the country... Unless he wants to take his family away, our military will guarantee their safety in Area 014 no matter what."

"As for those players lurking in the dark, they were not dealt with in the past because the situation was unstable. Since they are ignorant of the seriousness and want to cut off the foundation of Area 014, they cannot be let go."

"The military will immediately arrange for secret arrests. Those with suspicious identities can be killed on the spot. In addition, the identity information and past travel history of all escaped players will be kept secret. The movement tracks will be made public afterwards, and anyone can monitor and kill them. Unofficial players can bring their bodies to claim the reward. "

"We have been wanting to deal with those people for a long time," Minister Ji said, "The Special Defense Department will fully cooperate."

So in the next few days, the military and the Special Defense Department acted with thunder and lightning, arresting and killing some suspicious players they had previously monitored or paid attention to. In addition to some who had sneaked in from outside, there were also local players who were bribed. All those on the list were not spared. In addition, they investigated the news about Xu Huo in a more targeted manner and gained a lot.

It is not surprising that some foreign players have settled down in Tingcheng and Jingshi a long time ago. They usually do nothing else but collect news about Xu Huo - specifically targeting Xu Huo and his family.

Probably because of the chaos that Xu Huo had caused outside before, they were resentful, so they had been trying to wait for an opportunity to act, but Xu Huo himself rarely returned to Area 014, and each time he came and went in a hurry, they could not catch the opportunity at all. The reason why they were so impatient this time was because they knew about the "Time Tower".

They could not be sure whether the "Time Tower" was a super prop, but they were not happy to see Xu Huo bring out more time evolutionists. Although time evolution was difficult, there was a leader. Who could say it for sure in the future? It was better to do it once and for all.

That's why Minister Ji called those people stupid.

"Not stupid." Xu Huo said when he knew the news: "On the contrary, I think they may have super evolutionists in time."

Nie Xuan conveyed the news to the headquarters and said: "Our intelligence is lagging behind."

"Others are determined to keep it secret, so it's normal that they can't find it." Xu Huo said, for example, if he didn't do it in front of outsiders, who would know that he had evolved twice?

The struggle for discourse power will never stop, which is one of the roots of the development of human civilization.

Nie Xuan originally planned to go back to the headquarters, but was persuaded by Minister Ji.

"Those are all minor problems. If you can't deal with the thief in your home, the military and special defense department will have wasted the past two years." Xu Huo also asked Nie Xuan to stay. After all, things here are more important.

They rested during the day and opened the "Time Tower" for training at night. In fact, neither Xu Huo nor anyone else had the mentality of immediate results. They just wanted to accumulate feelings and lay a foundation, but they did not expect that they would be there in just the past week. Harvest.

It's Zhou Ning.

Although she did not start time evolution, her characteristics have undergone subtle changes. After her hair turns into a python, as long as the person looks into the eyes of the python, the person will be stagnant for two or three seconds.

Two or three seconds of stagnation may sound like a small change, but in a player's battle, it is enough to kill more than ten people.

"I didn't expect that Zhou Ning would be the fastest among us to gain results." Gu Yu said with envy: "With this ability, I will be able to gain two more lives when using the characteristics in the future."

Zhou Ning was also very excited, "This is a complete surprise. I didn't dare to hold out hope at the beginning!"

Xu Huo tried it himself. It was indeed not just an illusion. Her characteristics evolved to have a power similar to the power of time. He had studied it before. The usage of many characteristics was actually the subdivision and fragmentation of super evolution. It was just that For players who have not super evolved themselves, they cannot use it continuously, and they have to rely on the game to provide a medium to exert similar power. This is a characteristic.

"Don't report the change in Zhou Ning's characteristics to the Special Defense Department," he said to Nie Xuande.

This is different from super evolution. It is Zhou Ning's unique life-saving method.

Of course Nie Xuan had no problem, and everyone else also said they would keep it secret. Zhou Ning's progress also gave them hope. Even if they couldn't successfully evolve for the second time, staying here for a long time might cause some other characteristics or body to develop. There may be changes!

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