"Daddy, daddy, are you okay?" Gao Guiying looked at Zhang Shun in panic.

"Guiying, Guiying!" Zhang Shun was also startled and quickly checked Gao Guiying's body.

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s great! The two of them almost jumped up on the spot.

Then, who was the female voice that screamed just now?

An ominous premonition came over Zhang Shun's heart. He couldn't help but turn his head and saw Nang Nang Fu Jina Mu Zhong lying in a pool of blood.

"Why are you so stupid?" Zhang Shun couldn't help but rushed over. When he saw the bloody bullet wound on her body, he couldn't help but shed tears.

"You and I have never met each other, how can you block the bullet for me?"

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden noise in the tent, and a "hula" sound was heard and disappeared above the head.

It turned out that the "Tatars" outside the tent and the guards led by Wang Jinyi heard the gunshots, and they were afraid of hurting their own people, so they just didn't stop and opened the entire tent.

"King Shun, are you okay?" Wang Jinyi ran over with lingering fear.

Immediately, several "Tatars" in gorgeous clothes ran in. They drew their knives and pointed them at Zhang Shun, while chattering and questioning the woman in Zhang Shun's arms.

As a result, Namu Zhong muttered something back, and those people quickly protected Zhang Shun, almost knocking him out on the spot.

Before Zhang Shun could say anything else, Luo Rucai cursed loudly: "It's the mud guard, I missed it!"

Zhang Shun frowned, then carefully put down the Namu Bell, turned aside the soldiers in front of him and looked at the sound.

I saw that the waist knife of "Intrusive General" Li Zicheng had been inserted into Luo Rucai's lower back at some point, and half of the snow-white knife head was exposed from his stomach.

The gun in his hand had already fallen to the side. It had lost its gunpowder and projectiles and was of little use for the time being.

"In charge of the plate?" Luo Yulong and Yang Mingqi, who were accompanying Luo Rucai, realized at this moment that they were about to step forward to kill Li Zicheng, but were stopped by Li Zicheng's guards next to them.

Luo Rucai couldn't help but spit out the blood froth angrily, then looked at Li Zicheng in disbelief and said, "Huang Lai'er, I treat you well, but you would betray me like this?"

"King Shun gave me a hat!" Li Zicheng had thousands of words in his heart, but finally turned them into one sentence with a wry smile.

"Cuckold?" Luo Rucai raised the corner of his mouth and said sarcastically.

"The crown that King Shun was crowned king the day before was delivered that night!" Li Zicheng was silent for a moment and continued.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun left Luo Mansion that day, he directly placed the crown in front of Li Zicheng and said: "If I were a king, I could make Brother Li a marquis; if I were an emperor, I could make Brother Li a king. I don't know what Brother Li has to do." Desire?"

"What?" Luo Rucai was almost stunned, looking at Zhang Shundao in disbelief, "If this is true, I can actually kill Huang Lai'er for King Shun!"

"Why? Why isn't that person me?"

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

What's the point of fighting all your life? Half for injustice and half for fame!

"Do you still remember that maid?" Zhang Shun said with a cold smile, "The one you once pulled out in front of Prince Qin's Mansion and said her face was worth hundreds of taels of silver once knelt in front of my wife, Ma, and begged bitterly. Take her in!"

"Her? What happened to her?" Luo Rucai couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"She died. She died miserably in your house!" Zhang Shun said coldly. "She was even naked when she died, and could only be pulled out secretly."

“I don’t know which mass grave he was dragged to, buried in, or bitten by wild beasts!”

"Outsiders often say that you and I are lustful, but I am deeply ashamed of it!"

"What I call lustful is taking all the beauties in the world for my momentary pleasure! What you call cruelty is destroying the most beautiful things in the world in your own hands!"

One person lives while ten thousand people die, one person enjoys life while ten thousand people die. How can such a person remain in heaven and earth?

"Okay, let's talk about it. Who else is there?" Zhang Shun didn't bother to waste any more words with him and went straight to the point.

"Are you okay?" Only then did Luo Ru realize that Zhang Shun was still very angry after saying so many words.

Then he realized it and couldn't help but turn to the side and said, "So Fatty Zhang, you betrayed me too!"

"Hahaha, Liu Guoneng and Xue Rengui, it turns out that today is the day when we lose our lives!"

The "Crossing the Sky" Liu Guoneng and the "White-robed General" Xue Rengui had already turned pale, and they didn't know what to say.

"Pour some blood into the skin, and it will look like the real thing!" Zhang Shun said calmly.

"Why?" Luo Rucai looked in disbelief, "Since you want to kill me, you have tens of thousands of men under your command. With just one order, what can we do?"

"What do you mean I want to kill you? It was obviously you who wanted to kill me, but you almost succeeded!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but sneered.

"As you said, if I want to kill you, I can kill you with just one order, so why bother?"

"Tell me, who else is there and what are your plans?"

"Could it be that I really brought this upon myself?" Luo Rucai was confused for a moment.

"You want to hear it?" He couldn't help spitting out another mouthful of blood foam, and couldn't help but laugh miserably, "It doesn't hurt to tell you!"

"Bai Guang'en and He Renlong are both old friends of mine. Tuo Yangkun, Hui Dengxiang, Zhang Tianlin and Ma Jinzhong were previously regarded as 'Chuang Wang'."

"They told me that as long as I can marry Miss Gao as my main wife and regard 'King Chuang' as Zhengshuo, they can recognize me as their master!"

"As for the other generals, they either deceived them to come and kill them, or they used the power of officers, soldiers, and Houjin to force them. They cannot help but refuse to accept it!"

"By the way, you don't know yet, right? Dorgon and Yue Tuo, the barbarian kings of the Later Jin Dynasty, have led their armies from Guihua City and will arrive in Yulin soon."

"Are you afraid? The officers and soldiers you fear most, Houjin, have finally been brought to my rescue. How can you stop the thunderous strike?"

Haha, you idiot!

"Who told you that I was scared?" Zhang Shun said with a slight smile, "Then why did I make so many preparations before becoming king?"

"Come and beat one, come and beat one! Come and be prepared, be worry-free!"

"As for what Bai Guangen, He Renlong, Tuo Yangkun, Hui Dengxiang, Zhang Tianlin and Ma Jinzhong said, I just asked them to deceive you, but you believed it to be true!"

"I still know how treacherous the 'Living Cao Cao' is, but it turns out that he is nothing more than that, and he was played by me in the middle of applause!"

"Okay, let's give them a good time, and it won't be in vain to keep the love for each other in the past!"

As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, Li Zicheng, Fatty Zhang, Wang Jinyi and other guards rushed forward and immediately killed Luo Rucai, Liu Guoneng, Xue Rengui and their guards.

"Is it over now?" Gao Guiying said in disbelief.

Zhang Shun had been planning for a long time, and she thought it was going to be dangerous this time.

"It's over, what else do you want?" Zhang Shun smiled and scratched her nose.

Gao Guiying frowned cutely, ducked away, and asked, "What about Bai Guangen, He Renlong, and the others?"

"What to do? They were just following my orders!" Zhang Shun smiled and shook his head.

"But it seems that you can't hang around like this anymore. If not, some people will be dissatisfied!"

"Dad, what do you mean?" Gao Guiying couldn't help but turned pale, "What do I..."

"What are you afraid of? Don't I know you well?" Zhang Shun hugged her gently and whispered.

"Last time I made you my second concubine, but you refused to do it and insisted on hanging out with me."

"Now it seems that the position of a concubine may not be available!"

Well, the author is scratching his head. He revised it three times and finally almost filled in the pit in one chapter. I don’t know if he will be able to satisfy everyone in the end!

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