Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 999 Take action

"His Royal Highness King Shun, you didn't expect that, did you? Hahaha!" "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai couldn't help laughing three times, stood up and said proudly.

"You, you! Who else?" Zhang Shun endured the pain and anger, and pointed at Fatty Zhang and Luo Rucai, who were still in shock.

Then his fingers swept over "General" Li Zicheng, "Crasher" Liu Guoneng, "General in White Robe" Xue Rengui, and Jinna Wooden Bell, who blocked the fortune in front of him!

But I didn't expect that except for Na Mu Zhong, who raised her head and chest, all of them lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Zhang Shun.

"Okay, okay, very good!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but yelled angrily, "You are a bunch of ungrateful dogs, thank you for my treating you so well!"

"What's a small favor worth? How do you know the feelings between our brothers!" "Living Cao Cao" couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"'Chuang Jiang' Li Zicheng, I once saved his two lives! 'Chuang Tuantian' Liu Guoneng and I are life-long friends!"

"'White Robe General' Xue Rengui once saved my life, Lao Luo. 'King of Neatness' Zhang Fatty wanted to share it with me even if he only robbed one woman. How can you compare with me?"

"Good guy, so you are such a good friend?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Really? You didn't expect that, did you?" Luo Rucai chuckled, "Do you think I am a good person because I am just a good person? Boy, you are too young!"

"Okay, I admit defeat!" Zhang Shun endured the pain and took a breath.

"I'm just curious about something. What's the benefit of killing me?"

"Aren't you afraid that my generals will rush out and chop you into pieces?"

"Can't you think of it? With your vision, tsk tsk!" Luo Rucai couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "You are from Henan, how do you know the character of Yansui people?"

"You look at the excellent situation of your "Shunying" and feel proud of the spring breeze. Little do you know that it is all made of the bones of our Yansui people!"

"You have He Renlong, Bai Guangen, He Jin, He Yilong, Liu Cheng, Jiang He, Wei Congyi, Zhang Tianlin, Prime Minister Hui Deng, Tuo Yangkun, Ma Jinzhong, etc., which one is not my general in Yansui?"

"The formation killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, defeated the governors of five provinces Chen Qiyu and Hong Chengchou, captured the governor of Yunyang Lu Xiangsheng alive, and defeated the governor of the three sides Liang Tingdong. With your illustrious military exploits, how can any formation not hurt my Yansui troops?"

"Why should we let you sit on top of us and dominate us? You are not allowed to do this, and you are not allowed to do that. Are we just three-year-old children, and we can't even enjoy ourselves?"

"When you are gone, your troops, your power, your fields and your women will all be mine."

"Bah, you thief, you are not beautiful in appearance, but you are beautiful in your thoughts!" Gao Guiying couldn't help but became furious after hearing half of this. He stood with his sword in front of Zhang Shun and yelled, "You are so greedy for profit that you will not regret your death! "

"I haven't avenged the bloody vengeance you had for killing my uncle! Today, you have another wishful thinking. The toad wants to eat the swan meat. I wonder which of you dares to touch a hair on my husband?"

"Miss Gao!" Luo Rucai couldn't help being surprised when she saw this, and she couldn't help but said sadly, "You think that a thief is your father and a tiger's accomplice!"

"Do you know the truth about the 'Chuang King' thing back then? Even though it was our brothers who did it that day, he was actually the real mastermind and the ultimate beneficiary behind the scenes!" Luo Rucai couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. Tears almost came out of his eyes, and he suddenly pointed his finger at Zhang Shun.

"Stupid mother-in-law, I'm afraid you haven't thought about it, right? The person you sleep with day and night is the real murderer of your uncle!"

"He doesn't like you at all. He just covets your beauty and the soldiers and horses left by your uncles and uncles!"

"Wake up, silly bitch!"

"If you are willing to follow me, kill him with one knife, avenge your uncle and uncle, and help me seize these many soldiers and counties."

"I want you to be my queen, my empress, and share this beautiful and vast country with me!"

"Is this true?" Gao Guiying's eyes couldn't help but fill with tears after hearing this. She turned around and looked into Zhang Shun's eyes with trembling hands and asked.

"The plan to kill Gao Yingxiang, recruit Gao Guiying, and annex Gaoying" was Zhang Shun's established strategy. How could it be false?

Zhang Shun originally thought that this matter was over, but he never expected that Luo Rucai would expose it again. Could it be that Gao Guiying was Luo Rucai's confidence?

"Guiying, do you believe me?" Zhang Shun looked into her eyes weakly and asked.

"I believe you!" Gao Guiying looked at Zhang Shun's weak look and said with tears streaming down his face.

"sorry Sorry"

Wocao, is it really you who is the traitor?

".You are already like this, and I doubted you just now!"

Ah, I haven’t even tried to quibble yet, do you believe me?

"No, why do you believe him and not me?" Luo Rucai couldn't believe her ears.

"You're so damn good at being stabbed by him. Could it be that your brain was stabbed by him too?"

I've been thinking about it for days and nights, and the foolproof plan is just gone?

Is this the end of the blood feud between your uncles?

Are you giving away your body and the men and horses of "Gaoying" for nothing?

Is there any natural reason for this?

In fact, Gao Guiying was not important at all in the killing of Zhang Shun. What was important was to help him control the "Shunying" people later.

As a result, Luo Rucai fell into a dilemma after missing a move.

"As long as I'm here, I won't allow you to hurt him!" Nang Nang Fu Jina Mu Zhong seemed to understand what was going on at this time, and couldn't help but express his stance immediately.

"How about it? If you have any other tricks, just use them to your heart's content!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile proudly.

Good guy, even outsiders are turning towards me, what are you going to do to fight me?

"What a pretty boy!" "White-robed General" Xue Rengui couldn't help but cursed, "Lao Luo, forget it! Your talent is limited, and you can't beat him when it comes to women!"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute!" Luo Rucai heard this and almost wanted to stab him to death.

What is limited by talent? Isn’t this exposing one’s own shortcomings?

"Okay, this is nothing. Anyway, you are used to hiding behind women, pretty boy!" Luo Rucai suddenly took out something and said sarcastically.

"But you have to know that this is a man's world!"

"When you die, there will be powerful enemies outside and spies inside. These tens of thousands of troops will all be ours!"


Zhang Shun couldn't help but be shocked. How could he have this thing in his hand?

Things are developing in an increasingly unpredictable direction, and they need to be ended as soon as possible!

"Strong enemy, spy? Before you die, can you let me die clearly and find out what is going on?"

Zhang Shun desperately wanted to end this matter.

"Dead people don't need to know too much!" Luo Rucai sneered and slowly raised the gun in his hand!

"Do it!"

"don't want!"



Suddenly, the screams of a man and a woman sounded in the tent at the same time, and the "Tatars" and guards outside the tent suddenly became panicked.

Well, although I know that I will definitely be scolded by everyone, can you wait until I finish writing the plot before scolding me? Even if I decrypt the plot, I have to do it step by step!

Thank you to fans "Boes", "Siegfried", "Book Friends 20210319152539340" and "Nobody's Book Friends" for their tips. Thank you to "10:49" for two consecutive large rewards. Thank you for your support. , even for your sake, the author will definitely not feed him shit!

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