Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 1001 Dorgon leads his army south

"Mergen Dai Qing, are you really going to decide to go south?" Aixinjueluo Yue Tuo couldn't help asking again.

"Doluo Dafujin actually ran away. If we don't capture her, we can't explain it to King Khan!" Aixinjueluo Dorgon sighed.

Mergen Dai Qing is the nickname given to Dorgon by Huang Taiji. Translated into Chinese, it means smart commander.

Unlike various Qing palace dramas in Zhang Shun's previous life, the relationship between Dorgon and Huang Taiji is actually quite harmonious.

The Later Jin Dynasty was a typical tribal politics, with both cooperation and struggle among its tribesmen.

Since Huang Taiji ascended the throne, he has successively eliminated older political opponents Amin, Mang Gurtai and others. However, his main opponent Daishan is still strong, which gives Huang Taiji a headache.

Therefore, he deliberately supported Dorgon, who was younger and had a shallower foundation, and Daishan's son Yue Tuan, in order to involve and balance Daishan's threat to his throne.

Dorgon, who is only 23 years old, is even three years younger than his nephew Yue Tuan.

Now he is bent on using Huang Taiji's favor to enhance his own strength. Of course, he is not bold enough to covet his sister-in-law Xiaozhuang.

And Doluo Dafujin is the Nangangfujin Borjijit Namu Zhong who is preparing to close the account with Zhang Shun. She is the first of Lin Dan Khan's eight great fortunes. Not only does she have a distinguished status, but she also controls 1,500 households of herdsmen. , and has a decisive influence on the Mongolian Chahar tribe.

If the two of them really "lost" the "Doro Dafujin", they would definitely be punished by the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin Hong Tai when they returned.

In this case, the only choice is to go to the Ming border and find out what is going on.

"You should stay in Guihua City to prevent these 'Tatars' from causing rebellion!" Dorgon thought for a while and said, "I am going to lead Gushan to the border of the Ming Dynasty."

The so-called Gushan is a banner, which has about thirty niulus under its jurisdiction. Each niulu has 300 men, and the total number of men should be between 7,000 and 10,000.

Except for Jurchen Dingzhuang, Niulu's slaves Han, Mongolian and barbarian Jurchen slaves are not included in the statistics, but they can escape from slave status through military exploits.

This time, Dorgon and Yue Tuo were responsible for recruiting and surrendering the remaining tribes of Lin Dan Khan and the Mongolian tribes of Ao'er Dusi. They respectively mobilized nearly ten thousand people from the Zhengbai Banner and Xianghong Banner under their jurisdiction to go on the expedition.

Since Dorgon was the commander-in-chief and Yue Tuo was the deputy commander-in-chief this time, Zhengbaiqi mobilized 6,000 people in one breath, while Xianghongqi only mobilized about 4,000 people.

Dorgon's so-called "leading a Gushan" actually meant leading the six thousand Jurchen soldiers of Zhengbai Banner under his jurisdiction to the border of the Ming Dynasty.

"Isn't this too little?" Yue Tuo couldn't help but hesitated and asked.

"The Ming army is cowardly. Seeing how many soldiers we have coming to defend the city, they dare not go out to fight."

"I am not going south this time to capture cities and territories. Naturally, I will fight when I can and leave when I can't. What are you afraid of?" Dorgon couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"That's true!" Yue Tuo couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

They fought against the Ming army in Liaodong and suffered heavy losses, but the Houjin Khanate still had the upper hand to some extent.

"The main purpose of my trip south this time is to find Doro Dafujin. It would be better if I could take the opportunity to plunder and capture some men and women, cattle and sheep."

"I can't believe I'll be able to meet the legendary 'Shun Thief' again, so I'd just like to take this opportunity to see what kind of person he is!"

"This guy is really good at it. He even deceived King Khan, who has always been a wise and powerful man!"

Speaking of "cheating King Khan", Yue Tuan couldn't help but laugh, and Dorgon couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

It turned out that when Zhang Shun's reply came into Huang Taiji's hands, he made Huang Taiji angry and funny.

At the beginning, from the replies from other rebel leaders, it could be seen that some of these people were arrogant, some were ignorant and reckless, and some were treacherous and insidious.

But among them all, none could perfectly fit Zhu Beile's imagination of a "rogue" leader like him.

Arrogant, lustful, stupid, and showing a small-minded attitude.

The daily affairs of Emperor Taiji and Zhu Beile, the Khan of the Kingdom of Jin, were complicated and they had to fight with each other. How could they have the time to understand such a "little character" like him?

So, everyone read the letter and laughed it off as a joke.

It's just that Dorgon and Yue Tuo never expected that all of the "Guan Nei" would suddenly change.

It turned out that the famous "Purple Golden Liang" Wang Ziyong and "Chuang King" Gao Yingxiang were both defeated and died.

Li Zicheng, the "advocate" and Zhang Tianlin, the "star of heaven" who were favored by the Khan King and Zhu Beile, are almost unknown.

On the contrary, this "young man" became a "giant bandit" sitting in Heluo and looking down upon Shaanxi.

It’s time to go meet him in person! Dorgon couldn't help but think of it.

This era is different from the previous society where consultation was developed, and intelligence capabilities are extremely backward.

Even for the post-finance intelligence system that penetrates Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and other places like a sieve, there are still many mistakes and absurdities.

Therefore, for them, the actual decision-makers, going to the front line to obtain valuable first-hand information is more important than anything else.

The famous "Li Zicheng died in Jiugong Mountain" in later generations was one of the examples of a general who personally went deep into the front line to investigate the terrain in order to obtain comprehensive information, but was unfortunately killed.

As a man named "Mergen Dai Qing" by the Khan Hong of the Jin Kingdom, Dorgon was ambitious and always advocated the strategy of "conquering the Ming Dynasty first".

Therefore, there was a slight disturbance in "Guan Nei", and he could not wait to investigate it immediately.

This time, "King Shun" suddenly appeared, attacked the city and captured the territory "inside the pass", and defeated the officers and soldiers, which caused a great sense of crisis for Dorgon.

Since ancient times, those who can compete for the world have relied on a large number of people, troops, food and ordnance.

Houjin was located in a corner of Liaodong. Although it conquered the east and west and made great military achievements, the number of soldiers and horses was only one million, and the number of soldiers and horses was only one hundred thousand.

If that "obedient thief" were to gain a foothold in Shaanxi, the household registration there would be no less than 400,000, and the population would be more than 4 million, four times the Hou's wealth. It would be a serious problem, so there is no reason why Dorgon would not be anxious.

As a typical military tribal regime, the Hou Jin Dynasty acted quickly despite its crude system.

After Dorgon and Yue Tuo finished discussing the matter of going south, he quickly led a Jurchen army in Gushan, and with thousands of vassal soldiers from Yierdusi acting as guides, they crossed the Yellow River and headed south. And go.

Guihua City was only more than 700 miles away from Yulin City. Since the Jurchens and Mongolian vassal soldiers all had horses, they arrived outside Yulin Town in only seven or eight days.

The soldiers near Yulin also reacted quickly. When they noticed the arrival of Houjin soldiers, more than 10,000 to 20,000 people quickly came to confront Dorgon and others.

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