Players Please Get In the Car

Chapter 2354 Deception and Octopus

"The hundredth floor?" Xu Huo raised his voice a little.

When she reached the corner of the corridor, the female player stopped and pointed at the closed doors in front of her with her chin. "Those rooms may be empty or occupied by players, but at night when everyone is in the mood to hunt, it is safer to hide in the rooms. The only question is, is there any danger in the room?"

"Are there more than just guests living in the room?" Xu Huo immediately understood what she meant. If the first floor is at the bottom of the food chain, it means that the guests living here are not too strong. C-level players account for at most one-third of the banquet hall, and there are almost no A-level players. How dangerous can it be?

"It should be." The female player said, "As for who else may be in there besides the guests, I don't know much, I just heard about it."

"In short, from the information I have inquired, the risks of opening the door casually and staying outside are equal."

"In that case, what's the point of drawing lots?" Xu Huo narrowed his eyes.

The female player was surprised by his sharpness and immediately said, "Because the person who was drawn can open a safe room, that is, an empty room."

As she said this, she took the initiative to walk to the door of the first room and tried it. After turning the door handle, the door lock did not move at all.

"These are live locks. Anyone can open them from the outside, except for the fish mask selected by lottery on that day. If there is someone in the room, the person selected by lottery cannot open it."

"So the person selected by lottery must find a safe room before other players chase him. After entering the room, the possibility of people outside opening the door is very low."

"Is there a high reward for killing the fish mask drawn by lottery?" Xu Huo asked. If not, the probability of hunting other people to get props is the same. Why chase the person drawn?

"No," the female player said helplessly, "This is the fact, just for the sake of excitement."

As she said this, she stared at Xu Huo, as if she wanted to see whether he believed it or not.

Xu Huo was silent for a moment before saying, "Then let's find a room quickly."

The three of them split into two sides and searched one corridor after another. As the female player said, the rooms on the first floor should all be occupied.

"Let's go to the second floor." The female player walked in front.

The layout of the second floor was the same as that of the first floor. Xu Huo followed behind the female painter, looking at each room one by one, and it seemed that he had no time to pay attention to the female player.

The three of them went all the way to the fourth floor without opening any room. Just when the female painter was a little annoyed, another person wearing a mermaid mask suddenly rushed down the stairs. After seeing them, his eyes lit up and he immediately ran towards them. Behind him, three players chased after him.

"Three mermaids!" The player wearing a piranha released the props in surprise.

The props did not work on the female painter. Xu Huo barely protected himself and pulled her to the stairs in another corridor. There was no way down, so they ran upstairs.

However, after rushing to the stairs, the other two mermaid masks, including the female player who wanted to go with them, chose to flee down without hesitation, and the two clownfish among the three people chased down without stopping. Only the piranha chased Xu Huo and the others after a brief hesitation.

There are players in the guest rooms on each floor, which means there is a banquet hall on each floor, or even more than one banquet hall. However, the results of the lottery seem to be the same on several floors, or in other words, several floors share the same lottery result. As soon as Xu Huo and his partner reached the fifth floor, they were blocked by two other octopus players.

When they saw the octopus players, the piranha players turned around and left without stopping for a second.

The two octopus players laughed, and one of them teleported behind Xu Huo and his partner, blocking the road at both ends.

"We are lucky. This mermaid is enough for us to play with for a whole night." The two looked at the painter wantonly, and then their eyes fell on Xu Huo. One of them raised his hand to drive him away, "If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Really?" The material object hidden in the shadows on the ground suddenly shot up and cut towards the man's arm, but was blocked by a space barrier.

After being attacked, the man was very annoyed. He clapped his hands, and two invisible forces came together from both sides of the corridor, suddenly sandwiching Xu Huo and his partner in the middle.

The floor of the building was covered with carpet and it was hard to tell what it was like in the past, but there were dense and tiny scratches on the ceiling. It was obvious that they were made by props, but they were just some tiny marks. It can be seen that the building is not easy to be destroyed, and the floor and the walls on both sides are also not easy to be destroyed. Therefore, if you are caught, there is almost no possibility of getting out.

Xu Huo used the water cube barrier to push it. While the painter flew towards one of them, he held the black knife in one hand and controlled the tangent with the other hand, trying to destroy the force coming from the clamp. However, he did not expect that even if they were cut and pierced, the two walls of power did not completely collapse, but were firmly stuck there!

However, the closer it is to the substance and cannot be changed, the more obvious the shortcomings are. He pushed the robot in the middle and went straight to the other person!

These two people are still good at fighting, but they are fighting in a relatively narrow corridor. The large props of both sides are not very effective. Xu Huo did not use the power of time, but changed into close-fitting defensive props and directly fought with them with the black knife.

The painter was much more simple and rough. She had no props or instruments, only pre-folded paper animals, which she threw out like fireworks. Props usually didn't work on her, but the defensive barrier was still useful. She was bounced off by the opponent's barrier several times. Moreover, not all the opponent's props were ineffective. She also had to dodge some attack props with spatial power.

However, her advantage was that she was light and fast, and not easy to get hurt. So after a round of attacks, she hugged the opponent's defensive barrier with a bear hug, directly pierced the barrier with her hands, and then entangled the player behind.

Originally, everyone came to catch her, but she suddenly felt a little strange. While the player's prop attack had not yet landed on her, she suddenly retreated to distance herself, and then hooked her fingers, and an invitation card floated out from behind the opponent's clothes.

The octopus mask's face changed, and he immediately blocked the corridor to prevent his invitation card from flying away.

But at this time, Xu Huo, who was fighting with another person, retreated to this side, reached out and grabbed the invitation card, and put it in the luggage compartment.

The guests invited by the invitation have different mask patterns from those of the staff. The staff do not have the invitation, but their masks will have a faint light, and the masks will be scrapped after the person dies. It should be the same if it is taken away.

Although the player's mask will change according to the style of the invitation, there is no special mark on the surface.

However, after the invitation of this player was taken away, the mask pattern on his face became a little blurry.

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