Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2353 Drawing Mermaids

It seems that an emergency chip is installed in the body. This type of chip can be installed in the brain and heart. In addition to positioning, it is more used to control people. For example, Xu Huo used mental power to interfere with this person. Unlike ordinary props, mental interference may cause this person to leak information about the fish feast, so the owner of the fish feast will find a way to deal with it in advance.

The person was already dead. Xu Huo took off the dull jellyfish mask on his head and put it on his head. The jellyfish mask did not light up like before, which should be invalid.

He crushed the mask and found some micro devices inside, which should be used for identity authentication.

He took out his invitation and exchanged it with the painter. Then the mask on his head turned back to a clownfish, and the painter's head turned into a piranha.

The invitation symbolizes identity. To obtain someone else's identity, you can only get someone else's invitation.

Xu Huo exchanged the invitation back, and the mask on the painter's head turned back to a mermaid, "Someone will come soon, leave first."

The killing of an ordinary waiter here may not cause a quick reaction, but this person came out specifically to pick someone up, and someone should pay attention to his movements.

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them left the corridor, several people wearing shark masks hurried over.

Xu Huo did not continue to pay attention, but joined the other guests with the painter.

This place, from the name, might be considered a large banquet hall, but from the layout they came in, it was more like a very luxurious hotel. There were numbered rooms on both sides of the corridor, but few people came out of the rooms, and people outside could not spy on the movements in the rooms.

Xu Huo did not rush to open the door, but followed the other two guests forward. They said they were going to the banquet hall to "look for prey."

When I followed them through a side corridor, I saw the scenery outside through the window.

This looks like a building built on a high place. It looks foggy everywhere and has low visibility, but you can vaguely feel that there are no other buildings nearby. Looking down, the whistling wind can be judged that this building is built alone on a very high platform, with no connection to the surroundings, and is completely independent here.

After passing through several corridors, Xu Huo and the painter soon came to a huge banquet hall - different from what he had seen in the video before, the masks worn by the guests were also different.

The masks currently seen in the banquet hall include jellyfish, sharks, clownfish, piranhas, mermaids, octopuses, whales, and several unknown but very aggressive mutant fish.

These people drank wine, ate food and talked, and everyone looked at the people who walked into the banquet hall in a subtle way. Only a few of them looked very presumptuous, and had already put the words "searching for prey" nakedly on the surface.

A few people were on guard and nervous in the face of this situation, but most of them were calm. Everyone here was both prey and hunter.

At present, Xu Huo can confirm that the jellyfish is the waiter of the fish banquet, the shark is the security personnel, and the other fish are mostly guests. The waiter who picked him up before was more concerned about his piranha mask than his invitation. It can be judged that the person who got the piranha mask is not a strong person, that is, he has certain privileges in this game.

Of course, it was impossible to get information directly from these people in the banquet hall.

When more and more people came to the banquet hall, a whale mask walked to the front, and after everyone quieted down, he said with a smile: "I believe that there are many new friends here today who are here for the first time and don't know much about the fish banquet, but as long as they spend a day here, every new friend will fall in love with this place."

"Because every inch of air here is permeated with the breath of freedom, everyone can get things that are impossible to get outside, here, as long as you have the strength, you can get it! Even replace my position!"

Applause rang out in the banquet hall, and some people even cheered.

No one explained the rules, and everyone who was familiar with the rules seemed to have malice towards the newcomers.

"Next, let's choose today's lucky person!" The whale mask conjured up a lottery box, "In order to show the fairness of the lottery, we use the most primitive method, writing a note. Here, I say that there will be absolutely no high intelligence to interfere with the words on the paper!"

Laughter rang out, and the whale mask used two fingers to pick up a note from the box, opened it and took a look, and then showed it to everyone, "Today's lucky person... is a mermaid!"

The people in the banquet hall shouted, and some whistled.

Then the whale left the stage, and no one even explained what the lottery meant, but then everyone in the banquet hall turned their eyes to the person wearing the mermaid mask.

The painter next to Xu Huo was also among them.

The painter was still picking food at the table, as if she was completely unaware of the crisis, and Xu Huo pulled her out of the banquet hall.

Unexpectedly, the wolf-like people in the banquet hall did not catch up, but another female player who was also wearing a mermaid mask followed.

"Stop!" Xu Huo stopped her from a few meters away, "If you come any closer, I won't be polite!"

To show her sincerity, the other party spread her hands where he could see them and explained, "I have no ill intentions, I just want to cooperate with you. There are two of you and I am alone. If I fight alone, I may not survive tonight."

Xu Huo hesitated and said nothing.

"You are new here, right?" The female player said, "You must not know the rules here yet. It is very dangerous if you don't know the rules. As long as we cooperate, I can tell you."

Xu Huo and the painting girl looked at each other, and then waved her to come closer.

The other party stepped forward happily, "Let's talk while we walk."

"In fact, you don't have to worry about people wearing the same mermaid mask. As long as they are selected by the whale, people wearing the same mask are almost in the same camp. Only when others are alive can they distract the attention of other fish masks. It will also be safer for you."

"I don't see many mermaid masks in the banquet hall." Xu Huo said.

"Mermaids, as the name suggests, will only be given to players with more beautiful looks." The female player said, "Few people meet the standards, so there are few people."

"What's the meaning of selecting a mermaid?" Xu Huo asked, "Is the mermaid the prey tonight?"

"I guess so." The female player said, "Do you know how many floors the fish banquet has?"

"Does it have dozens of floors?" Xu Huo said uncertainly.

"One hundred floors." The female player said, "We are now on the first floor, which is the lowest end of the food chain."

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